Another eternity until DLC 1 is released.

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George Klepacz

New member
Feb 20, 2012
If we get all 6 tables, I will dust off my 360 controller! But, until then my Android tablet gets my playing time.

Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
TPA, I love you, I've been faithful, but if you don't start giving me what I need, I'm going to have to start seeing FX2 again.


Apr 13, 2012
In one year we will laugh about the delays of the first DLCs.

Farsight will know by now how to get the packs approved so in future we can expect a steady flow of tables as long as the product is a commercial success. :)


New member
May 5, 2012
Xbox 360 users should get some good news on Monday...Microsoft will always one up Sony when given the chance...DLC Tables Pack #3 anyone???

I tossed and turned last night, kept awake by thoughts of the good news the prophet PiN WiZ foretold.

Nik Barbour

It'll be out July 3. Why? Because I'll be on vacation then, and Murphy's Law dictates DLC will be released when I'm unable to access it. :p

I finally get my hands on my new xbox360 on the 4th so that would be perfect timing for me, and I've got a week off work next week, and a shed load of MSpoints sat waiting - sweet.:D


New member
Apr 16, 2012
What time is it in FarSight town? It is getting evening in germany and I am waiting for the "good news".


just another let down - the only good farside news are that there are no new bad news.


New member
Mar 29, 2012
On the topic of Microsoft's draconian policies. From my days working at GameStop , They do indeed have a in-house policy to NOT carry any game that has exclusive DLC content on a competing platform .

This means any DEV offering a DLC exclusive to PS3 or Wil is automatically killing their approval to be a game for XBox 360 . This has changed the scope of DLCs offered to the 3 main consoles , and has made it so that no one console gets a DLC exclusive .

With a policy llike that in place, i have no doubt your 360 version of the The Pinball Arcade is being delayed so a competing MS Pinball game has free reign in their store . They are very blatant when it comes to manipulating their profits .
That's interesting. And I always thought that this was just a rumour.

However what does it mean for TPA if the DLC won't come out on the XBOX today but on the PS3 they will? I'm wondering because someone else on this board suggested that the DLC would need to come out first on the XBOX or at least at the same time. Or is the only thing that matters that the DLC is going to be release on the XBOX in any case and not a PS3 exclusive?


This means any DEV offering a DLC exclusive to PS3 or Wil is automatically killing their approval to be a game for XBox 360

it makes no sense to me - if a dlc is going to be released, a game (which the dlc is for) already has to be released, right? and if something is "exclusive" it can't be on other consoles as well, because it would not be exclusive than. and how can a DEV offering a DLC exclusive to three consoles? where is the exclusiveness?

you know what i mean? one can only offer a dlc if the game is already released - so a DEV can't offer a DLC to microsoft if the game doesn't exists already - and if the game exists on XBLA then why should there be a problem with the dlc?

I think i get something wrong here. :eek:
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Nik Barbour

@Clae - Farsight are losing potential sales every moment the console dlc is not available.
I'm sure if it was in their control it would have been released months ago.
This is MS not Farsight!


that's it for me - i spend quite an amount of money for the TZ kickstarter - so did my friends - way more than the average - but that's it for me (us), no more money and no more support. it doesn't matter what kickstarter will be next - that's it, we're out of this.
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New member
Apr 16, 2012
Wait what happened? There is no news anywhere about another delay.

Are you miffed farsight didnt update their status? You do know it was Pinwiz that said they might have some news, noone from FS said they would have some.

To the people above saying they don't care about consoles: thats a bit silly to say the day VITA and PS3 get DLC 1 and 2.
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Matt McIrvin

New member
Jun 5, 2012
Wait what happened? There is no news anywhere about another delay.

I don't think anything happened. The news-and-information summary has been saying for some time that the XBox DLC is coming "by mid July", but a few people somehow got the idea that it might appear this week, and were disappointed when it didn't.


New member
Jun 12, 2012
I don't think anything happened. The news-and-information summary has been saying for some time that the XBox DLC is coming "by mid July", but a few people somehow got the idea that it might appear this week, and were disappointed when it didn't.

not me, thats why i'm happy its at least a month away!

(mid july is a veeeeery vague date ;) )

but seriously, it doesn't really matter whose fault it is, teh fact is, people have been waiting for months and its not like tpa and its dlc is like free or anything ;)
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