Bug PS4 (NA) Version 1.24 Master Bugs List (Updated Up To Banzai Run)


New member
Feb 29, 2012
Jackbot pinball table bug found

Good afternoon, I've noticed a bug with the Jackbot Pinball tab;e on the PS4. It seems the settings in the "operators menu are not saving after exiting. I would like to know if there will be a patch to correct the problem?


New member
Jul 17, 2012
On Firepower (PS4..it also happened on the PS3 one time) where there's a glitch when at the end of ball bonus is going, the game continues to rack up the score continuously without fail. Tried to stop it by calling the attendant, but it doesn't recognize that there's a problem. Also I finished the standard goals and even completed a wizard goal or 2. However, when I exited the game and played it later, it showed that I only completed 3 standard goals. I wasn't mad because Firepower is easy, but I can only imagine others who may have a problem with it. Besides, we want all bugs fixed. :)


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
Good afternoon, I've noticed a bug with the Jackbot Pinball tab;e on the PS4. It seems the settings in the "operators menu are not saving after exiting. I would like to know if there will be a patch to correct the problem?

I sure wish there would be! This has been a problem (and I reported it to them multiple times on their Facebook page, and their FB guy replied at least once so it got that far, anyway...) since the PS4 version launched. >_<

EDIT: I've made my annual mini-rant about this on their Facebook page ; ), feel free to weigh in yourselves.
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Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Hey guys...I'm currently in the process of updating the OP to PS4 (NA) version 1.08 by highlighting modifications, new bugs and fixes so that everyone can see the progress that is being made by FarSight to address reported issues on the PS4 (NA). I will also check any new issues that have been posted above and will add them to the OP once I confirm them. Thanks again for everyone's help and please feel free to continue posting any PS4 (NA) bugs or issues you happen to come across.


New member
Jun 10, 2013
RBION: During multiball one ball goes away, and when all other balls are drained no ball is on the table. Sometimes CALL ATTENDANT won't work ("ball not stack" state) and table's ball search system works but nothing happen and only I can do is selecting EXIT GAME from menu (CALL ATTENDANT sometimes work collectly, but I have not seen table's ball search system working collectly once).


New member
Jun 26, 2012
TAF Multiball sound effect clips cut out on PS4

I noticed that the sound glitches still remain on TAF PS4 Multiball. One of the audio files cuts out to soon multiple times on gold and standard versions of table during Multiball sequence start(3rd ball being locked). They are smooth and correct for PC version. I hope this can be corrected in next patch... Multiball is most exhilarating event on TAF, and audio file is broken on PS4.
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Mar 21, 2014
Champion Pub.....the energy bar lights aren't working. You and your opponent's energy bars are just dark, all the time. Makes it hard to know when you're ready (or how far you still have to go) for the next match to start.


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Aug 7, 2015
Roadshow: impossible to unlock the big blast wizard goal. Did it three times in one game, but never got it


New member
Dec 31, 2015
The Help section for the Pro Menu 'Help' file (i.e. "HOW TO USE THE OPERATORS MENU") for the "Lights Camera Action" table is not correct for this game. It would be correct help instructions for other games (Cactus Canyon, Arabian Knights, Who Dunnit, and for other tables I don't have no doubt), but does not correspond to "Lights, Camera, Action".

Here is the actual way to proceed to for instance get more balls per coin, i.e. 1)...

1)ENTER, LEFT, ENTER, (now pushing ENTER again steps thru menu settings - use Left/Right to change setting), ENTER to save setting). BACK OUT.
(number 17 is Balls per Game)
2)ENTER, RIGHT, ENTER (runs whole lot of solonoid & lamp tests, PS4 controller vibrates on some tests), RESET will stop the long test routine. BACK OUT.
3) ENTER, ENTER, ENTER(repeat press ENTER runs various tests, if DSP says to use left or right black button, use left or right red button). BACK OUT.


But I'm not complaining, just bought several games, and love them !


New member
Dec 31, 2015
In my opinion the worst bug in the original list, is one probably easily fixed:

• Operator’s Menu Settings on all Pro Tables are not saved when you exit the table and return to the table select screen.

This is really annoying when you have to make 4 or 5 changes ever single time you go to that table before beginning to play. Takes a lot of time (dozens of steps) and makes getting the pro version tables much less valuable.


New member
Apr 20, 2012
The sound in Gorgar is pretty bad on the PS4. I mainly play my PS4 system using headphones so it's really hard to ignore the pops and glitchy audio.
It's worse when there are more sound effects playing. This isn't present on the PS3 version.

Here's a video I've made of it.

I also wish they would fix the pop bumpers. It makes no sense to have all 3 of them lit before hitting the targets [G] [A] [R].
That was part of the fun for me, to see how fast I could get all 3 lit up, but now the machine does it.


Feb 26, 2013
It's like that on a number of tables, such as The Addams Family and Theater of Magic, etc. The horrible popping sound did not exist before they "fixed" the pathetic mobile phone'esque audio glitch almost a year after the game's PS4 launch. Farsight screwed up adding the pops in that patch, and they haven't even bothered to acknowledge or fix it ever since. It's been what? 18 months?

I guess I can't stand that noise any more. I haven't bothered to play the game in months except to check if they've gotten off their lazy butts to finally do something before immediately shutting it back off. Their handling of audio on the PS4 system from day one has been 100% USDA Choice Grade A Ass.
Oct 15, 2013
I noticed the audio pops and ticks on a 5.1 surround sound system. It's pretty obvious somebody dropped the ball with the PS4 version's audio. A shame because the light show is an improvement over the PS3 version. Still the PS3 version is superior, the bad audio just ruins the experience.


New member
Apr 25, 2014
I now play on PC but I noticed the sound issues on PS4 too. 1 thing I found that helps most times is to re-start the PS4. At the start of many things on PS4, my girls games, hulu, netflix, some movies, the sound or part of it will be delayed. It is easy to notice when words dont match a moving mouth but is noticable on games too. Restarting always atleast improved the experiance for me, less poping and such. For me the borked sound is most obvious on a bonus countdown on Space Shuttle, even after a restart. Hope this helps some


Active member
Mar 31, 2012
The bonus countdown on High Speed (and many other tables) goes silent because of the pops. Also, when you activate Greed mode on Twilight Zone, the music stops completely (but voiceovers and sound effects still play). I actually think The sounds on Gorgar aren't that noticeable compared to other tables, but I am sure that if you play with headphobnes on, it is much worse.

Edit: also the music in Scared Stiff goes silent often. Might have something to do with squash the leapers mode.
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