Bug Android Version 1.4.2 Bugs

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Ben Belden

New member
Jun 12, 2012
I have no idea if this is intentional because it is a beta version or a bug but I thought I'd mention it just in case it needs to be fixed. I'm playing on the Nexus 7. I haven't purchased the Android Table Pack #5 and when I start either Taxi or Harley Davidson I get the standard IAP screen to play the trial version or purchase the table or pack. All that said, I have played Harley Davidson and gotten a high enough score to rank as numbers 4 and 5 on the high scores list and HAVE NOT been prompted to purchase the full table. Normal behavior kicks you out of the game as soon as you reach high score #5 rank, correct?

Ben Belden

New member
Jun 12, 2012
I take back what I said. I just got kicked out of the game after hitting about 115,000,000 and it prompted me to purchase the full version of the table.


Staff member
May 8, 2012
When you shoot the right ramp on Taxi, the Gorby lane wireform switch moves. I'm pretty sure it shouldn't. On the TF300T.


Staff member
May 8, 2012
Even when I run the TF300T using Performance mode (the fastest hardware profile), Taxi still has lag.

This is on a Tegra 3 device.

When there is a large light show and the alpha-numeric displays are going crazy, the frame rate drops to 30 fps

Jan Duin

New member
Feb 20, 2012
Not so much a bug but more of an observation: Ball weight and physics on Taxi and HD feels much more realistic than the original four tables. I played Taxi for an hour and then switched to RBION and you can really tell the difference.

Carl Spiby

New member
Feb 28, 2012
Not so much a bug but more of an observation: Ball weight and physics on Taxi and HD feels much more realistic than the original four tables. I played Taxi for an hour and then switched to RBION and you can really tell the difference.

I'd agree with this, on ToM you spend a lot of the time waiting for the ball to come back to the flippers.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
TPA BETA 1.4.3 clean install on Samsung Galaxy S III running Android 4.0.4. Only running apps in the background my phone requires. Phone was reset before running TPA BETA.

Black Hole

When you have two balls in play on the lower playfield and one ball re-enters the top playfield, the camera does not zoom out so you can see both the top and bottom playfields...However, the camera does zoom out when the second ball re-enters the top playfield.
• Missing spiral tube the ball falls through to get to the bottom playfield.
• Missing plastics on top of slings/rubber bands on the bottom playfield.
• Missing clear tube the ball travels through to get to the top playfield.
• Missing various speech samples when the ball hits various objects on the bottom playfield.
• Bumpers should be round and not octagon.
• All digits on both Numeric Displays should be lit up with 0's and change as the player scores
• Missing slingshot animations.
• Ball glitches through both flippers on the bottom playfield from underneath.

Black Knight

Activating 2-ball multi-ball causes the flashing 2's to stay on the display for the duration of the current game...The display never goes back to showing your score when you lose a ball during 2-ball multi-ball. The display resets only when you start a new game.
• When you lose a ball during 3-ball multi-ball, the flashing 3’s do not change to flashing 2’s when you still have two balls in play. However, when you get back down to one ball in 3-ball multi-ball, the scoreboard goes back to showing your score...unlike the 2-ball multi-ball bug which doesn't show your score anymore for the duration of the game.
• ROM sound samples should not overlap each other...New sound should cancel the previous sound.
• Black Knight speech should play in full with no other sounds playing...Other sounds should not cancel Black Knight speech.
• All digits on the display should be lit up with 0's and change as the player scores...The 1 digit should light on the right side of the digit light instead of the left side.
• Bottom right flipper does not pivot from the correct axis point on the round end of the flipper.
• When shooting the ball through the left side of the mini orbit on the left of the 3 bank target on the top of the bottom playfield, the ball clips through the graphics on the left side of the same 3 bank target when exiting the mini orbit on the right side.
• Ball glitches through both bottom flippers from underneath.

Cirqus Voltaire

• Artwork on the right side of the backbox is backwards, but the logo is correct.
• Ball is underneath the plunger graphic instead of in front of it while in the plunger lane.
• Missing high wire ramp decal.
• Missing wire ball guides underneath flippers.
The top of the playfield DMD is cut off by the bottom part of the backbox frame.

Creature from the Black Lagoon

• Right flipper does not pivot from the correct axis point on the round end of the flipper.


• Missing slingshot animations.
• Inside of the cabinet should be blue.
• Artwork on the right side of backbox is backwards.
• Right flipper does not pivot from the correct axis point on the round end of the flipper.


• Ball is glitching through plunger casing.
• ROM sound samples should not overlap each other. New sound should cancel the previous sound.
• Gorgar speech should play in full with no other sounds playing. Other sounds should not cancel Gorgar speech.
• Gorgars speech and hearbeat sound seem to be completely absent on random games when playing consecutive games.
• Sound sample that's supposed to play when you light all three top roll-over lights (A, B, C) is missing.
• Drop targets need to be scripted to where the last drop target hit falls and stays hidden for at least half a second before all drop targets reset.
• Both flippers do not pivot from the correct axis points on the round end of the flippers.
• The clear plastic that covers the right orbit lane just behind the spinner is missing.
• The screws are missing from the metal rails leading to the flippers.
• The steel rail at the top of the playfield is missing.
• All digits on display should be lit up with 0's and change as the player scores...The 1 digit should light on the right side of the digit light instead of the left side.

Harley-Davidson Third Edition

• ROM speech is randomly cut short. For example, the “You’ve just entered the Harley-Davidson cross country tour” line at the start of a new game is randomly cut short if you plunge the ball in the middle of the speech. Other speech is randomly cut short during regular play and especially during multi-ball.
• Button to activate ball save post needs to be moved to the lower right hand corner of the screen.
• Match feature at the end of the game is missing.
• Left Slingshot animation is not working correctly.
• DMD occasionally skips frames during video mode.

Medieval Madness

• Fast shot to Merlin Lock travels through the back to the bumpers without locking.
• Flippers are spaced a little too far apart.
• Both flippers do not pivot from the correct axis points on the round end of the flippers.
• Slingshot animations are missing.
• Top four red flashers do not work.
• Dragon wire ramp does not slow down ball before dropping onto inlane.
• Weak shot to the Peasant Ramp causes the ball to go straight down the middle...Peasant Ramp’s ball guide feature does not guide the ball to the right flipper like it’s supposed to.
• Flag decals on the apron are set too high.
• Drawbridge missing wood graphic on inside of open draw bridge.
• Gate on Damsel Ramp does not drop to allow the ball to travel to the Tower...Shot up the Dragon Ramp still awards a Damsel Rescue.
• Artwork on both sides of the backbox are backwards.
• After shooting the ball around the right orbit, the ball does not always hug the left wall when coming out of the left side of the orbit and ends up hitting something on the right wall causing the ball to hit the left wall and ricochet to the right causing you to lose the ball SDTM.
• Ball occasionally gets stuck on the open drawbridge with the metal strip on the tip of the drawbridge not allowing the ball to pass through back onto the playfield. Nudging will allow the ball to pass through back onto the playfield.
• You can shoot two balls into Merlin's saucer at the same time. Other balls should bounce off a ball that is occupying Merlin's saucer.

Monster Bash

• Artwork on the right side of the backbox is backwards, but the “Monsters” logo is correct.

Ripley’s Believe It or Not!

• Right slingshot ruber band is positioned too low to where it’s laying on the playfield. It should be centered on the slingshot casing like the ruber band on the left slingshot casing is.

Tales of the Arabian Nights

• Weak shot to spiral ramp causes the ball to rock back and forth 3-4 times before falling through the hole towards the bottom of ramp. Ball should fall through hole immediately or after 1 pass
• Both flippers do not pivot from the correct axis points on the round end of the flippers.
• Genie magnet activates and moves ball during multi-ball and princess locks...Magnet should not activate during these two locks.
• Ball does not sit directly in front of the tip of the plunger while in the plunger lane.
• Artwork and “Williams” logo on the left side of the backbox is backwards. Artwork on the right side of the backbox is backwards, but the “Williams” logo is correct.


• Camera does not properly zoom in and focus on the Spinout Skill Shot funnel.
• Taxi Meter Display needs to be moved to the top of the screen directly underneath the Alpha-Numeric Display.
• All view angles have the top of the table too high and need to be adjusted to make room for the Alpha-Numeric Display (and possibly the Taxi Meter Display) that is displayed towards the top of the screen. The Alpha-Numeric Display should not be covering any part of the playfield.
• All plunger cameras are a bit too close to the machine and need to be zoomed out a bit. On plunger camera 1, the plunger is partly out of view on the right side of the screen.

• Both flippers do not pivot from the correct axis points on the round end of the flippers.
• Framerate drops to 30fps during intense light shows.

Theatre of Magic

• “Bally” logo on the left side of the backbox is backwards, but the artwork is correct.
• Plunger and plunger casing graphics are missing.
• Left slingshot rubber band graphic going around the red plastic posts is incomplete.
• The mirror on the back right corner of the cabinet wall is missing the reflection texture.
• There's a graphical glitch towards the bottom of the right staircase.

The Machine : Bride of Pin•Bot

• Slingshot animations are missing.

All Tables

• All mechanical sounds, except for the flipper sound, have a half second delay.
• The magnet sound sample is a loud intermitting sound and should be a constant magnetic sound...see the Xbox 360 version for magnet sound reference.
• Flipper shadows are static. They should be animated and move with the flippers.
• All roll-over sensors should be animated.
• On tables with a manual plunger, after the first bounce off the tip of the plunger, the ball can be hit without it contacting the plunger a second time...The ball should only be able to be hit while in contact with the tip of the plunger.
All tables have slight framerate lag which is very noticeable on Theatre of Magic when the camera slowly pans out to focus on the plunger lane.
Framerate seems to drop to 30fps at various times and the only way to reset the framerate back to 60fps is to pause and then resume the game.
DMD tables lose count of balls in play when multi-ball is activated. For instance, if you have 3-ball multi-ball activated and lose a ball, multi-ball will end even though you still have two balls on the playfield. Losing one of the two balls left on the playfield will cause the flippers to go dead as if you had no balls left on the table.
The music that plays during the table fly-over is still playing in the background when you are playing a table. The table fly-over music should stop once you start a game. This happens on most, if not all, tables.
• The last Hall of Fame score is visible below the Hall of Fame splash screen underneath the "Scores" and "Continue" buttons. Other Hall of Fame scores are visible below the Hall of Fame splash screen underneath the "Scores" and "Continue" buttons as you scroll through the scores as well.
• When you press the "home" key while in the middle of a game, the pop bumper lights are off when you return to the game and only relight when a trigger in the game that lights the pop bumpers is activated. This also happens if you pause the game before pressing the "home" key.

I have highlighted possible game breaking bugs in red which require immediate attention.

Ryan, please take what you need from this list and pass the rest on to those who can use this information. Thanks.
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Carl Spiby

New member
Feb 28, 2012
Kickers and Pop sounds still lack punch, the revised sound of the pops in this build is going to the right way but needs more!


New member
Aug 17, 2012
All Tables

All tables have slight framerate lag which is very noticeable on Theatre of Magic when the camera slowly pans out to focus on the plunger lane.
Framerate seems to drop to 30fps at various times and the only way to reset the framerate back to 60fps is to pause and then resume the game.

I was experiencing a bit of lag on Harley Davidson during multiball, but now I'm no longer experiencing any appreciable lag on any tables. The only thing I've changed was to disable all location updating/sharing options in the Maps application (trying to resolve battery drain). It is unknown whether or not the two are related.

I do experience the occasional framerate drop that can be resolved with a pause/resume, but I believe this may be a system bug. A similar framerate drop has also occurred for me with live wallpapers (Asteroid Belt to be specific). In this case the framerate is fixed by any interaction with the system UI.

This is on the North America version Galaxy S III with dual-core/2GB RAM.

One new bug I just experienced: I was unable to pull back the plunger on ANY tables, as if the touch screen wasn't responding. I force stopped the application and the problem went away.

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
Thanks for all the feedback guys, greatly appreciated! (the multi ball thing you guys caught was even a global issue, good catch). We are breaking them into a priority list and fixing them asap. I will provide another list when the next beta is ready. Stay tuned.

Nik Barbour

Hey Ryan - do you anticipate Taxi will be playable on older device's, or is it just too much for the GPU?
Wasn't sure if this could be fixed.

Nik Barbour

Nice one Ryan - i'll try not to get my hopes up though (judging from your tone) :D


New member
Jun 4, 2012
Thank you for the update Ryan. Glad to hear that the issues are being worked on. Keep up the awesome work guys.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
I was experiencing a bit of lag on Harley Davidson during multiball, but now I'm no longer experiencing any appreciable lag on any tables. The only thing I've changed was to disable all location updating/sharing options in the Maps application (trying to resolve battery drain). It is unknown whether or not the two are related.

I do experience the occasional framerate drop that can be resolved with a pause/resume, but I believe this may be a system bug. A similar framerate drop has also occurred for me with live wallpapers (Asteroid Belt to be specific). In this case the framerate is fixed by any interaction with the system UI.

This is on the North America version Galaxy S III with dual-core/2GB RAM.

One new bug I just experienced: I was unable to pull back the plunger on ANY tables, as if the touch screen wasn't responding. I force stopped the application and the problem went away.

Thanks for the tip trachea. I disabled "Use GPS satellites" and "Location and Google search" under "Location services" and now all tables now run 99.9% lag free.

Ryan, is there something you can do on your end to work around this issue or will Samsung have to take care of it on their end?

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
unfortunately we can't control what other programs are doing, we can only effect our little area, so if something in the background is pinging a service or something it can certainly effect how much priority our app gets. Could be something that Samsung could fix, might be part of their flavor of the home launcher.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
unfortunately we can't control what other programs are doing, we can only effect our little area, so if something in the background is pinging a service or something it can certainly effect how much priority our app gets. Could be something that Samsung could fix, might be part of their flavor of the home launcher.

Thanks for the info and I completely understand. Also, is Bobby working on the camera angle settings on Taxi that I've highlighted in red. The camera settings on Taxi really need to be corrected before you guys release the new tables.

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
I found a few things that will help taxi slightly, although unfortunately this table will have the same restrictions that fun house and bride had.
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