Bug PS4 (NA) Version 1.24 Master Bugs List (Updated Up To Banzai Run)


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
PS4 (NA) / System Software Version : 5.53

The Pinball Arcade Version : 1.24

Total Modified :
Total New Issues :
Total Fixed : Current Version : / Overall : 43
Total Outstanding :

High Priority Issues

• ESRB rating needs to be changed to "T" (Teen) on the ESRB rating splash screen.

• Select Tournament > All-Time > My Score > Select the next table to the right to view score...results in the screen saying "Loading...". Then...back out and start any table from the table select screen and the game gets stuck at the flyer loading screen. (Fixed on Version 1.22)

• Toggling the Multiball Camera on/off from the main screen's option menu crashes the game. (Fixed on Version 1.22)

• Under Pro Menu > Open Coin Door in the Table Menu, none of the buttons work except the Reset button which means you cannot enter the Operator's Menu or change any of its settings. (Fixed on Version 1.22)

Main Menu / UI / All Tables Issues

• Flipper hum mechanical sound is missing from all EM tables.

• Hall of Fame Points are not in.

• Scripted tables don’t have a back space for initial entry. A back space is needed just in case the user selects the incorrect initial by mistake.

• When changing the Flipper Control to use the L2/R2 triggers for the flippers, you still have to use the L1/R1 shoulder buttons to input your initials on scripted tables. You should be able to enter your initials with which ever configuration you select for the flippers.

• Operator’s Menu Settings on all Pro Tables are not saved when you exit the table and return to the table select screen.

• Camera view settings (camera view and lock feature) are not saved on a per table basis.

• Sound settings (SFX, table music and menu music) are not saved on a per table basis.

• There are noticeable sound loop issues where you can hear a one second pause when the sound loop ends and begins again. The sound loops should be seamless. On The Champion Pub, let the ball sit in the plunger lane without launching it to hear an example of the sound loop issue.

• Many sound calls are being cut short and short sound calls are being cut off completely when they are called upon in quick succession for spinners, end of ball bonus countdowns, etc.

• When you activate a feature on a table, after the background music stops for a slight moment (as intended), the background music plays again for a split second before the feature sound sample plays.

• When you resume play after pausing the game, the last sound sample that played (or the sound sample that played when you started a mode) before you paused the game plays again.

• UI sound effect is missing when scrolling through the goals under Standard/Wizard Goals in the Table Menu.

• The captive balls (on all tables that have them) are dull, lack reflection and are not always scaled correctly (some of them look small compared to the default silver ball). The captive balls should have the same texture, reflection and be the same size as the default silver ball.

• The backbox DMD on all tables that have them has unnatural lighting applied to them that distorts the dot matrix, makes them look yellow instead of orange (or red depending on the table) and blows them out (on some tables).

• UI icons such as the yellow start button, PS4 controller buttons and orange arrows are low res.

• Many of the table logos on the table select screen, fly-over screen, leaderboards screens, etc. are low res.

• Many of the backglass icons on the table select screen are low res.

• The moving background images on the main menu and table select screens produce a pixelated effect.

• Anti-aliasing needs to be applied or increased on all tables to reduce the jaggies when the camera is scrolling to the top of the table or flying over the table during the fly-over. The jaggies are especially noticeable on the wire ramps and habitrails when the camera is locked.

• Under Extras > Flyers in the Table Menu, all flyers are low res at varying degrees and many are stretched horizontally. The flyers currently being used for the loading screens should replace the low res flyers in the Table Menu.

• Willams, Bally and Gottlieb & Stern Challenges need to be changed to S1 Williams Challenge, S1 Bally Challenge and S1 Gottlieb & Stern Challenge.

• Local high scores on all tables are reset to the default scores once you close the game. (Fixed on Version 1.21)

• Under Help & Options > Controls in the Table Menu...The controller picture should show that the square button locks/unlocks the camera and the circle button switches camera views. Currently, it shows that both the square and circle buttons on the controller switches camera views. (Fixed on Version 1.21)

• Room Brightness settings are not saved when you close the game. The Room Brightness settings should be saved on a per table basis. (Fixed on Version 1.21)

• Bulb Brightness setting value range is too short. 0% looks almost the same as 100% on most tables with very little change in brightness. The Bulb Brightness setting value should range from 0% (bulbs completely off) to 100% (bulbs very bright or almost blown out). (Fixed on Version 1.21)

• Default silver ball needs to be brighter so that it's somewhat visible with the Room Brightness set to 0%. Currently, it's almost pitch black. (Fixed on Version 1.21)

• Background music is missing from title and main menu screens. (Fixed on Version 1.22)

• Theme music for various tables is missing from the table select screen and during the fly-over screen. However, the theme music does play when you actually start those tables with their theme music missing from the table select screen and during the fly-over screen. (Fixed on Version 1.22)

• Under Extras > Custom Ball in the Table Menu, the Glo Balls are only visible if you scroll to the right. (Fixed on Version 1.22)

• Generic sound folder needs to be updated. The old ball eject sound is still present. (Fixed on Version 1.22)

• When viewing the Friends Leaderboards, the user's PSN ID should be displayed instead of "Me". (Fixed on Version 1.23)

• Missing Invert Nudge option under Help & Options > Settings in the Table Menu. (Fixed on Version 1.23)

• The user cannot tell if they are scrolling through the list of tables when viewing any of the Challenge splash screens that contain more than 11 tables. They must press down on the digital pad 11 times before the list of tables begins to scroll down. (Fixed on Version 1.23)

The Addams Family

• The white pop bumper does not light up on either Regular or Gold mode.

• Playfield is still too bright when Room Brightness is set to 0%.

• The alpha for the white flasher on the lower right needs to be removed. Alpha borders are visible when the flasher lights up.

• The table logo color should change to gold on all in-table screens when Gold Mode is turned on so that the user knows that the leaderboards they are currently viewing are the Addams Family Gold leaderboards.

• The Gold Mode setting you last selected is not saved when you return to the table select screen. Gold Mode always defaults to "On".

• Backglass lighting is blown out. (Fixed on Version 1.21)

• When Gold Mode is turned on, the middle left pop bumper still lights up green (even though the pop bumper cap is gold) when it should light up the same color as the other gold pop bumpers (which probably have the same issue but it's less noticeable because of their original colors). Also, the gold pop bumpers reflect their original colored lights (blue, red and white) on objects that are near them. (Fixed on Version 1.22)

Al's Garage Band Goes On a World Tour

• GI needs to be a bit brighter when Bulb Brightness is set to 100%.

• The Final Score popup screen displays before the match sequence is complete.

Attack from Mars

• Backglass lighting is blown out.

• Left instruction card on the apron is low res.

• The red Launch Ball button on the front of the cabinet appears to be always lit with only the edges of the button flashing.

• Slingshot animations are missing.

• The screws are missing from all of the plastics on the table.

• Need to clean up the playfield artwork around the rubber posts of both the left and right slingshots...you can see objects that were photographed with the playfield that shouldn't be there.

• The alpha for all the red flashers on the mini saucers need to be removed. Alpha borders are visible when the flashers light up. (Fixed on Version 1.21)

Banzai Run

• The four alpha-numeric displays on the top of the backbox are not positioned correctly.

• The sound samples that play during the match sequence are missing.

Big Shot

• The score reels on the backglass are not animated.

• The score reels reset animation is missing.

• Apron textures and instruction/score cards are low res.

• The playfield reflection needs to be removed.

• The inner and outer plunger rod springs are missing.

• The rubber tip is missing from the plunger rod.

• Slingshot animations are missing.

Black Hole

• Needs to be ROM emulated.]

• The backglass is not animated and is very low res.

• Apron textures and instruction/score cards are low res.

• The plunger knob and plunger rod look black instead of chrome.

• The inner and outer plunger rod springs are missing.

• All playfield plastics are low res.

• The Lower Level Bonus score display on the playfield is too bright and way too blurry and is pretty much unreadable.

• The numbers on the Lower Level Bonus score display should be a bit larger.

• Speech sound samples are missing : “Shoot captive hole” when in the lower playfield and when the blue captive hole cutout is flashing on the upper playfield and “Extra ball lit” when the red extra ball cutout is lit on the upper playfield.

• The pop bumper mechanical sounds are incorrect.

• The lights in the pop bumper caps should not be casting any light onto the playfield...even in pitch dark.

• Draw order issue with the clear tube on the right where the ball re-enters the upper playfield. You can’t see the ball passing through it.

• The shoot again “WHEN LIT” cutout has a black box around it. (Fixed on Version 1.21)

• Camera views need to be updated to the latest standards. Camera view 4 is too low. (Fixed on Version 1.22)

Black Knight

• Playfield is still too bright when Room Brightness is set to 0%.

• Camera views need to be updated to the latest standards. Camera view 4 is too high.

• There are a few texture seams on the apron.

• The red lettering on the apron is blurry.

• The light from the lit cutouts bleeds onto the playfield.

• There are texture lines visible on all three chrome textured ramps and chrome textured walls.

• When two balls are locked in the ball lock chamber, you can hear them hitting each other continuously.

Black Knight 2000

• GI needs to be a bit brighter when Bulb Brightness is set to 100%.

• Plunger cameras need to be updated to the latest standards.

• The rollover sensors should be chrome instead of black.

• The Skyway Ramp flasher at the entrance of the ramp is not working.

Black Rose

• GI needs to be a bit brighter when Bulb Brightness is set to 100%.

• Plunger cameras need to be updated to the latest standards.

• Camera views need to be updated to the latest standards. Camera view 4 is too low.

• Left instruction card on the apron is blurry.

Bone Buster Inc.

• GI needs to be a bit brighter when Bulb Brightness is set to 100%.

• The alpha-numeric digits on both the HUD and backglass scoreboards are distorted. (Fixed on Version 1.22)

Bram Stoker’s Dracula

• The red "Launch Ball" button on the front of the cabinet should flash when the ball is ready to be launched into play.

• The playfield reflection needs to be removed.

• The rectangular chrome plate that goes with the two screws on the front of Dracula’s cofffin is missing.

• Camera views need to be updated to the latest standards. Camera view 4 is too low. (Fixed on Version 1.22)

The Machine : Bride of Pin•Bot

• The GI needs to be a bit brighter when Bulb Brightness is set to 100%.

• The scoreboard on the speaker box is not working.

• The inner plunger rod spring is missing.

• The texture on the plunger rod cover is not scaled properly.

• The window on the plunger rod cover is too narrow.

• The upper part of the middle of the playfield is too dark compared to the rest of the playfield.

• The rollover sensors on the inlanes and outlanes are not lined up correctly with the vertical cutouts in the playfield.

• There’s Z-fighting behind the skill shot lights under the habitrail on the right side of the table. You can see the shimmering during the fly-over and when you change camera views.

• The rocket sticker on the left transparent ramp is low res.

• The scoreboard does not display the Big Wheel award correctly. (Fixed on Version 1.21)

• All three Pin•Bot Values cutouts on the backwall and the mini lights on the bride's helmet should be brighter when they light up. (Fixed on Version 1.21)

Cactus Canyon

• GI needs to be a bit brighter when Bulb Brightness is set to 100%.

• Both the instruction and price cards on the apron are faded.

• The right price card on the apron is crooked.

• The inner plunger rod spring is missing.

• The plunger rod is crooked.

• The rubber tip of the plunger rod does not come into contact with the ball.

• Slingshot animations are missing.

• The hanging switches on the ramps are not animated which causes the ball to clip through them.

• Playfield cutouts are a bit blown out when they're lit. (Fixed on Version 1.21)

• Plunger cameras need to be updated to the latest standards. (Fixed on Version 1.22)

Cactus Jack's

• The orange and yellow signs above the right ramp have too much reflection to where they are illegible.

• The Final Score popup screen displays before the match sequence is complete.

• The alpha-numeric digits on both the HUD and backglass scoreboards are distorted. (Fixed on Version 1.22)


• Plunger cameras need to be updated to the latest standards.

• Camera views need to be updated to the latest standards. Too much wasted space at the top of the screen.

Centigrade 37

• The score reels on the backglass are not animated.

Central Park

• Playfield is still too bright when Room Brightness is set to 0%.

• Plunger cameras need to be updated to the latest standards.

• Camera views need to be updated to the latest standards. Too much wasted space at the top of the screen.

• The score reels on the backglass are not animated.

• The score reels reset animation is missing.

• Slingshot animations are missing.

The Champion Pub

• GI needs to be a bit brighter when Bulb Brightness is set to 100%.

• Plunger cameras need to be updated to the latest standards.

• Cameras need to be updated to the latest standards. Camera view 4 is too low.

• The playfield reflection needs to be removed.

Cirqus Voltaire

• The inner plunger rod spring is missing.

• The plunger rod is too dark.

• The instruction card, name card and apron graphic textures are blurry.

• The rollover sensors should be chrome instead of black.

• There’s a white ring around the red cutout just below the rollover sensor in the right outlane when it lights up.

• The lightning bolt sticker is missing from the bottom of the Neon Tube.

• The judges are always Adam, Linda and Keith. The judges should be random and change from game to game.

Class of 1812

• The plunger cameras need to be updated to the latest standards.

• The camera views need to be updated to the latest standards. Camera view 4 is too low.

• The background music on the Table Select Screen sounds a bit lower than the background music for the other tables.

• The raised clear plastic on the right inlane plastic is not transparent.

• The GI light under the left slingshot plastic is brighter than all the other GI lights.

• The Final Score popup screen displays before the match sequence is complete.

• The alpha-numeric digits on both the HUD and backglass scoreboards are distorted. (Fixed on Version 1.22)

Creature from the Black Lagoon

• The inner plunger rod spring is missing.

• The instruction card, name card and apron graphic textures are blurry.

• The playfield reflection needs to be removed.

• All three red pop bumpers do not light up.

• All the rollover sensors should be solid chrome. Currently they have black and chrome stripes.

• The white mini lights on the transparent Creature loop ramp need to be a little brighter. (Fixed on Verison 1.21)

Cue Ball Wizard


• The plunger cameras need to be updated to the latest standards.

• Left instruction card on the apron is low res.

• The four alpha-numeric displays on the speaker box are not positioned correctly.

• The Jackpot lights on the hud need to be positioned vertically on the ride side of the screen instead of horizontally.

• The GI light under the left slingshot plastic is brighter than all the other GI lights.


• Plunger cameras need to be update to the latest standards. (Fixed on Version 1.22)

Doctor Who : Master of Time

• Playfield is still too dark when Room Brightness is set to 100%.

Doctor Who

• Many of the playfield cutouts are blown out when they're lit. (Fixed on Version 1.21)

Dr. Dude

• GI needs to be a bit brighter when Bulb Brightness is set to 100%.

• The inner plunger rod spring is missing.

• There is a white and blue striped line running along the top left edge of the right cabinet rail.

• The screws are missing from all of the plastics on the table.


• Plunger cameras need to be update to the latest standards.

• Cameras need to be updated to the latest standards. Camera view 4 is too low.

• The baked-in starburst lighting for the GI lights under the outlane plastics needs to be removed.

• Many of the playfield cutouts and the lights on the Earthquake Institute are a bit blown out when they're lit. (Fixed on Version 1.21)

Eight Ball Deluxe

• Many of the playfield cutouts are a bit blown out when they're lit...especially the small billiard ball cutouts in front of the drop targets on the right. (Fixed on Version 1.22)

El Dorado : City of Gold

• GI needs to be a bit brighter when Bulb Brightness is set to 100%.

• Plunger cameras need to be update to the latest standards.

• Cameras need to be updated to the latest standards. Camera view 4 is too low and there is wasted space at the top of the screen.

• The inner and outer plunger rod springs are missing.

• The playfield reflection needs to be removed.

• Both yellow pop bumpers are too dim when they're lit

• The numeric digits on both the HUD and backglass scoreboards are distorted. (Fixed on Version 1.22)

• Many of the playfield cutouts are a bit blown out when they're lit. (Fixed on Version 1.22)

El Dorado EM

• The score reels on the backglass are not animated.

• The mechanical sound for the spot targets and starburst rollover sensors are too loud.

• El Dorado : City of Gold's flyer is displayed during the loading screen. (Fixed on Version 1.21)

Elvira and the Party Monsters

• GI needs to be a bit brighter when Bulb Brightness is set to 100%.

• The left instruction card on the apron is low res.

• The plunger cover textures are not positioned correctly.

• The window cutout on the plunger cover is too narrow.

• The inner plunger rod spring is not positioned correctly.

• The playfield reflection needs to be removed.

• The arms on the Boogie Men should continue to wiggle for a bit after they stop dancing...like the animation that was done for the Martians on Attack from Mars.

• The table crashes the entire game once you press the start button on the fly-over screen. (Fixed on Version 1.21)

F-14 Tomcat

• GI needs to be a bit brighter when Bulb Brightness is set to 100%.

• Sometimes after returning to the fly-over screen from viewing the instructions, the instructions background music will continue playing simultaneously with the fly-over screen background music. (Fixed on Version 1.21)

• Many of the playfield cutouts are a bit blown out when they're lit. (Fixed on Version 1.22)


• The right instruction card on the apron is blurry.

• The detail on the slingshot plastics should light up more than they currently do. Even though the GI lights underneath them are lit, the detail on the plastics still appear unlit.


• The score reels on the backglass are not animated.

• The score reels reset animation is missing.

• The table crashes the entire game during the loading screen after pressing start on the table select screen. (Fixed on Version 1.21)


• Needs to be ROM emulated.

• The graphic textures on the front and both sides of the cabinet are not displayed correctly.

• Plunger cameras need to be update to the latest standards.

• The rollover sensors should be chrome instead of black.

• The GI lights underneath both inlane metal guides are missing.

• The screws on both inlane metal guides are missing.

• All three eject holes are missing their ball eject mechanism textures.

• Draw order issue with the clear cover over the right eject hole. You can’t see the ball through the clear plastic cover when the ball is locked.

Firepower II

• The circle around the "W" of the Williams logo on both flippers is missing.

Fish Tales

• GI needs to be a bit brighter when Bulb Brightness is set to 100%.

• Plunger cameras need to be updated to the latest standards.

• Camera views need to be updated to the latest standards. Camera view 4 is too low.

• The ball shakes while its in the plunger lane waiting to be plunged.

• The playfield reflection needs to be removed.

• When a ball drains and all the lights on the table turn off, the light under the right plastic turns off, but the plastic stays lit. (Fixed on Version 1.22)

Flight 2000

Frank Thomas' Big Hurt


• The scoreboard on the backglass is not working.

• The scoreboard on the hud needs to be re-positioned slightly up and to the left corner of the screen to match the scoreboard and DMD placement on the other tables.

• The playfield reflection needs to be removed.

• The light from the lit cutouts bleeds onto the playfield.

• Slingshot animations are missing.

• The Mystery Mirror award collected from the Wind Tunnel only appears on the scoreboard display less than a second then disappears. When its displayed on the scoreboard display, it should stay on there for a few seconds with a faint flashing effect.

• The light from the lit cutouts bleeds onto the playfield.


• Needs to be ROM emulated.

• The numeric digits for the scoredboard on the HUD shift up slightly when either a “1” or a “4” is displayed. Otherwise, all the numeric digits are lined up horizontally.

• The inner plunger rod spring is missing.

• The playfield reflection needs to be removed.

• The yellow “WHEN LIT” cutout in front of the four drop targets in the middle of the playfield is blown out when it’s lit.

• There are bright transparent squares and circles around most of the cutouts.

The Getaway : High Speed II

• Playfield cutouts are a bit blown out when they're lit.

• The alpha for the three red flashers above the supercharger needs to be removed. Alpha borders are visible when the flashers light up.

• Activating video mode still forces the camera to pan up to the DMD on the speaker box even if you have the Event Camera set to off.

Ghostbusters Premium

• The theme music and start sound sample on the table select screen is louder than the theme music and start sound sample of the other tables.

• The playfield is too bright when the Room Brightness is set to 0%.

• Some of the music and sound samples are distorted.

• The inner plunger rod spring is missing.

• The plunger cover window is not fully cutout. There is a grey piece towards the top that needs to be removed.

• The DMD on the hud looks a bit blurry and washed out.

• The multicolored arrow cutouts need to be re-lit to where they light up like the multicolored cutouts on Stern's Star Trek.


Goin' Nuts

• The playfield reflection needs to be removed.


• Needs to be ROM emulated.

• The outer plunger rod spring is going into the chrome faceplate (instead of stopping when it comes into contact with it) resulting in the plunger knob almost resting flush up against the chrome faceplate.

• The plunger rod is not properly lined up with the hole in the chrome faceplate which can be seen when you pull the plunger.

• The bar that runs across the back wall of the table in front of the grill should be chrome.

• The playfield reflection needs to be removed.

• The roll over sensors on both the right and left outlanes should be chrome instead of black.

• The pop bumper rings should be the same color as the pop bumper rods which should be chrome instead of white.

• One of the GI lights under the left plastic, the GI light under the plastic behind the GAR drop targets, the left GI light under the plastic just to the right of the Snake Pit and the GI lights under the left and right inlane metal guides are not lit. NOTE : The inlane metal guides should only have one GI light on each side. The two lights under the inlane metal guides that are closest to the flippers on each side need to be removed.

• The flasher under the Snake Pit plastic doesn’t fire at the appropriate times.

• After completing the A-B-C rollovers for a second time to activate the 3X multiplier...the speech and the sound sample that plays when the A-B-C rollovers are complete are no longer audible for the rest of the current game. The heartbeat becomes inaudible as well, but becomes audible again after you drain the current ball and a new ball is ready to be plunged.

• When a drop target bank is completed, the third drop target (last drop target you hit) never drops when hit and the other two drop targets pop back up immediately. After hitting the third drop target, all three drop targets should stay down for a fraction of a second before resetting.

Harley Davidson : Third Edition

• Plunger cameras need to be updated to the latest standards.

• The yellow “Ball Launch” button on the front of the cabinet is too bright in it’s off state and blown out in its on state.

• The playfield reflection needs to be removed.

• The “Ride Again” cutouts just below the flippers are very low res.

• The left slingshot is not animating correctly and the right slingshot animation is missing.

Haunted House

• The numeric digits on both the HUD and backglass scoreboards are distorted.

• The playfield reflection needs to be removed.

• All three white pop bumpers on the main playfield are not lit. Also, the white pop bumper on the Cellar playfield doesn't light up when the ball enters the Cellar.

High Roller Casino

• The inner cabinet walls on both the left and right sides of the table have a strong reflection as if they were chrome.

• All plastics have too much reflection which blurs their textures.

• All GI bulbs appear to be off even though there is light illuminating around them.

High Speed

• Plunger cameras need to be updated to the latest standards.

• Camera views need to be updated to the latest standards. Camera view 4 is too low.

• The rollover sensors should be chrome instead of black.


Indianapolis 500


• All plastics look scratched and need to be touched up.

• Baked-in lighting around all GI lights needs to be removed.

Jacks Open

• The score reels on the backglass are not animated.

Judge Dredd

Junk Yard

• The playfield reflection needs to be removed.

• The camera panning from the backglass back to the playfield needs to be tweaked. There are times where the camera pans back to the playfield just in time for the player to see his ball draining after coming down the left inlane.

Last Action Hero


• Backglass lighting is blown out.

• The numeric digits on both the HUD and backglass scoreboards are distorted.

• The playfield reflection needs to be removed.

• Plunger cameras need to be updated to the latest standards.

• Camera views need to be updated to the latest standards. Camera view 4 is too low.

• The red and blue floodlights do not shine on the playfield when they are lit.

• All the screws on the brick wall back wall texture appear to be black instead of chrome.

• The flasher under the “Special Million” plastic is not working.

Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

Medieval Madness

• The ball shakes continuously when it's in the plunger lane waiting to be launched.

• There are no vertical cutouts in the playfield where the rollover sensors are located.

• The two red flashers on the back wall flash white instead of red.

• Pausing and resuming gameplay can sometimes result in a high pitch screeching sound to play. (Fixed on Version 1.23)

Monster Bash

• Backglass lighting is blown out.

• The price and instruction card textures on the apron are dirty.

• The red Launch Ball button on the front of the cabinet appears to be always lit with only the edges of the button flashing.

• The light from the lit cutouts bleeds onto the playfield.

• Slingshot animations are missing.

• The rectangle cutout textures on both the left and right outlanes are missing.

• The light source from the flashing lamp that’s supposed to light up the Mummy toy in the back of the playfield lights up the back wall just to the right of the Mummy instead. The light source from the flashing lamp needs to be re-aligned so that it lights up the Mummy toy when it flashes.

No Fear : Dangerous Sports

• The playfield reflection needs to be removed.

No Good Gofers!

• The plunger rod is not modeled correctly (it has a striped texture but should have a smooth texture like all the other plunger rods from the same era).

• The inner and outer plunger rod springs are missing.

• The window on the plunger box cover is not lined up with the plunger rod. You should be able to see the plunger rod through the window on the plunger box cover.

• The red and white wiring texture models need to be removed since they are not modeled for any of the other tables.

• Slingshot animations are missing.

• The “Shoot Again” cutout doesn’t lit up properly.

• The “Trap Ready” cutout on the left side of the playfield is very blurry and unreadable in both on and off states.

• The red, white and blue pop bumpers need transparency and should be brighter when they light up.

• The white pop bumper lights up grey instead of white.

• The selected award on the Whirlwheel doesn’t line up correctly with the “Wheel Value” cutout on the playfield.

• The front captive ball extends past the rubber post that’s supposed to secure the balls in the captive space.


• All the numeric digits on the backglass are not sized correctly. They are squished vertically.

• All four pop bumpers should be brighter when they're lit.

The Party Zone

• The instruction card on the apron is blurry and the price card needs to be cleaned up.

• The apron graphic textures look worn and need to be cleaned up.

• The playfield reflection needs to be removed.

Phantom of the Opera

• The clear plastic covers over the orange plastics to the left and right of the three top rollover lanes needs more transparency.


• Plunger cameras need to be updated to the latest standards.

• Camera views need to be updated to the latest standards. Camera view 4 is too low.

• The topper for the backbox is missing.

• Slingshot animations are missing.

• All three red pop bumpers are not lit even though they cast light onto the transparent plastic playfield directly above them.

Pistol Poker

Red & Ted's Road Show

Rescue 911

Ripley’s Believe It or Not!

• The DMD on the backbox is not working.

• The instruction and price card textures on the apron need to be cleaned up.

• The inner plunger rod spring is missing.

• The playfield reflection needs to be removed.

• The lamps on the back wall are not lit.

• Pausing and resuming gameplay can sometimes result in a high pitch screeching sound to play.


• The entire red ramp on the right and the entrance to the red ramp on the left need transparency.

• Both white flashers on the front end of the red ramps look black when they are not lit.

Scared Stiff

• Backglass lighting is blown out.

• The spider on the backglass is missing its texture.

• The Spider Wheel award textures on the backglass are low res.

• Camera views need to be updated to the latest standards. The back end of the Bony Beast ramp and the top portion of the back wall are cutoff a bit.

• The inner plunger rod spring is missing.

• The playfield reflection needs to be removed.

• Baked-in lighting on the sidewalls for all the red flashers and blue pop bumpers needs to be removed.

• The alpha for the red flasher on the lower right needs to be removed. Alpha borders are visible when the flasher lights up.

• The switch at the entrance of the Bony Beast ramp does not activate the left red flasher on the back wall.

• The switch at the entrance of the right ramp does not activate the right red flasher on the back wall.

• All six red flashers have a dark stripe on them.

• Activating Terror from the Crate from an auto launched ball results in the feature terminating before it starts.

Star Trek : The Next Generation

• Slingshot animations are missing.

• There is a black spot floating in mid air in the middle of the playfield just to the lower left of the curve of the ball launch habitrail.

• The light coming from the three blue shield cutouts should not bleed out onto the playfield surface when they are at full brightness. While the brightness of the three blue shield cutouts should illuminate at varying brightness, the light from these cutouts should only slightly light up the playfield around them when they are at full brightness.

• ROM loses track of how many balls are in play during multiball. For example, 2 balls had drained down the outlanes during Ferengi multiball leaving one ball in play. The table still showed 2 balls and calling attendant did not work. Ferengi multiball finally ended when Borg multiball was activated.

Tales of the Arabian Nights

• The DMD on the backbox is not working.

• The plunger rod is too short and doesn’t reach the ball in the plunger lane.

• The inner plunger rod spring is missing.


• The outer plunger rod spring is going into the chrome faceplate instead of stopping when it comes into contact with it.

Theatre of Magic

• The DMD on the speaker box is not working.

• The texture for the top of the plunger box cover and the window to view the plunger are missing.

• There seems to be textures missing from the left back wall just below the green flasher.

• There is Z-fighting on the back wall green flasher when the camera is moving.

• The sound sample for the spinner is missing.

Twilight Zone

• The inner plunger rod spring is missing.

• The ball should not be able to get stuck between the upper right flipper and the wall. This causes a game breaking issue if a ball gets stuck between the upper right flipper and the wall after all the flippers have gone dead when Lost in the Zone is complete.


• Background music does not play if you play this table immediately after playing Haunted House. Re-launching The Pinball Arcade restores the background music during gameplay as long as you don’t play Haunted House immediately before playing Victory.

• There’s a noticeable edge where the radius of the lighting ends around both of the slingshot plastics and the plastic just to the lower right of the right spinner.


• The Super Cellar Door Value backbox lights should all be displayed on the HUD as they currently are on Earthshaker.

• The background music cuts out when the ball lock is activated and the table is waiting for you to lock a ball.

WHO dunnit?

• Slingshot animations are missing.

• All transparent ramps and the elevator scoop ramp need more transparency. For example, the flashing pop bumpers should be more visible through the transparent elevator scoop ramp.

• Both spotlight lamps on either side of the table are missing. Only the posts for the spotlights are there.
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Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Just a quick note...the bugs/issues list in the OP is still a work in progress and I have a lot to add so it is far from complete. I'm trying to get everything I can in so that FarSight can finish logging all of the PS4 bugs/issues and prioritize them accordingly.

Please feel free to post any bugs or issues you find with the latest PS4 (NA) version that's not already listed in the OP and I will confirm and add them to the list.

Thanks in advance for everyone's help.


New member
Apr 25, 2014
Star Trek: the table loses track of how many balls are in play during multiball. For example, 2 balls had drained down the out-lanes during ferengi multiball leaving one ball in play. The table still showed 2 balls calling attendant did not work, ferengi multiball finally ended when borg multiball was activated.

Genie: a black shadow appears on the play field. When the ball is launched it leaves its shadow in the dust so to speak. The shadow can be left on the playfield at random times and remains until the table is exited.

Game crashes at the start of Firepower sometimes

Champions Pub: at the start of a fight the ball is stuck in the jump rope spot. The "jump rope" passes through the ball as it goes around and around. The computer often lands a punch before the ball can come down the ramp. The jump rope often seems to move when it should not.

Haunted House: gives a tilt after ONE NUDGE. Way to sensitive and inconsistent on the tilt sensitivity

Sounds are not right. Spinner on Victory, Space Shuttle in general, Genie bonus count

Warped/ distorted special balls

Trophies for season 2 available on ps3 and vita still missing

More tables available for purchase, but apparently still not enough for a tournament :p

I would appreciate controller vibration. I know you already listed that.

I really hope they update some old releases and do bug fixes. I will gladly get the rest of season 3 and season 4 pack when/if they ever get around to it.

Mk pinball fan

New member
Jul 11, 2012
Just purchased a PS4 today and purchased all of the tables. I later purchased the season 4 pro upgrade for $9.99. It still says all of the table upgrades are $3.99? I've purchased pro upgrades on the PS3 and I new had any issues. Anyone else have this issue? Is there a work around?



Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
On LCA the motor noise from the playfield plays constantly on the first game unless you pause and restart the game.

This is normal behavior as it is present on the real table as well...not an issue. Also, pausing and restarting the game still plays the motor mechanical sound throughout the play session...again, not an issue.

Confirmed and added to the OP.

There's now 2 holes on the bottom playfield of Monster Bash


Confirmed and added to the OP.

Just purchased a PS4 today and purchased all of the tables. I later purchased the season 4 pro upgrade for $9.99. It still says all of the table upgrades are $3.99? I've purchased pro upgrades on the PS3 and I new had any issues. Anyone else have this issue? Is there a work around?


Did you purchase the Season Four Pass or did you buy the Season Four tables individually?
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Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
1) Star Trek: the table loses track of how many balls are in play during multiball. For example, 2 balls had drained down the out-lanes during ferengi multiball leaving one ball in play. The table still showed 2 balls calling attendant did not work, ferengi multiball finally ended when borg multiball was activated.

2) Genie: a black shadow appears on the play field. When the ball is launched it leaves its shadow in the dust so to speak. The shadow can be left on the playfield at random times and remains until the table is exited.

3) Game crashes at the start of Firepower sometimes

4) Champions Pub: at the start of a fight the ball is stuck in the jump rope spot. The "jump rope" passes through the ball as it goes around and around. The computer often lands a punch before the ball can come down the ramp. The jump rope often seems to move when it should not.

5) Haunted House: gives a tilt after ONE NUDGE. Way to sensitive and inconsistent on the tilt sensitivity

6) Sounds are not right. Spinner on Victory, Space Shuttle in general, Genie bonus count

7) Warped/ distorted special balls

8) Trophies for season 2 available on ps3 and vita still missing

9) More tables available for purchase, but apparently still not enough for a tournament :p

10) I would appreciate controller vibration. I know you already listed that.

I really hope they update some old releases and do bug fixes. I will gladly get the rest of season 3 and season 4 pack when/if they ever get around to it.

1) Confirmed and added to the OP.

2) Confirmed and added to the OP.

3) Cannot confirm...need more information on how to reproduce.

4) Confirmed and added to the OP.

5) I was able to consistently nudge at least three times (sometimes four) before the table TILTED...not an issue.

6) Issue already listed under "Main Menu / UI / All Tables Issues".

7) Only the issue I've come across is with the "8-Ball" being stretched vertically (which is listed in the OP). Need more specific issues with other custom balls.

8) Confirmed and added to the OP.

9) Confirmed and added to the OP.

10) As you stated...already listed in the OP.
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the classics

New member
Jul 8, 2013
The jet bumpers on firepower are lit at the start of the game,the spinner on diner sometimes makes a sound,and from what iv'e heard the flood lights on LCA are not working on the ps4


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Don't know if these are PS4-specific, but anyway:

1) - Genie: the "1" digit in the score readout is slightly smaller than the other digits.

2) - Junk Yard: if you let the ball fall straight down onto the very top left part of the left flipper, it does not rebound off the flipper rubber as expected, but instead slips straight down the flipper and into the drain.

1) Confirmed and added to the OP.

2) Confirmed and added to the OP.

Oops, let's also not forget the framerate slowdown on CV during multiball:

1) Start Cirqus Voltaire.
2) After launching the ball, make sure you're in camera 4, locked.
3) Activate "Frenzie" multiball (probably happens with some other modes too, although I didn't get it in regular Highwire Multiball--but the Ringmaster isn't raised during that, so maybe that had something to do with it).
==> From time to time during this mode, the game will slow to maybe 75% speed for a few seconds at a time, with the balls moving in slow-motion across the table.

Videos (occurs at about 0:06 in both of these, for instance):


Re-tested this to make sure it's still around in the latest version, and it is. Here's a lot of slow-mo slowdown in "Razz" multiball:

Confirmed and added to the OP.

1) Dr. Dude: Camera 3 is zoomed out to an unusual degree, making the table seem tinier than the other tables.

2) Class of 1812: The playfield texture is very low resolution, much more so than the other tables.

Firepower: Frequent pops/snaps in the audio during normal gameplay.

1) Confirmed and added to the OP.

2) I'm not noticing the playfield resolution being any different than the other tables. Need more specific details on what looks low res.

3) Confirmed and added to the OP under "Main Menu / UI / All Tables Issues" since this is an issue with a majority of the tables to some degree.

1) Circus Voltaire: There's a graphical glitch around one of the left flashing lights (left center of table) which is blocking out other lighting effects. It's super obvious and always present, but I can take a pic if necessary.

2) There is a much more subtle version of this graphical bug present on the Victory table on the right center.

1) Confirmed and added to the OP.

2) Confirmed and added to the OP.

Trivial to these others - but High Speed bonus countdown sound is muffled until it reaches the last couple thousand.

Bonus countdown sounds fine sans the sound samples being cut short which is already listed in the OP.

High Roller Casino:

1) Even when using a Locked camera, with Multiball Camera set to Off and Event Camera set to Off, the camera pitches down momentarily as the ball exits the lane beneath the roulette wheel. (Noted on other platforms in this HRC board thread). The camera should not be moving.

2) After tilting, the ball still rebounds energetically off the pop bumpers as if they are active, even though they are no longer animating, illuminating, or playing sounds when hit.

1) Issue already listed under "Main Menu / UI / All Tables Issues".

2) Cannot confirm on Version 1.05.

On whirlwind the table loses track of the music and you mostly get just sound fx.

Confirmed and added to the OP.

Victory - music isn't playing in game. It occasionally starts up but stops within a second as soon as the next sound effect plays.

Confirmed and added to the OP.

1) The jet bumpers on firepower are lit at the start of the game, 2) the spinner on diner sometimes makes a sound,and 3) from what iv'e heard the flood lights on LCA are not working on the ps4

1) Confirmed and added to the OP.

2) Confirmed and added to the OP.

3) Confirmed and added to the OP.
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New member
Apr 25, 2014
Trying to start a game on Firepower caused the game to close twice. The second time was going straight from T2 to Firepower. A video was sent with a report.

For me, an isolated nudge after lengthy play on a single ball has signaled the end of my game on Haunted House at least 3 times on the ps4. Sometimes I will have nudged several times on a ball when one 'randomly' triggers the tilt. On ps3, I noticed similar behavior. This does not happen all the time, but has been a bother. Choosing to capitalize a few words for emphasis was not an attempt to be rude.

The red Star Trek Extra ball appears stretched as well. When I log back in to play I will make note of other effected balls.

Also on T2, I have noticed strange behavior occasionally during multiball. I will have to investigate further to give a detailed account of what occurs, but maybe others have noticed it too.
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Mk pinball fan

New member
Jul 11, 2012
Hi Pin Wiz,

See quote above, I forgot to add it.

I purchased the season 4 pass (without the pro upgrade). I downloaded the tables sepeate, after I purchased the season 4 pass. ($29.99 I believe). I then decided a few days later that I wanted the season 4 pro upgrade. I purchased the pro upgrade for $9.99. It shows that I've purchased the pro upgrade, but It's still showing purchase pro upgrade by each of the season 4 tables. If I try and go into the pro menu, it says upgrade $3.99. Not sure why it is not working? I've purchased pro upgrades on the PS3 and I've never had any problems. Any suggestions would helpful! Thank you!
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Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Hi Pin Wiz,

I purchased the season 4 pass (without the pro upgrade). I then decided a few days later that I wanted the season 4 pro upgrade. I purchased the pro upgrade for $9.99. It shows that I've purchased the pro upgrade, but It's still showing purchase pro upgrade by each of the table 4 tables. If I try and go in and go into the pro menue, it says upgrade $3.99. Not sure why it is now working? I've purchased pro upgrades on the PS3 sny I've never had sny problems. Any suggestions would helpful! Thank you!

I'll pass this on so that someone can look into this for you.

In the meantime, did you try restoring purchases via your PS4 settings?
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Mk pinball fan

New member
Jul 11, 2012
I'll pass this on so that someone can look into this for you.

In the meantime, did you try restoring purchases via your PS4 settings?

No I have not tried restoring purchases in the settings. I've only had the PS4 for a short while! I might have to try this later this evening. Thank you for your help and passing this on to them.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Nice work, PW!

I sure wish they would fix the operator menu settings not saving thing >_<

Thanks smbhax. V1 of this list has been sent to FarSight for database entry, but the list in the OP is far from complete. I'm currently working on V2 so everyone please keep the bugs/issues coming. Thanks again for everyone's involvment in this project.


New member
Apr 18, 2015
On Starship Troopers, the background music is missing sometimes for the duration of a few minutes (while this happens you hear a repeating short sound).


Active member
Mar 31, 2012
Twilight zone: the music stops when you begin the Greed door panel is activated and does not start until the mode ends.

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