So excited for the PC STEAM release!! Just purchased a new monitor for THIS GAME!


New member
Apr 23, 2012
In my opinion, if you're building a dedicated virtual pinball machine, a dedicated version of TPA that's purpose built for such a platform sounds more ideal than trying to shoe horn table support into the general online retail version of the game. It just seems to me that there'd be so much more STUFF you'd want in it, from the ability to do coin mechs and everything else. That's also stuff that I think would clutter up the general online retail version and confuse consumers who were just like 'NEAT. Pinball on Steam, I should try that. :3'. We're basically talking about a hobbiest version of the game afterall.

Pinball FX2 from Zen plays great in my cabinet, just because it has portrait mode. They didn't do a single thing to customize it specifically for cabs.

The coin mechs in a cabinet work exactly like pressing any button on the keyboard. You would just make the coin mech trigger the start button. I guess you could have it store credits, but that kind of seems like overkill.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Although I have purchased PA on 3 platforms already and was ready to buy all tables on PC I will need to hold off until it is confirmed how cabinets are to be handled as I can't risk it be only offered in a separate product and not as a add-on to the standard PC version. I don't have an issue with it being something I should pay more for, but just can't buy everything twice again. Hopefully another Farsight employee can answer this.

Farsight has less than 5 days now to decide how it's going to be handled, or some of the most rabid fans just might hold off on our purchases till we can get an answer.

I know I will.

Mike, please put a bug in the ear of whomever it is that will make this decision. I'd like to see day one on Steam be a rousing (and profitable) success for FarSight.

Good point, but if the initial sales aren't up to par, you can probably count on cabinet support being put on the back burner.


New member
Nov 23, 2012
I am curious as to why Season 1 is cheaper than Season 2 considering S1 has the core pack plus ten packs (two being licensed).


New member
Mar 24, 2012
Good point, but if the initial sales aren't up to par, you can probably count on cabinet support being put on the back burner.

By not answering a seemingly simple question, they are helping to create a self-fulfilling prophesy.
At least from my personal point of view.

Ive already purchased everything possible on the iOS platform.

If the PC release IS upgradable for future cabinet build versions, I'm most likely going to buy absolutely everything available on DAY ONE. Without a clear answer from FarSight, I'll buy NOTHING.

I don't think I'm really asking much. I'm also quite apparently not alone with this question.


New member
Apr 6, 2012
It would be kinda stupid to not have cabinet support added as an upgrade for free or a certain sum. If you're gonna have to buy the tables again for cabinet support a lot of existing and potential cabinet users that bought the game on release are gonna be pissed off.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
It would be kinda stupid to not have cabinet support added as an upgrade for free or a certain sum. If you're gonna have to buy the tables again for cabinet support a lot of existing and potential cabinet users that bought the game on release are gonna be pissed off.

+1 yes, this needs to be: 1. either a free upgrade for the PC version OR 2. a paid upgrade on a per table basis ($0,99 at most) OR 3. a paid upgrade with a one-off price (eg. $7,99) for all released and future tables

making a TPA cabinet version that makes you buy all the tables *yet again* would be pretty absurd...


New member
Sep 2, 2013
Will someone from Farsight please comment on cabinet support? Any additional costs to us? I would like a definite answer please. Is this going to be available on nov 1st? Portrait mode with correct aspect ratios, and assignable keys are an absolute must and should be the absolute MINIMUM so us cabinet users can play. The addition of 2nd screen and pindmd support are needed also but not required from the beginning. If FX2 can do it, then TPA should follow suit IMO.
Farsight please respond before nov 1st.
Thank you


Jun 27, 2012
Will someone from Farsight please comment on cabinet support? Any additional costs to us? I would like a definite answer please. Is this going to be available on nov 1st? Portrait mode with correct aspect ratios, and assignable keys are an absolute must and should be the absolute MINIMUM so us cabinet users can play. The addition of 2nd screen and pindmd support are needed also but not required from the beginning. If FX2 can do it, then TPA should follow suit IMO.
Farsight please respond before nov 1st.
Thank you

I really don't think that you're going to get an answer. The cabinet version is mostly likely something that is very preliminary in planning and development and so it's unreasonable to expect them to make definite business decisions (Which you will hold them accountable for should they reverse that decision later) at this juncture. They won't answer with a 'Yes' or a 'No'.


New member
Aug 30, 2013
They only just started on a cabinet at the Expo in chicago and could barely get it even running at the time. Needless to say there is a whole lot of work to be done before the cabinet version is ready for public unveiling. That being said, they did purchase a virtuapin and have it running in Chicago so I would say it's a safe bet that they have already decided to make a cabinet version.


New member
Mar 24, 2012
Personally, I'm not asking for prices or even a potential release date. Just if there will be an upgrade path in the future or not.

Based on my personal experience as a software engineer, I would think that discussion would have already taken place by now, since cabinet builds have been mentioned by some FarSight folks month and months ago.

I clearly understand how internal business practices are not and should not be laid bare for public discussion. This isn't information that is anything exploitable by any competitors, as there are no direct competitors to The Pinball Arcade.

Silence is not always golden. Sometimes silence in and of itself speaks volumes.
It's quite disheartening, in my personal opinion. I've been an evangelist promoting Pinball Arcade to anyone and everyone I know that just might be interested in purchasing it. I've personally purchased every game, every ball skin and every pro pack, just to show my support for FarSight, even though I don't use some of the ball skins or most of the pro packs.

I bought them in hopes of eventually getting my preferred PC format released in a way that would lead to a LEGAL and FULLY LICENSED cabinet build.

Heck, at this point even an official answer from FarSight saying something like "our legal team won't let us answer that question at this time" would beat this very obvious silence. Even an answer saying "sorry, you'll have to buy them all over again when we release a cabinet build version" is preferable to silence.

I'm not going to hold my breath, but the disappointment from the lack of response is greater than any disappointment i've had for buggy releases or bad graphics on certain tables. Bugs and bad graphics aren't business decisions.

Happy Halloween everyone.
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Jun 27, 2012
Based on my personal experience as a software engineer, I would think that discussion would have already taken place by now, since cabinet builds have been mentioned by some FarSight folks month and months ago.

I clearly understand how internal business practices are not and should not be laid bare for public discussion. This isn't information that is anything exploitable by any competitors, as there are no direct competitors to The Pinball Arcade.

HEre's a thought for you: What if there is some sort of negotiation, maybe to bundle TPA as a non-Steam version with the prefabbed cabinets made by a certain company? And that negotiation, yet to be concluded, prevents FarSight from making any kind of statement as to how the cab version is to be released. That may not be happening but it's one of many possible and reasonable explanations as to why they couldn't state right now how it's going to be.

Personally however, I wonder why you're so concerned. If you're going to invest the cost and effort into building a cab, what's another $70 for another dedicated copy of the game? It's probably the cheapest component. o_O


New member
Mar 24, 2012
HEre's a thought for you: What if there is some sort of negotiation, maybe to bundle TPA as a non-Steam version with the prefabbed cabinets made by a certain company? And that negotiation, yet to be concluded, prevents FarSight from making any kind of statement as to how the cab version is to be released. That may not be happening but it's one of many possible and reasonable explanations as to why they couldn't state right now how it's going to be.

Personally however, I wonder why you're so concerned. If you're going to invest the cost and effort into building a cab, what's another $70 for another dedicated copy of the game? It's probably the cheapest component. o_O

Why am I concerned? Money isn't the only concern. Customer service is a concern though.
It's called "Customer Service" for a reason.

Any response at all, including "we can't answer that right now" is preferable to simply ignoring questions asked. Not just by one person, but by multiple folks.

I understand business confidentiality agreements. I've signed plenty of them in the course of business. I've not signed one yet that prevented me from saying that I couldn't answer certain questions by saying I can't answer.

It's very clear that FarSight reads and responds to questions posed in these forums. FarSight is awesome in the way that they participate here! It does however, make the lack of response to certain questions asked very obvious.
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Stuart Webster

New member
Apr 24, 2013
Most of the presence on the forum is from developers... with a few QA guys here and there. We aren't really at liberty to discuss things that are still behind closed doors, nor do we have the time to address every single question asked. Just in case it's not really clear, the time spent outside of beta and bug report sections is done while waiting for the code to compile or at home (we don't get paid to read and post on the forum).

That being said, we aren't able to answer the questions about the cabinet version at this time. Information about it will most likely be in a newsletter or a Facebook post when it is ready to be disclosed.

I hope this clear things up.


New member
Nov 19, 2012
So, is it possible to play the PC version in portrait mode, like on mobile devices? It would be dumb not to include it, as it already exists in some ports, and I sort of hope it's coming for consoles as well.

Some of you guys who have played the beta should be able to answer this?
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New member
Aug 28, 2013
Hi to all,

is it possible, to upgrade a "normal" season pack to "pro", after purchasing and what will it cost then?

Thank you.


New member
Jul 4, 2013
So, is it possible to play the PC version in portrait mode, like on mobile devices? It would be dumb not to include it, as it already exists in some ports, and I sort of hope it's coming for consoles as well.

Some of you guys who have played the beta should be able to answer this?

Per a recent Facebook answer...
"Not at release"

It takes a whole new refitting of the art if I remember correctly.
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New member
Jul 5, 2013

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