Next KickStarter table Predictions?


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I think it is by the overall rating on the left side. You probably also need a certain amount of ratings to qualify.


New member
Sep 8, 2012
Its a rounding thing, Robocop is probably like #301. The average of its 20 ratings (137.0 total points) comes out to 6.85 and #300 is at 6.86.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
My girlfriend's stepdad has an actual evel knieval table in his man cave. Which is literally part cave. Their house is built over a small cavern!

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
If they can't get Addams Family, I think Indiana Jones (Both tables) or Lord of the Ring would be fair substitutes.

Family Guy or Simpsons would also be welcome IMO.

Mick Morry

New member
Jun 9, 2013
If they can't get Addams Family, I think Indiana Jones (Both tables) or Lord of the Ring would be fair substitutes.

Family Guy or Simpsons would also be welcome IMO.

All good choices. I want each and every table you mention to get onto TPA. I expect they will. Just a matter of time and a few kickstarters...which will be successful IMHO. Those tables will not falter when their KickStarter comes up.


New member
Aug 30, 2012
I hope that when the next Kickstarter begins FS will have their marketing/publicity machine in full gear and ready to get the word out. For T2 it was about 2 weeks before they started going out and hitting up blogs/doing interviews. If I remember correctly all they did to publicize it in the beginning was a facebook post.

And I don't think they'll be able to fall back on giving out iOS beta spots the next time around because they can only have 100 devices beta testing in total. Maybe they'd do a very limited number of beta spots because there were 5 of those reward tiers that weren't sold in the T2 kickstarter. PC beta spots should be unlimited though so maybe they could be make those a reward tier.

Mick Morry

New member
Jun 9, 2013
I hope that when the next Kickstarter begins FS will have their marketing/publicity machine in full gear and ready to get the word out. For T2 it was about 2 weeks before they started going out and hitting up blogs/doing interviews. If I remember correctly all they did to publicize it in the beginning was a facebook post.

And I don't think they'll be able to fall back on giving out iOS beta spots the next time around because they can only have 100 devices beta testing in total. Maybe they'd do a very limited number of beta spots because there were 5 of those reward tiers that weren't sold in the T2 kickstarter. PC beta spots should be unlimited though so maybe they could be make those a reward tier.

I agree. PC beta testing positions should be in every future KickStarter at that $400 level. It was worth every penny I spent to become a PC beta tester. I highly suggest everyone with the money goes for it whenever it shows up next.


New member
Apr 20, 2012
It better be something fun.
I'm getting really burned out on horror and golf tables.

What i'd really love to see is a cartoon theme.

A Simpsons double pack would sell like mad IMO.
If that's not possible then Family Guy, and I bet they would sell a ton of Pro Modes on that since people would want the uncensored version. Same with South Park.

Please Farsight.... Make it happen!!

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