The Official PSN ID Thread


New member
Jul 11, 2012

I could use some more PS3 friends who play TPA. Always nice to have a wide range of scores to compete against.


New member
Oct 28, 2012
In need of some scores to chase!

So I only have one friend on PSN that has TPA. And he isn't very good at it as he doens't play much. I need some scores to chase. PLEASE feel free to add me.

(note the desperation in my tone)


PSN ID: smoove_rr


New member
Apr 27, 2012
So I only have one friend on PSN that has TPA. And he isn't very good at it as he doens't play much. I need some scores to chase. PLEASE feel free to add me.

(note the desperation in my tone)


PSN ID: smoove_rr

This works like a pyramid scheme but without the big payout for the top guys. You put your name at the bottom and then add everyone above you in the PSN. It helps if you put TPA forum in the friend request.


New member
Oct 28, 2012
Totally missed this thread (face palm).

Wow Skill Shot, I'll be chasing these scores until Williams starts making pins again


New member
Nov 22, 2012
it'd be nice to have some people to compete against for once...I only have one friend that plays TPA, and 3 that play Zen (one is shared)... PSID: MagickNinja83....feel free (probably should put "pinball" in the subject line :D )


New member
Jul 6, 2012
getting in way late on this but what the heck. I'm no where CLOSE to the talent level of most you guys, so if you need a ringer, someone you can beat at a moments notice, this id is your man: Mmmbacon1967

ps I really don't suck as bad as those scores on the PS3 say, I have some decent scores on the IOS version. Who'da thought I would end up playing the IOS version a bit more??


New member
Dec 16, 2012
Apparently im way behind here.. But i just got the US ps3 version of this and im looking for people mainly just to compare high scores with. I have all but one set of the tables and i plan on getting it very soon. So a tournament could be an option in the near future as well. Im not going to scan this and try to add everyone since its an old thread, but if anyone still reads this and is interested in another pinball arcade fan friend feel free to send a request to buckallmighty on psn. Just say pinball or something in the request please.

David Pannozzo

New member
Mar 6, 2012
I thought I posted on here, it must have been somewhere else.

PSN ID: panootz

xbox Gamertag: WoodenPanootz the W and P are capital, and the rest lowercase.

When my old xbox 360 had the ring of death and I got a new one, they wouldn't let me put in panootz so they gave me 3 options and that was the one. Sorry for being so late, but I really thought I posted on here.


New member
Jan 9, 2013
Hi all, new to the forum. Just picked up the Williams Collection and downloaded The Pinball Arcade. Both are truly Fantastic! Ah, the good old days of the Arcade. I wish I had the money to own all these physical pinball tables as they are true works of art, but this is the next best thing! Please feel free to add me - my PSN ID: Grashlom. It will be fun to compete and compare scores. My gamertag is also 'Grashlom' on both the 360 and Steam if anyone wants to add me there. Cheers!

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