
FarSight Studios Lead Designer Bobby King announced today on both the US and European PlayStation Blogs that they are currently working on the PS4 engine and that The Pinball Arcade is on its way to the Playstation 4![PRBREAK][/PRBREAK]

Announced features include rendering tech for per pixel ray casting, area lights/shadows, point lights and screen space ambient occlusion (which is a fancy way to say even more shadows). They are also confident that they can add all of these features on the PS4 and maintain the smooth 60 fps that is needed in a pinball game.

FarSight will also be updating the physics and gameplay on all of the DLC tables they release. According to Bobby, "The Pinball Arcade on PS4 will be amazing!"

Stay tuned for more information on features and additions that will be included in the PS4 version of The Pinball Arcade in the coming months.