Zen Pinball - Star Wars


New member
Oct 28, 2012
This just might make me dust off Pinball fx ;) Unless a certain zone of twilight comes out tomorrow....


New member
Feb 2, 2013
I give props to Zen for doing digital pinball justice and being creative in what you can do in an electronic medium. As with others I feel pinball tables are art/engineering marvels but like with a lot of things I like the "what if" elements Zen tables bring to the game. Obviously some or all realism goes out the door, but I find them entertaining and far easier to pick up and put down than real and TPA pins do.

I can't speak to the online/social elements as I don't play pinball that way except with close family but I see they have implemented it well from the looks of things. TPA and Zen can easily coexist and from experience there seem to be a glut of so-so pinball apps on android alone that I am grateful for both companies entries in this gaming arena. (I am no programmer so please don't feel I am just knocking someone's hard work but I feel pinball needs a certain creativity not found in other games digital or otherwise.)


New member
Mar 28, 2012
Rather than go into a PA vs Zen thread, I can say for sure I play both titles quite equally. It does lean toward the Zen side but I have been playing much more PA since the last PS3 update. Whatever they tweaked as far as physics makes it much better than before.

Anyways Looking forward to any new table coming our way. It looks as though these tables should be out by the end of the month or early March. Tomorrow the PS3 will get TZ followed by Scared Stiff and Big Shot the following week. Looks like STTNG next month some time followed my Attack from Mars and Genie. These next 2 months will be a pinball lovers dream.


New member
Oct 8, 2012
I found the teaser trailer on Youtube


Looks surprisingly traditional as Zen tables go, but note the ramp on the right that just ends in mid air. Also, the rising platform at the bottom left suggests somewhere for ships to emerge onto the playfield :)
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Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I gotta say, that one screenshot already looks better than the real life Star Wars table. I've played 2 of them and really found them lacking. I'll be downloading this for sure.


New member
Oct 8, 2012
I found the teaser trailer on Youtube


Looks surprisingly traditional as Zen tables go, but note the ramp on the right that just ends in mid air. Also, the rising platform at the bottom left suggests somewhere for ships to emerge onto the playfield :)

Also just noticed the glass plate in the centre with possibly "starwars" drop targets below and a "Tie Fighter Jackpot" loop... perhaps this is somewhere for animated characters to stand or ships to land (given the entire back of the table is an open hangar on the Death Star).

Can you tell I am excited much? :D
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Ark Malmeida

New member
Apr 3, 2012
I have barely touched Pinball FX since TPA came out, but this will definitely get me back (assuming they also are releasing these tables on the 360).

I really hope that this doesn't mean that Farsight won't be able to get the rights to the Data East Star Wars pin if they choose to go that route as it is one of my favorite pins of all time.


New member
Jun 6, 2012
Zen makes good arcade games, but they're certainly not pinball simulations.

Which has been discussed over and over and over and over and over. Well done on making today's Most Pointless Post.

I was playing ZP2 just last night thinking that it needs some new blood. The Avengers tables were great, PvZ was OK I guess, but ultimately a letdown. I found the gameplay somewhat boring and repetitive. This table may be just what ZP2 needs.


New member
Apr 11, 2012
I used to play a lot of Zen when I first discovered it. The reason I stopped is because, for me, a lot of the fun of pinball is the challenge of keeping the ball alive, but it's just not there in Zen because of the tiny flpper gap combined with the heavy physics. It's too easy to control the ball, so I personally don't get the adrenaline rush that pinball is supposed to provide. Thankfully TPA does a much better job of capturing that.

I'm in the same boat. I played the heck out of Zen when it first came out. Now I only play the most challenging tables. Excalibur and Blade are my favorites and really the only ones I have played much over the last few months. They're tough! Most of the tables I have gotten away from.

I do, however, like the physics of Zen.


New member
Dec 2, 2012
I was playing ZP2 just last night thinking that it needs some new blood. The Avengers tables were great, PvZ was OK I guess, but ultimately a letdown. I found the gameplay somewhat boring and repetitive. This table may be just what ZP2 needs.

I didn't like the Avengers tables that much except for Infinity Gauntlet and sorta World War Hulk (slightly too many ramps). I enjoyed PvZ a lot when I first got it, but yeah, the more I play it, the less I want to. :p

My favorite table is still probably Epic Quest. lol


New member
May 18, 2012
I was watching some Zen pinball youtubes. One thing that bugs me is that when you shoot the ball there is this (and I have no clue how to explain this in english) white flash/smoke trail from the ball. What's that all about? Is that something you can switch off? Physics seem to look realistic. If Star Wars is without the stupid animated figures I might buy it. (At least if it will be available for the iPad?)


New member
Apr 11, 2012
I was watching some Zen pinball youtubes. One thing that bugs me is that when you shoot the ball there is this (and I have no clue how to explain this in english) white flash/smoke trail from the ball. What's that all about? Is that something you can switch off? Physics seem to look realistic. If Star Wars is without the stupid animated figures I might buy it. (At least if it will be available for the iPad?)

It's a ball trail effect. You can turn that off.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I had to turn off the trail tail. It was ruining it for me. I like the Paranormal & Sorcerers Lair tables the most.


New member
Nov 19, 2012
I actually like the ball trail. I think it has a gameplay effect, making it easier to keep track of the ball. Of course, if you want a "simulation", I guess it's a bad thing, but for gameplay reasons I like it. Not saying I don't love a challenge, but there are better ways to make those.

I also like the score numbers popping up as digits right there on the playfield. Even though TPA's tables are emulated, I think it should be possible to do something similar in TPA, I'd actually like that a lot, as long as it can be turned off. Again, it's not a proper simulation, but I think it adds to the experience.

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