Table Pack #19 Speculation

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Mick Morry

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Jun 9, 2013
I do not do well on Tesla at on in FX2. It beats me up and takes my lunch money most of the time. :D

I prefer TPA's Physics, but I love FX2 all the same.


New member
Sep 13, 2012
I think you're getting "popular" confused with "expected".
Indeed, I'm pretty sure this table was announced in the app description of TPA on iTunes since the very beginning, or at least around the time of the CFTBL pack.


New member
Aug 30, 2012
Wow! A lot of guys asking for Victory lately. Not a bad table. I have played it many times myself. A little surprised though with how popular it seems to be on here.

I think you're getting "popular" confused with "expected".

Yeah, the fact that many people are guessing it will be released soon has absolutely no correlation with its popularity. You have to understand that FS announced in the beginning that they would be releasing all tables from the PHOF collection.


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Jul 30, 2012
Victory has been rumored for a year and a half. Just release the damn thing so we can stop predicting it!


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Sep 8, 2012
Just to piggyback on Rudy a bit, maybe TFTC and Sorcerer for October (Pack 19). Would be a great pack and sort of Halloweenish to boot.

I like this guess too, lets go with that. I would not be disappointed one bit if FT, BSD, HS, or even EBD were the headliner though.

Victory has been rumored for a year and a half. Just release the damn thing so we can stop predicting it!

No kidding. These threads will be much more interesting once the re-releases are done won't they?


Active member
Aug 1, 2012
TFTC & EBD are my choices.
In a perfect world - Banzai Run & Road Show would be next.


New member
Nov 28, 2012
Quit talking and start Chalking !!!!!

That one is Cue Ball Wizard, not EBD like everyone seems to be buzzing about. Personally, I'll take CBW over EBD any day... My 2c

My prediction? High Speed and Fish Tales, barring any creature /monster Halloween theme...


New member
Apr 21, 2013
That one is Cue Ball Wizard, not EBD like everyone seems to be buzzing about. Personally, I'll take CBW over EBD any day... My 2c

My prediction? High Speed and Fish Tales, barring any creature /monster Halloween theme...
EBD did say that in attract mode. I heard it many of times hanging out in the college game room.


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Apr 21, 2013
Eight Ball Deluxe says the phrase "let's stop talkin', and let's start chalkin'".
its not they way i remember it. however there were more then one version of EBD (see pinball database site) could this play a part in it ?
there are three release versions shown. I know there was a half height back glass version like centaur had and the full height back glass version now wonder if there was a different speech track on a different version.

David Pannozzo

New member
Mar 6, 2012
Norbert26, that is the speech I remember it to be in the Attract mode. It wasn't the Fonze version, maybe in later versions they added more voice to it, that is very possible. It's not a bad table, but I like Sharkey's Shootout a bit more. I guess it's because it's modern, but like I've said many times I will play any pinball game Farsight puts on The Pinball Arcade, even EM's which I don't care for. Talk to you soon.


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Apr 21, 2013
Norbert26, that is the speech I remember it to be in the Attract mode. It wasn't the Fonze version, maybe in later versions they added more voice to it, that is very possible. It's not a bad table, but I like Sharkey's Shootout a bit more. I guess it's because it's modern, but like I've said many times I will play any pinball game Farsight puts on The Pinball Arcade, even EM's which I don't care for. Talk to you soon.
i can't rule it out either. in general forum there is a thread about things sounding different from what they are. Centaur for example says "slow aren't you" but it sounds like "smooth move". In other words what the pin is saying and the way we hear it can be two different things. Add in noise and distractions where the pin is located does leave the possibility of what i thought i was hearing was indeed something different. here is that thread about things sounding different with many examples given


New member
Aug 30, 2012
i can't rule it out either. in general forum there is a thread about things sounding different from what they are. Centaur for example says "slow aren't you" but it sounds like "smooth move". In other words what the pin is saying and the way we hear it can be two different things. Add in noise and distractions where the pin is located does leave the possibility of what i thought i was hearing was indeed something different. here is that thread about things sounding different with many examples given

I always thought it was 'smooth move'.


New member
Sep 13, 2012
Oh man, anything but Fish Tales. The music's bad enough, but the whole game revolves around hitting two ramps because everything else is risky or gives a terrible score.

And it WON the Williams poll D:
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