Zaccaria Pinball - update v3.3


New member
Jul 12, 2014
I am loving the new update on my iPad but has anyone else experienced any weird ball slowdown when played on an IPhone? I was playing a game earlier at *ahem* work and the ball appeared to be dragging its heels for the whole game. I was using the same settings as the iPad, everything to default and physics set to simulation. I don't think it can be the phone, even quit and killed the app and then went back in and was the same, was just a bit of a head scratcher!

try shutting off metal fx, ball reflection, and particle fx. if that doesn't work try shutting off the dark room lighting also.


New member
Feb 24, 2015
Thanks for the tips, will give it a try and see how I get on, thought my phone would be able to handle all the eye candy but you never know I suppose. I normally play on the iPad but when out and about and need a pinball fix needs must! I was actually trying to showcase the app to some colleagues at work, don't think I sold it very well with the slowdown, must remember to take the iPad in next time.


New member
Feb 24, 2015
Once again thanks for the feedback, I tried in airplane mode which did initially seem to help, was just wondering is there any way to disable that annoying 'game centre' app that kicks in every time I fire 'Zacc' up! Don't know if that could be causing issues? At the moment I am struggling to get skill shots on target as cannot time the flippers right, driving me nuts, I am no pinball wizard but know I can play better than I am :(


New member
Mar 31, 2012
I took the plunge on the gold membership even though the tables don't hold any nostalgia for me. Very impressed! Love the simulation mode, it makes me hungry for hard mode on TPA. It's great on my breaks at work when I don't have time for a marathon pinball sesh.


New member
May 18, 2012
Once again thanks for the feedback, I tried in airplane mode which did initially seem to help, was just wondering is there any way to disable that annoying 'game centre' app that kicks in every time I fire 'Zacc' up! Don't know if that could be causing issues? At the moment I am struggling to get skill shots on target as cannot time the flippers right, driving me nuts, I am no pinball wizard but know I can play better than I am :(

It is really weird as you and I have the latest iPhone and our processors should run Zaccaria smoooooth and not just in airplane mode. Mine (6 not 6+) runs it perfect, perhaps try my settings just to be sure; no background, just black. No particles fx. Table glass clean with glass reflection 'on'. It should run smooth, if not, it must be something else I guess.

ps. I hate Game Centre too, I have no clue what it is or what it does, never care to look into that. See each others score or something? Don't care for that.


New member
Sep 22, 2012
Zsolt - The 3-2-1 countdown when resuming a game. The bitmap is very poor quality image. Can this be improved please?

agree about the shorter games. Refreshing.

Reagan Dow

New member
Jul 23, 2014
I may have some solutions for you.

Under Graphics Settings, use the Inside Light slider to up your lighting.
Under Game Settings, you can change Launcher Type from Tap to Swipe.
Thanks dude. I had the same questions and looked all over for the setting to change but missed inside light. I kind of assume the new lighting there're talking about has already been applied to a few tables from this update to get feedback. After watching the video it looks very similar to what I was on say, Star God and a few more.

Zevious Zoquis

New member
Jul 27, 2013
It is really weird as you and I have the latest iPhone and our processors should run Zaccaria smoooooth and not just in airplane mode. Mine (6 not 6+) runs it perfect, perhaps try my settings just to be sure; no background, just black. No particles fx. Table glass clean with glass reflection 'on'. It should run smooth, if not, it must be something else I guess.

ps. I hate Game Centre too, I have no clue what it is or what it does, never care to look into that. See each others score or something? Don't care for that.

hmm...for me, a game like this (or any game where high score is a prime motivator) is almost useless without some means (like Gamecenter) by which to compare your scores with your friends and the world at large. There's obviously the enjoyment of the tables themselves, but having the scores of others to shoot for is a real nice element...


New member
Jan 30, 2014
For those having performance issues after the last update, I found that switching to view angle 2 is working fine. I'm able to turn all fx back on, except for background and particles which I don't run anyway. It may be fine with them - I haven't checked. I normally use view angle 1. This leads me to believe that there are extra calculations involved in producing view #1 compared to #2 that my lowly iPad 2 is struggling with.

ETA: I spoke too soon. While changing angles helped on some of the tables that were giving me trouble, it didn't on others. I find that reducing Light Mapping to slow or very slow removes all ball stuttering I've been experiencing.
I do recommend changing it up some with the angles. I'm having a blast playing through the tables again with the top down perspective. I'm seeing things I had never noticed before.
Last edited:


New member
Aug 27, 2014
Game Center = leaderboards. At the the start screen of each table you can click on the Game Center icon and see the leaderboard for that table - if you click on the zacc collection you can see your ranking on every table.

Are there 2 separate leaderboard for the two versions of zacc?

Zsolt, could you please remove the leaderboard scoring cap of 999,999 for combat ? I rolled it over to 1,139,050.
It displayed on Game Center then went to "unranked"


New member
May 11, 2013
Loving the new update! Been with the app from the start - and could never have imagined how stunning AND functional it has become with the new physics engine. I have an iPad and a GPD G7 Chinese Android game thingy - so I just picked up gold Zac on android, as well (must support cool programmers!). Love pinball (and retro game emulation) on my G7, because I have buttons! I'm like a portable icade - the flippers are on the shoulder buttons, the left joystick bumps the table in the various directions - awesome!

Some thoughts:

- I'd love the right joystick to be able to pull the plunger (PBA does this, and it has a nice feel).

- on both iPad and android, I play in landscape mode - and it's always the black sheep of the family, with poorer, farther away camera angles than portrait mode. On iPad, I'll switch once in a while - but on my G7, I am forced to landscape because of the buttons - the android gaming machines are always built for holding in landscape mode - could there be a closer angle for landscapers?

- A small graphical tweek that would be amazing: on electro mechanical tables, as points are scored, if you had a frame of animation between numbers, making them look like the the score wheels are "rolling" to the next number, you would be seen as a detail-God. It would simply be for show - but I think it fits right in with the beautiful details that have already gone into this amazing program!



New member
Aug 27, 2014
Loving the new update! Been with the app from the start - and could never have imagined how stunning AND functional it has become with the new physics engine. I have an iPad and a GPD G7 Chinese Android game thingy - so I just picked up gold Zac on android, as well (must support cool programmers!). Love pinball (and retro game emulation) on my G7, because I have buttons! I'm like a portable icade - the flippers are on the shoulder buttons, the left joystick bumps the table in the various directions - awesome!

Some thoughts:

- I'd love the right joystick to be able to pull the plunger (PBA does this, and it has a nice feel).

- on both iPad and android, I play in landscape mode - and it's always the black sheep of the family, with poorer, farther away camera angles than portrait mode. On iPad, I'll switch once in a while - but on my G7, I am forced to landscape because of the buttons - the android gaming machines are always built for holding in landscape mode - could there be a closer angle for landscapers?

- A small graphical tweek that would be amazing: on electro mechanical tables, as points are scored, if you had a frame of animation between numbers, making them look like the the score wheels are "rolling" to the next number, you would be seen as a detail-God. It would simply be for show - but I think it fits right in with the beautiful details that have already gone into this amazing program!


Check out the guide by baron http:// it is a guide to the zac camera angles - really helpful.

Yep noticed the em scores not analog rolling -- it would be nice to see in a future update - but not a deal breaker

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