Android - Bug Android VER 1.0.8 Bugs

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Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
ok, then yeah the emulation is fine, ill have to look into that one

Thanks Ryan, now go enjoy your weekend and get some guys deserve it.

By the way, this type of interaction and dedication from you guys is the reason I have no problem dropping $100 on every Kickstarter project you guys might do in the future. I've never seen anything like it...thank you!

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Thanks Ryan, now go enjoy your weekend and get some guys deserve it.

By the way, this type of interaction and dedication from you guys is the reason I have no problem dropping $100 on every Kickstarter project you guys might do in the future. I've never seen anything like it...thank you!

+1...have a great weekend, Ryan!


New member
May 7, 2012
Form MB and Gorgar, German rules are not included. Only placeholder text. And in MB the standard goals also show no text, only the "solved" icon.

Apart from this, good work!


New member
Feb 21, 2012
Hi Ryan - I'm iOS not Android...
But these 'Droidheads look lucky to have you :)


New member
Mar 25, 2012
Is anyone else seeing a problem running on two devices? Downloaded update and purchased DLC on the phone, also downloaded update on the tablet. For previous DLC this has worked fine as the purchase has been recognised on both devices. However, on the tablet I now get a message I have to purchase again, and if I try to do so I get an error saying I've already purchased it. Tried restarting tablet as well as starting app from Play Store, but to no avail.

Quite annoying as I'd prefer to play on the tablet, so any suggestions welcome please.

Nik Barbour

Hey All - Not a good update for me again! (Old device, minimum spec, 1ghz single core device. Gingerbread 2.3.7 MIUI 2.4.20 os, 1Gb int mem).

I know everyone is going to say "Get a better phone!", wish I could, but I'm stuck in a 2 year contract till April 2013, and don't have the money to spare to just buy a new phone every time processor cores double up. So I have what I have till then!

On the positive side, Where Google play was filtering my device on the market, I can now see the app without modifying my build.prop file each time I need a TPA download. (Don't know if something got changed by Farsight or Google - but did notice TPA was visible in the market last weekend when I briefly tried an ICS rom, before going back to Gingerbread.

Anyhow, this morning, downloaded the 1.0.8 update, went to Gorgar, got the 4 options 1-Buy all tables in dlc pack 3, 2-Buy this table, 3-play for free, 4-cancel, and as usual chose the 'Buy all tables' (option 1). It went to google play, did the purchase as normal and let me play Gorgar. I then came out of Gorgar went to Monster Bash, but instead of allowing me to play the table, it presented me with the purchase options again. Pressing 'buy all dlc 3 tables' resulted in the message "you have already purchased this" so I was stuck in a loop with no way out.
I ended up un-installing the TPA app and deleting all data. I had to re-install and download all the table data again which fixed the purchase problem allowing me access to all tables, but means I've lost all my local highscores and wizard goals again (not a big thing - but it is annoying).

Would it be possible to add a Forced 'Restore Purchase Data' option within the app? I've seen other threads with people suffering this problem, and it is a pain to have to delete all data to fix (1st time this has happened to me though).

Also noticed around this time that quitting the app wasn't closing it, and even app-killer couldn't kill the TPA like normal, had to force close the app through the OS system manager. However after a full power off re-boot, this now seems to be fixed.

The biggest problem this update though. - Playing the tables, I felt a performance drop has occurred from 1.0.7 to 1.0.8. On most tables its barely noticeable, and just generally doesn't feel quite as snappy as 1.0.7 did.
But Funhouse is by the far the worse affected, it has a frameskip and occasional lag problem (similar to ver 1.0.6 but not to the same extent) and is fairly unplayable. Not logging into Facebook helps this problem, but doesn't fix it.
This slight lag, and lack of snappyness (is that a real word) compared to 1.0.7 is present in all the tables to differing degrees though.

Someone else suggested this (think it could have been ND3G) but would different device/performance specific versions of the TPA .apk not be a viable option?
Maybe one .apk for older devices, with say another for Kindle Fires (after 1.0.6 thread priority problem), and a different .apk for multi core devices.
I appreciate its hard to cover all the many variants of Android devices under a one .apk fits all, and I wouldn't want older devices to hold back what people with more up to date hardware should expect.

Oh well, at least I have Titanium backup, so I can at least play the new tables in 1.0.8 and flash back to 1.0.7 to get my Funhouse fix.

Even though I'll have an Xbox soon, I love being able to play the tables on the move on my Android, and due to family life, will probably still get most of my playtime during my work dinner break on my phone as opposed to, at home on a console, so I really hope this can be fixed soon!

Thanks again Ryan for all your efforts - I appreciate these problems aren't put in there deliberately!

Matt McIrvin

New member
Jun 5, 2012
Anyhow, this morning, downloaded the 1.0.8 update, went to Gorgar, got the 4 options 1-Buy all tables in dlc pack 3, 2-Buy this table, 3-play for free, 4-cancel, and as usual chose the 'Buy all tables' (option 1). It went to google play, did the purchase as normal and let me play Gorgar. I then came out of Gorgar went to Monster Bash, but instead of allowing me to play the table, it presented me with the purchase options again. Pressing 'buy all dlc 3 tables' resulted in the message "you have already purchased this" so I was stuck in a loop with no way out.

Yep, that's the same thing PiN WiZ and I saw. For me, it was sufficient to go to application management under Settings and force-quit the app, so it would restart on reentry; I didn't have to delete and reinstall it. It's as if there's some code under Activity.onCreate() that should be under onResume(), though of course that's just a guess...
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New member
Feb 25, 2012
When I select options from the main menu in landscape view the last selection has no writing explaining what it is. When I click on it it takes me to a screen informing me how to trouble shoot my Kindle Fire, which obviously I do not own.
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New member
Feb 25, 2012
Ryan (or anyone else) is it possible to post a screen shoot with the improved texture quality? Maybe a comparison?
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Deleted member 647

Hi everyone! I'm relatively new to Pinball Arcade, as up until a couple of weeks ago I didn't have a phone capable of running anything close to this (LG Optimus V). Now that I have moved on to a MUCH better device (HTC EVO V), I am happy be among you! :)

This last update was amazing for me from a performance and texture quality perspective, save for one table: Funhouse. It wasn't exactly running smoothly before, but it seems much more noticeable now. I barely feel able to keep up with the ball because of the lower framerate.

Matt McIrvin

New member
Jun 5, 2012
Just went and checked this for you and he did indeed say "ME GOT YOU" and I got the achievement as well. :)

Tried it again... It seems to happen about 50-60% of the time. On some games, "ME GOT YOU" always plays when the ball goes in the Snake Pit. On others, I see the light show and hear the Snake Pit buzz, but not Gorgar's dulcet tones. I haven't heard "GORGAR HURT" yet.

("GORGAR SPEAKS" at the plunger always plays, so it's not a problem with the voice clips in general.)

I'm using a pretty low-end phone, so it may be something specific to that.

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
I could try to create some screen shots but they will be completely different depending on the chipset. Some may see no, little, or a lot of difference. In general textures farther from the camera should be much more crisp since its picking a higher mipmap to sample with.

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
As far as gorgar, one thing to note is that this table is not emulated, it could very well be a bug in the scripting.

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
I am trying to track down the billing problem now, any more info you guys can give would be great (and thanks for all the info so far, its a big help). Was this always happening to you guys?

Nik Barbour

Hey Ryan - whilst you're online

Any ideas what's up with Funhouse (and slight lag in all tables)?


Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
no emulating? Is it because the table is simple enough to script?

It actually was due to the fact that when it was originally made for consoles 5 years ago the emulation technology wasn't implemented yet. When it was released for 360 and ps3 Medieval Madness, Gophers, and tales were the first ones emulated.

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
Hey Ryan - whilst you're online

Any ideas what's up with Funhouse (and slight lag in all tables)?


Funhouse's lcd hud is extremely expensive cpu wise, I think they are looking into optimizing. As far as slight lag in all tables...unless your hardware can handle the new filter nothing really changed that would effect it... are you using HTC Desire S?
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