The Addams Family Kickstarter is LIVE


New member
Mar 12, 2013
We can safely say now that we are good?
We are getting TAF?
****ing awesome!!!

Hope so.

It's still possible that trolls have snuck in sizable pledges throughout the weeks and will retract them just before 24 hours left on the clock. There's no telling the total amount of troll pledges that's currently included in the total we see.


New member
Jul 4, 2013
I'm honored to be in the presence of such an awesome community! I find the entire kickstarter process amazing from a "top down view" but it has warmed my heart to see that there's such good folks around to offset the icky people in the world!

'nuff gushing...I'd laugh my head off if the troll had to pay!

I'd up my pledge if it were possible, that gold edition sure is shiny :) but alas, I already gave until it hurt, which sadly didn't take much :p

Thanks peeps! and ..umm .. Grand Lizard anyone? I'd suggest anything with 4 digits gets to "request" a table. (within reason of course...who exactly played Lizard again?)


New member
Feb 21, 2012
David melnick, I want to personally say thank you for being so generous and selfless! I'm sure everyone here appreciates that and we also appreciate your revelation of the authenticity of the pledge. At that amount it is certainly reasonable to be suspicious with some of what has happened and the constant threats leveled at farsight and this community. You've set a lot of worried minds at ease!!!

Chris Dunman

New member
Apr 11, 2012
David melnick, I want to personally say thank you for being so generous and selfless! I'm sure everyone here appreciates that and we also appreciate your revelation of the authenticity of the pledge. At that amount it is certainly reasonable to be suspicious with some of what has happened and the constant threats leveled at farsight and this community. You've set a lot of worried minds at ease!!!

Well said Sir. Here here


New member
Feb 28, 2012
Not fake. It was mine. Not every1 is a troll. I want this too. It is personal & helps with my epileptic attacks.

The Addams Family and Pinball Fans thank you!



New member
Oct 5, 2012
Thanks to ALL backers of TPA's Addams Family Kickstarter...the small, the medium, the large and the very large. This was my first Kickstarter contribution/participation and it's great to see a dedicated fan base rally and get something like this accomplished.


Active member
Mar 14, 2013
Teh troll are have retacted into teh troll hole. It are pretty dank in tere and moist. Even haary squatter can ovecome trollios. Havent you ever seen harry poyer aand the sorcerercs philosophy stone? Those darn kids they magic rhem away


New member
Mar 7, 2013
Not blaming Farsight for going for it but the stretch goal for christopher lloyds rights really sticks in my throat. hes been offered what i assume was a not insubstantial amount of money to merely allow the use of a couple of images from work he completed and was already handsomely paid for 20 years ago, and he turned it down cause he wanted more. that extra money could be going towards helping getting another table made but instead its going to be lining the pockets of an already wealthy man who wants to be paid over the odds for doing absolutely nothing. screw him.


New member
Mar 12, 2013
Not blaming Farsight for going for it but the stretch goal for christopher lloyds rights really sticks in my throat ....snip... screw him.

I wish there was a tier I can pledge for "do *not* care about getting CL's permission".


New member
May 10, 2014
I wish there was a tier I can pledge for "do *not* care about getting CL's permission".

Agreed wholeheartedly, but meh. As long as the table gets made. Would be nice to have more money going towards the next kickstarter, but I'm not going to lose sleep if some of the overage goes to a rich guy. They've got my $100 either way.

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