Idea: EM Enthusiast Pack DLC?


New member
Nov 6, 2013
Me and some IRC guys were talking about the possibility of Farsight releasing more electro-mechanical pinball tables into TPA without stepping on the toes of people who want contemporary tables in the Season packs.

Instead of releasing EM tables as part of Season 4/5/X, Farsight could release a separate "EM Enthusiast" DLC comprised of a small selection of EM tables (3-5) for around $10-15. This would satisfy the numerous people clamoring for EMs (who can now buy a pack of them at a premium price), without "watering down" the Seasons with tables that may be seen as antiquated in the eyes of newer players. FS has proven themselves capable of handling multiple projects at once, so I'd hope that creating EMs alongside the Season packs wouldn't be a massive workload if it were done as a side-project.

Some potential table candidates:
  • Spirit of 76 - Patriotic-themed table with dual inlanes in the usual place of slingshots, flashing pop bumpers, and two sets of opposing drop targets. Had a sizable production run at 10,300 units.
  • Fireball - Very unique EM with captive ball, multiball, a spinning disc on the playfield, and zipper flippers! The EM version had around 3.8K units produced.
  • Joker Poker - A poker-themed table that awards bonus points for taking down specific sets of playing card drop targets. Between its EM and SS versions, over 10K units were produced.
  • Sky·Line - Best known for its elevator animated backglass, Sky·Line is a frantic table where the goal is to collect replays by hitting all numbered rollovers and pop-bumpers. Produced 2K units.
  • Slick Chick - Setting itself apart from the damning outlanes of your average '60s EM, Slick Chick has no outlanes. Your goal is to pop the S-L-I-C-K-C-H-I-C-K bumpers (turning their lights out) for the chance to get a rollover replay special. 4.5K units were produced.
  • Centigrade 37 - A late '70s Bally with targets that require a steady aim, bumpers, drop targets, and a long double row of rollovers across the entire right side of the playfield. 1.6K units produced.
  • Wizard! - One of the few machines with flip flags! Wizard also has an upper ramp (complete with very noisy rollunder spinner), obligatory pop bumpers, and a fairly forgiving playfield compared to most quarter-eaters of the time. Just over 10K units were produced.
  • Spanish Eyes - Very unique playfield layout; the gap between flippers is much wider than usual but with a pop bumper covering the opening. The upper playfield is walled in alongside a row of bumpers, allowing you to rack up a high score very quickly. 3.9K units were produced.

Additionally, this would also give Farsight a chance to finally release Jive Time and Ace High from the Gottlieb PHOF collection without a community uproar. :p
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New member
Mar 12, 2013
i am 100% behind this. How can you "preserve" pinball for future generations without these classic tables? Sometimes You don't need fancy ramps and 30 page rule sheets to have a great time playing some pinball. I will throw these into the mix, BEAT TIME, ICE FEVER, GIGI, NORTH STAR, KINGS AND QUEENS…I could go on and on.


New member
May 10, 2012
It's a great idea, Flotilla. I just don't see how they would have the time to do it without taking a break from the non-stop monthly tables and all the other stuff.

If they did find the time and decided to do something like this, I would jump with joy. We can dream, can't we :cool:

At least we will have one EM or early SS each season according to Bobby King


Active member
Mar 31, 2012
Lets not forget Royal Flush.

And, yeah, I don't see this happening either.

OXO and Atlantis would be cool too.


Active member
Jul 21, 2012
Even as a '90s DMD/toys pinball guy I can heartily support this, I gained new appreciation for EM's through playing them in TPA. There is something very pure about keeping balls alive in EM-tables, it feels very skillful to be able to in any case.


Active member
Jun 3, 2014
Even as a '90s DMD/toys pinball guy I can heartily support this, I gained new appreciation for EM's through playing them in TPA. There is something very pure about keeping balls alive in EM-tables, it feels very skillful to be able to in any case.



Apr 7, 2014
Personally, I'd buy it. I'm not a fan of EMs, but I do enjoy variety.

Sadly, my "Want List" of EMs will probably never happen. lol


New member
Sep 22, 2013
I think Fireball could happen as a season 4 or 5 table. It's iconic, has the spinner in the center, and has Zipper Flippers. Of all the EMs, it seems like the most feasible.


Apr 7, 2014
I think Fireball could happen as a season 4 or 5 table. It's iconic, has the spinner in the center, and has Zipper Flippers. Of all the EMs, it seems like the most feasible.

The latest "Table-I've-Never-Played-But-Have-Been-Fighting-For".

I know a lot of people want it, and after watching more video, it actually doesn't look that bad. If nothing else, it has "Zipper Flippers", and that would be pretty cool to have in TPA. I've been suggesting to them that they release it with "Sorcerer", that way they make more sales from it, but I'm not sure if they'd go for it or not? It would be a win-win for everyone. If you don't like EMs, you get a classic that most everyone has been asking for.


New member
Jul 12, 2014
If Farsight isn't going to tackle EM's, maybe ASK Homework could take a crack once they finish with their Zaccaria License.

Reagan Dow

New member
Jul 23, 2014
That's so cool. I worked in an arcade when I was younger but never saw that table or those flippers. Thanks for the clip. Did many other tables have Zipper flippers?

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