Bug Android Version 1.14.1 Bugs

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Feb 13, 2013
Is this happening on all tables or just Firepower?

I've this kind of problem seen only with Firepower, all other table,where I've reached all goals looks like ok:but I'll check it now once again (Tilt option)
(No problem means if I change the tilt to Off a popup told me,that the high score will be not in the list)

Taxi : no problem
Arabian night : no problem
No good gofers : no problem
*******Firepower : there is the problem
Central park : no problem
Century : no problem
Pin Bot : no problem
Black knight : no problem
Black hole : no problem
Big shot : no problem

All other table I haven't finish right now - there are still 1 or more master goals open

Gesendet von meinem A510 mit Tapatalk 2
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Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
I've got all wizard goals for Firepower - not tried switching tilt off till just now - but worked OK for me.

Noticed mad07's screen shot mentions 'must complete STANDARD goals', not wizard goals.
Could it have skipped a standard goal before moving on to the wizard goals?


Feb 13, 2013
Noticed mad07's screen shot mentions 'must complete STANDARD goals', not wizard goals.
Could it have skipped a standard goal before moving on to the wizard goals?
how you can reached the list of wizard goals without complete the standard once? From my knowledge: Its not possible

The standardgoals were solved long time ago. I have need a long time to get the 145k bonus and the minimum of 750k .
Before I've reached the 750k - at last wizard goal- I run into the bug, where the bonus does not stop counting , so I must kick the app out of memory, but the goal of min 750k was reached as last open wizard goal during this bug. I didn't like to reach so a goal and I try x Times till I have reached the points by myself

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Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
yeah i can't get the crash to work, and no clue about that firepower bug that is bizarre...


Device/OS: nexus 10 / 4.2.2

Bug Description: a fast shot up the cow ramp in AFM will jump the path and go backwards along the lock ramp path.

Steps To Reproduce: shoot a rolling shot off a loop combo shot to the cow ramp.

Frequency: <20%

Additional Comments: this isn't game ending, or at least wasn't for me the 2 times I encountered it. The table goes into a search mode and then ejects it from the lock channel.


Feb 13, 2013
and no clue about that firepower bug that is bizarre...

Can or should I send any files to you, where someone have a look? I'll believe, that something is struggling - created from the bug of endless counting of Bonus and - it is somewhere an internal DB problem, where the goals are stored. During the bug was the moment, that the LAST goal (750K) was reached, but I must kick the APP, because otherwise it doesn't stop to count. After this point I've try to solve the point by myself (see the highest one of ~940K) . Uncomfortable, this was not send - about the bad Internet-Connection in the Hotel - to the High-Score Server , so I must reach the goal min. 3 times, till the last one (753K) was send successful to the Server (and I was back at Home)
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New member
Oct 20, 2012
Nexus 7 ver. 4.2.2



The left eye works OK, but 9 times out of 10, when I aim for the right eye, instead of locking the ball, it just bounces out. This happens even with a perfectly aimed shoot. Anyone else experiencing this?


New member
Mar 27, 2013
Can anyone else repro this?
Yes. Every time going to start a 2nd game exits to 'desktop'. (Apart from once, when the table 'scrolling' view ran but with no buttons overlaying it. Task manager was the only way out.)

Nexus 10 4.2.2
Free table of month version of Cactus Canyon.


New member
May 24, 2012
Just tried going into Cactus Canyon again, this time crashed when I hit start. It's the free version if that means anything and only seems to happen on this table.

*Edit* Tried a game of Cactus Canyon again and I quit the table during the game and it crashed. Weird!

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Feb 13, 2013
Just tried going into Cactus Canyon again, this time crashed when I hit start.

*Edit* Tried a game of Cactus Canyon again and I quit the table during the game and it crashed. Weird!


Does you've an unstable internet conection? Pls try again in flightmode before you start the app

Gesendet von meinem A510 mit Tapatalk 2


Feb 13, 2013
Hmmm I've think I'wrote this one time earlier....
On the table Genie I miss on goal: the 3.000.000 points,but I can enable/disable Tilt. ??????
Normally, I believe,its only possible if I have reached all goals,isn't it?

Now I've following situation:

Firepower :all goals reached: Tilt is barred
Genie: 1 goal is missing :Tilt is free

Could this one the problem? The tables look into the wrong column?

Gesendet von meinem A510 mit Tapatalk 2
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Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
Ryan - whilst you're online.
Are you still planning on beta'ing the enhanced nudge controls this week?
I'm dying to get my hands on these! :)


New member
Jan 10, 2013
Device/OS: Nexus 10 stock Android 4.1.2

Bug Description: Pin*bot does not keep solar value between games.

Steps To Reproduce: Basically as long as you don't close the game the solar value keeps building, but if you close the game the solar value resets to 150,000

Frequency: repeatable

Additional Comments:


New member
Jan 10, 2013
Device/OS: Nexus 10 stock Android 4.1.2

Bug Description: Pin*bot wizard goals are not being set as achieved.

EDIT: Redacted, I was able to achieve solar value of 1,000,000 + and get wizard goal 3 achieved.
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Bug Description: Pin*bot does not keep solar value between games.

Steps To Reproduce: Basically as long as you don't close the game the solar value keeps building, but if you close the game the solar value resets to 150,000

This is normal behaviour for any value that you build, like the jackpot in taxi, because the ROM starts from a pre-set state. If you play in Pro-Mode these values will carry over from session to session.


New member
Jan 10, 2013
This is normal behaviour for any value that you build, like the jackpot in taxi, because the ROM starts from a pre-set state. If you play in Pro-Mode these values will carry over from session to session.

I have the pro version of the table ... not sure how to go into "pro mode" - can you elaborate?

I had this table in real life, and it kept the solar value AFAIK, even between turning it off and on. Maybe I am mis-remembering.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
I have the pro version of the table ... not sure how to go into "pro mode" - can you elaborate?

I had this table in real life, and it kept the solar value AFAIK, even between turning it off and on. Maybe I am mis-remembering.
Play the table with Operator Mode: On.


Staff member
May 29, 2013
Can anyone else repro this?

As mentioned yesterday, I have the same issue. I decided to do some further testing and it turned out I had the right idea: Rather than pressing the start-button, I used the game setup button (not sure if this is the correct name, I use the German version -I mean the button where you can select to have more than one player). Using this button to start the second game does not crash the game, while the start button would. I could play several games using the game setup button without crashing. As soon as I used the start-button again, the game crashed. I hope it helps finding the issue, but at least it should be a workaround for players with the same problem.

I just tried CC on my HTC Desire HD, and I have found exactly the same behaviour.

The crash log says:
Exception class name: Java.lang.NullPointerException
Source file: AndroidPinballActivity.java
Source class: com.farsight.AndroidPinball.javaProject.AndroidPinballActivity
Source method: DisplayAd
Line number:3065

I hope this is of any help. Let me know if you need further information.
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