The PS3 "super patch"


New member
Jul 31, 2012
I noticed in the US demo that there is a click through to Season 2 ball skins in extras, will they be coming to the EU any time soon does anyone know?


New member
Apr 3, 2013
When is it available in the UK?

That's the One Million $ question. :eek:

I'd expect the update to be available with the EU PSN Store update tomorrow afternoon.

The game update is generally available a little sooner (late in the tuesday night -or wednesday morning-, around 3-4AM GMT).

The new pack(s) are available during wednesday afternoon (around 4-5PM GMT) like you said.


New member
Sep 14, 2012
It could be the same as local co-op except your friend(s) can be anywhere in the world and you could chat while playing.
Then it could have other online modes like Zen has.

Added request.

Yeah was just messing with ya cause co-op is kind of cooperative team play thing.
Wouldn't it be more competitive online multiplayer?

Anyway thanks for adding the request :)


New member
Apr 3, 2013
update #5, 4/8/2014

If anyone has anything to add please let me know and I'll update it and give credit.

10. Option for table glass and reflections (like in Williams Pinball Hall of Fame)
11. TATE mode for PS3 version. Perfect for rotatable screens.
12. Multi-controller support. (Submitted by MonkeyGrass)
12. Add Hall of Fame Scoring. (Submitted by Grashopper)[...]

14. Add a "tournament" difficulty setting (which disables extra-balls) and separate leaderboards for it.

A majority of tables are too easy, the games last too long, and achieve a highscore depends only if you're a marathon addict or not.
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Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
In the list if changes, it was noted that for CV, the lightning bolt sticker was now present on the neon tube. I just played on CV, and no sticker for me. Weird, right? I checked Funhouse to see if the plunger went fully back, and it did. Figured since they were the same table pack, if one updated , the other would have had to.


I'm semi tempted to delete the whole game and all the save info, since some of the high score boards like CC are messed up from way back when. Not that I wanna get all those damn wizard goals again, but that might be fun. If I saved that data to a flash drive, reinstalled the game, and then copied the save data back into the PS3, would that work or just put the high score glitches back in?


New member
Apr 27, 2012
In the list if changes, it was noted that for CV, the lightning bolt sticker was now present on the neon tube. I just played on CV, and no sticker for me. Weird, right? I checked Funhouse to see if the plunger went fully back, and it did. Figured since they were the same table pack, if one updated , the other would have had to.


I'm semi tempted to delete the whole game and all the save info, since some of the high score boards like CC are messed up from way back when. Not that I wanna get all those damn wizard goals again, but that might be fun. If I saved that data to a flash drive, reinstalled the game, and then copied the save data back into the PS3, would that work or just put the high score glitches back in?

That will just put the high score glitches back in.


New member
Sep 14, 2012
In the list if changes, it was noted that for CV, the lightning bolt sticker was now present on the neon tube. I just played on CV, and no sticker for me. Weird, right? I checked Funhouse to see if the plunger went fully back, and it did. Figured since they were the same table pack, if one updated , the other would have had to.


I'm semi tempted to delete the whole game and all the save info, since some of the high score boards like CC are messed up from way back when. Not that I wanna get all those damn wizard goals again, but that might be fun. If I saved that data to a flash drive, reinstalled the game, and then copied the save data back into the PS3, would that work or just put the high score glitches back in?

CV didn't even get a download. It came through on the patch itself. It's right at the top of the neon tube...could it be cut off on your tv?
You had a bit of overscan on your TV right?

Also is the high wire ramp sticker there?
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Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
If the lightning sticker we are referring to is the one at the bottom of the neon tube, right by the flippers, as is shown in this real photo...


...then I can see that portion of the screen on my TV, and no, it's not there for me.

What does the high wire sticker look like?
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Active member
Mar 31, 2012
That will just put the high score glitches back in.

I actually deleted my data after backing up the old data. The glitches are no longer preset when starting a new game; the scores for Elvira, NGG and CC are significantly lower.


New member
Sep 14, 2012
If the lightning sticker we are referring to is the one at the bottom of the neon tube, right by the flippers, as is shown in this real photo...

View attachment 121

...then I can see that portion of the screen on my TV, and no, it's not there for me.

What does the high wire sticker look like?

Sorry about that. Didn't realize they should have two bolts on the neon

The one in the upper right #1 was added along with the sticker that looks like a live wire #2 on the ramp leading around back of the ringmaster.
#3 was the other addition I mentioned.
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New member
Apr 20, 2012

update #7, 4/9/2014

I think Farsight has done a great job with this patch. Everything looks to be much improved!

Here's my attempt at compiling a changelog based on comparisons from pre-Super Patch data.
If anyone has anything to add please let me know and I'll update it and give credit.

Added to TPA via Super Patch:
1. More responsive flippers.
2. Stereoscopic 3D *press triangle /\ and use right analog stick to adjust strength.
3. Audio mixing via sliders (sound effects / table music / menu music)
4. Default *Ching* sound removed when typing initials for high score allowing you to hear the intended sound effect.
5. Global contrast and saturation improvements on most table assets.
6. The dmd is now animated on the back glass of mm, NGG, and mb. They weren't before. (Submitted by Gorgar)

Changes noticed on tables:

Pop bumpers are improved *
Black seam half way up playfield art is now gone *

No more scorch mark on the playfield!
Balls don't travel through the table.

Improved colors
Better camera angles (you can now clearly see the right outlane.
Guns look better (might be from better lighting?)

The screen is much brighter and looks fantastic. Perhaps they are using a higher resolution scan?
The neon reflects on the insides of the table (nice effect!).
The whole table feels less floaty and much more fluid.
Ringmaster looks more 3D and polished looking.
Added lightning bolt sticker on neon tube & sticker to left of DMD on back wall & sticker on the highwire ramp.*

Wow! The colors really pop on this.
Not much else noticed.

Black seam half way up playfield art is now gone. *
Texture added to translucent Party Punch Ramp.

The pop bumpers are vastly improved. *

The plunger now pulls back all the way *

Table contrast and color saturation has been adjusted. No more "pale rider" ;)

Contrast and muted colors were adjusted.
The playing field might be a little bit too dark compared to other tables.
Ramps are a nicer and more colorful shade of blue.

Probably the best looking table now!
Sharper table graphics.
Rails look more golden and now cast shadows onto table.
Ramps cast light differently and are a deeper red.

Table is no longer giving off a pink hue.
The table is much brighter and colors more vivid.
The gamer angle for probe launching has been improved.
The blue shield lights above the Enterprise are now correctly aligned. *

Colors are more accurate.

No more pink hue.
Palm trees look improved.

Better colors (no more pink hue).
Pop bumpers have a better than texture and look better when lit. They have a shiny 3D look to them.
Metal ramp looks improved.
Gumball machine looks awesome now!

It no longer crashes the PS3! :)
Table graphics are much cleaner.
Colors are more accurate.

* = submitted by shutyertrap
* = submitted by Grashopper

FUTURE PATCH REQUESTS ...."Mega Patch" ? ;)
1. Ability to play custom music either via the XMB or in game menu. (Would be perfect for Arcade Ambience mp3 background sounds!)
2. Online co-op play with option with voice chat.
3. The Pinball Arcade main menu overhaul.
4. Lighting day/night slider. (This was discussed by Farsight quite a while ago, but as of yet, not implemented.)
5. Improved pinball flyer scans (1920x1080 pixel or higher would be idea for consoles)
6. Further refinement and replacement of blurry table graphics (I.E. CFTBL - Title card, instructions, Universal Monsters sticker, and the bumper next to the KISS lane, Victory playfield is low res. )
7. Seperate savable camera view option settings for EACH table for every option: (submitted be Neil L.)
8. The ability to view table instructions while game is paused.
9. Option to remove HUD when table is in "pre-play" panning attract mode.
10. Option for table glass and reflections (like in Williams Pinball Hall of Fame)
11. TATE mode for PS3 version. Perfect for rotatable screens.
12. Multi-controller support. (Submitted by MonkeyGrass)
13. Add Hall of Fame Scoring. (Submitted by Grashopper)
14. Add a "tournament" difficulty setting (which disables extra-balls) and separate leaderboards for it. (Submitted by Tann)

14. Add a "tournament" difficulty setting (which disables extra-balls) and separate leaderboards for it.

A majority of tables are too easy, the games last too long, and achieve a highscore depends only if you're a marathon addict or not.

Added, thanks.

I kind of wish someone from Farsight would chime in with some other things that were updated here. I'm betting there was quite a long list of what was addressed in this patch and it would make us appreciate it even more.

Can someone verify this.... Updatability (Farsight now has the ability to patch any DLC table pack.)
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New member
Apr 3, 2013
Anyone haveing the patch in eu? Nothing in uk so far. Im haveing bad feeling about this...

Hi GregoroV,

I quote myself :p

No update this past night/morning and no FT/BR in the PSN Store update.

So yes, no megapatch for europeans... once again.

Et voilà. -_-

If it's like the 1.09 update delay (one month after the US), I think we'll have to wait 3 more weeks, in the worst case . :(
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New member
Jan 14, 2014
Geeee, well as allways - Europe, bigger price + longer wait, decades of experiance. Ok so be it, waiting still then.

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