Something Bobby mentioned in the most recent Blahcade


New member
Feb 27, 2015
and check it out if you haven't already, but Bobby mentioned that Warner Bros and Fox want crazy amounts of $$$$$ for licenses for their tables. Shutyertrap mentioned Dirty Harry in the podcast and I can also think of Lethal Weapon 3. What other tables would this include?


New member
May 4, 2012
A very interesting topic. If Warners and Fox are out, and surely Disney is too, besides Sony, that leaves Universal and Paramount, and the non-majors.

I couldn't resist. I tried to identify the studio that owned every DMD table not in TPA. Here is a really big list of results. I hope it makes sense, ask me if not. Some of these license holder things are complicated, there might be errors.

Maybe good news for Shadow (Universal) and Congo (Paramount)?

Movie/TV studios who might own license for some pinball machines.

source: wikipedia article for movie/tv show, "Distributed by" field.

TPA                                  TPA                     IPDB IPDB/NUM  PINS L PC RELEASE  MY      FARSIGHT'S      MPU
Sony Pictures (owns Columbia)
   Bram Stoker's Dracula
   Starship Troopers
   Sinbad                                    G 1978-05 13900  134 7.60/50        Y?
   Close Encounters of the Third Kind        G 1978-10                           Y
   Charlie's Angels                          G 1978-11                           Y
   Krull                                     G 1983-02                           Y
   Robocop                                  DE 1989-11                           Y
   Hook                                   D DE 1992-01        146 7.55/59        Y
   Last Action Hero                       D DE 1993-08         56 7.94/88        Y
   M.S.'s Frankenstein
   Johnny Mnenomic                        D  W 1995-08         81 7.85/92        Y             JMn
   Godzilla                               D Se 1998-08        216 7.29/20
   Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines     D St 2003-06        152 7.53/81        Y
   Elvis                                  D St 2004-08        159 7.51/83        Y
   Wheel of Fortune                       D St 2007-10        150 7.53/40        Y
   Spider-Man                             D St 2007-06         14 8.15/169       Y

Warner Bros. (subsidiary of Time Warner)
   Batman                                 D DE 1991-07        278 7.04/35        Y
   Lethal Weapon 3                        D DE 1992-06        156 7.52/89        Y
   Demolition Man                         D  W 1994-02         84 7.84/126       Y             DM
   The Flintstones                        D  W 1994-07   Universal made the 1994 movie, but Warners owns the cartoon rights.
   Maverick                               D DE 1994-09        137 7.59/55        Y
   Dirty Harry                            D  W 1995-03        166 7.50/85        Y             DH
   Batman Forever                         D Se 1995-07         75 7.88/66
   Space Jam                              D Se 1996-12        202 7.35/36
   Twister                                D Se 1996-04        252 7.17/35
   Batman                                 D St 2008-07         51 7.95/89        Y
 New Line Cinema (merged with Warner Bros.)
   Freddy: a Nightmare on Elm Street      D  G 1994-10        122 7.66/54        Y
   Lost In Space                          D Se 1998-05         --
   Austin Powers                          D St 2001-06         --                Y
   The Lord of the Rings                  D St 2003-12         15 8.15/347       Y
   The Hobbit                             H JJ 201?-??                           Y

Time Warner (has Warner Bros. as subsidiary)
   The Sopranos (HBO / Time Warner)       D St 2005-02        194 7.40/85        Y
   Wizard of Oz                           H JJ 2013-04         79 7.86/40        Y
     ^-- MGM movie, then Turner Entertainment, subsidiary of Turner Broadcasting
         System, which is a subsidiary of Time Warner

Warner Bros. Television (subsidiary of Time Warner)
   Gilligan's Island                      D  B 1991-05         --                Y             GI

20th Century Fox
   Tales from the Crypt                   D DE 1993-11         36 7.99/127       Y
   Independence Day                       D Se 1996-07        154 7.52/37
   The X Files                            D Se 1997-09         --
   The Simpsons Pinball Party             D St 2003-02         22 8.08/217       Y
   Family Guy                             D St 2007-??        106 7.73/100       Y
   24                                     D St 2009-02         --                Y
   James Cameron's Avatar                 D St 2010-08        173 7.47/59        Y

Universal Pictures
   Advs. of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Fr.  D DE 1993-02        108 7.73/74        Y
   Jurassic Park                          D DE 1993-04         28 8.05/174       Y
   The Flintstones                        D  W 1994-07   Universal made the 1994 movie, but Warners owns the cartoon rights.
   Shadow                                 D  B 1994-11         25 8.07/202       Y             Shad
   Apollo 13                              D Se 1995-10         93 7.79/54
   Waterworld                             D  G 1995-10         --                Y
   Barb Wire (Gramercy)                   D  G 1996-04        167 7.49/19        Y
   Lost World Jurassic Park               D Se 1997-06        264 7.11/44
   The Big Lebowski (Gramercy)              Du 201?-??                           Y

Walt Disney Studios (owns Lucasfilm)
   Star Wars                              D DE 1992-10         65 7.91/109       Y
   Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure   D  W 1993-08          7 8.29/365       Y             IJ
   Star Wars Trilogy                      D Se 1997-03        298 6.97/56
   Star Wars Episode I                    H  W 1999-06        185 7.42/103       Y             SWE1
   Pirates of the Caribbean               D St 2006-07        138 7.58/148       Y
   Indiana Jones                          D St 2008-04        281 7.03/87        Y
   Iron Man                               D St 2010-??         62 7.93/87        Y
   Disney TRON Legacy                     D St 2011-??         23 8.07/80        Y
   The Avengers                           D St 2012-??         ??                Y
   X-Men                                  D St 2012-08         ??                Y

DreamWorks (owned by Disney)
   Shrek                                  D St 2008-??         98 7.78/68        Y
   Transformers                           D St 2011-??        117 7.68/38        Y

Paramount Pictures (owned by Viacom)
   Star Trek                                 B 1979-04                           Y
   Star Trek                              D DE 1991-10        241 7.20/41        Y
   Congo                                  D  W 1995-11         40 7.98/107       Y             Congo
   Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles           D DE 1991-05        223 7.28/40        Y
   South Park                             D Se 1999-02        300 6.96/83
   Star Trek                              D St 2013-??         ??                Y
   (Indiana Jones movies < 2008, now owned by Disney from Lucasfilm)

AMC Networks
   The Walking Dead                       D St 2014-09         ??                Y

CBS Productions
   Rescue 911                             D  G 1994-05  4000c
   CSI: Crime Scene Investigation         D St 2008-11         --                Y

United Artists
   Goldeneye (MGM)                        D Se 1996-03        110 7.71/42

StudioCanal (or Lionsgate?)
   Stargate (MGM)                         D  G 1995-03         34 8.00/141

BBC (British Broadcasting Company)
   Doctor Who                             D  B 1992-09         61 7.93/140

FremantleMedia (UK)
   Baywatch                               D Se 1995-02        109 7.72/54
     ^-- now owned by Paramount?  planning a movie?
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New member
Feb 27, 2015
E yikes. Not good. So TSPP and TFTC are both out? I was REALLY hoping for TSPP some day. Suddenly it seems like Farsight's choices are quickly narrowing.

Hopefully another deal can be signed with Sony and a deal with Universal.
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New member
Feb 27, 2015
This might clarify a bit why Farsight has stated two more seasons and after that is unknown.


New member
Feb 27, 2015
How did I not immediately realize Simpsons = Fox? My brain must be on vacation.


New member
Feb 27, 2015
I think I am going to still hold out hope that TSPP is the next Kickstarter and they can get it done.

Otherwise that heroin thing.
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Active member
Mar 31, 2012
E yikes. Not good. So TSPP and TFTC are both out? I was REALLY hoping for TSPP some day. Suddenly it seems like Farsight's choices are quickly narrowing.

Hopefully another deal can be signed with Sony and a deal with Universal.

Well, that is probably why they need a kickstarter for Simpsons Pinball Party. Because Fox is asking for too much. This could mean that Tales From the Crypt would need a kickstarter too


New member
Feb 27, 2015
Makes sense.

So what happens in the case of something like Rollercoaster Tycoon or Street Fighter II where they aren't attached to a movie? Still have to pay Sony as well as Stern?
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New member
Sep 27, 2012
post of the month, cuz its true.
yeah thanks invitro. ur one of the people here that I read mostly everything u post.
kudos to you.


New member
May 4, 2012
So what happens in the case of something like Rollercoaster Tycoon or Street Fighter II where they aren't attached to a movie? Still have to pay Sony as well as Stern?
I'm glad you mentioned these two, because I screwed both of those two up. The wikipedia article on RCT mentions a movie that Sony Animation was supposed to be making, but this was in 2010. That's why I put it on the Sony list last year. It shouldn't be here... the owner of the license is Atari, which many of you probably know :).

Street Fighter was a 1994 movie by Universal Pictures. I think I put it on Sony because wikipedia has Columbia (which is owned by Sony) as the movie's international distributor, and I think I read that the int'l distributor is what counted? Anyway, the pinball machine came out in 1993, and isn't related to the movie, which is live-action and stars J.C. van Damme. (Kinda like Judge Dredd... the pinball is 1993, the big movie with Sly Stallone is 1995). Oops! SF2's license is certainly owned by Capcom.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
Dreamworks is not owned by Disney. It is its own company and has offices out of Universal City (I.E. Universal Studios). So that possibly frees up a couple tables.

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