Thanks to the incredible dedication of all backers, the Star Trek : The Next Generation Kickstarter campaign has been successfully funded with a final total of $52,138![PRBREAK][/PRBREAK] FarSight continues to be amazed and humbled by the tremendous outpouring of support the project received from everyone. The entire team at FarSight Studios thanks everyone for backing their Star Trek : The Next Generation Kickstarter campaign!

FarSight will soon begin the process of disassembling and digitizing the Star Trek : The Next Genration table. They're looking to post some updates along the way to keep everyone apprised of their progress. As the launch date for the table approaches (hopefully January 2013), they will contact all backers with details about getting their Rewards. Once again, FarSight thanks everyone for their support! They are very excited to start development on this great table.