Building A Virtual Pinball Cabinet


New member
Jan 26, 2014
Great video. Glad you got it all running.
Have fun with it.

I'm just starting to build my back box. My cab has been just playfield plus DMD for the last year. Waiting for a new monitor to make my old one ready for it's new life as backglass...


New member
Aug 20, 2014
Cheers Guys...

And I think I will have that beer now Silverballs...although not too many...only just survived relegation last month :) Yourself and mpad have also given me a lot of useful advice, so it's much appreciated. And mpad...good luck with the'll have to put some pics up on here when its done.

I really enjoyed making the videos and of course, the cheesy music. :) I make videos of everything I make now, but the pinball ones have been the most enjoyable. Part of me wants to source a real pin which is in need of some love and attention, and film a refurb...but i was clueless when I started the Virtual Pin...image how hard a real pin must be...but Im still considering it nonetheless. Love to own the T2 table...or the Star Trek Table... :)


New member
Jan 8, 2013
L33, the video was great! I loved it (as I did the prior ones). I'm happy your cabinet build has worked out so well, while the world got an opportunity to watch your progress through your incredibly fun to watch YouTube videos. So nice that you recognized genius NoEx and awesome Robert! Plus others in our Pinball Arcade Fans Community!
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New member
Aug 20, 2014
Cheers Jeff and Seattlemark...I had fun making the videos and they are also a great way of giving back. The forum has been so much help and still is :) cause Im still having to ask tons of questions.


New member
Aug 20, 2014
Since building this cab, I get requests to show what a particular game looks like, played on the machine. Ive posted a few clips on youtube, and they look ok, but lack the quality Id like to give. After trying tons of ways to record gameplay, I realised that many factors affect the end result. Whilst I do record in HD, its the angles of the table, the different monitors, and the way Ive been exporting (interlaced and progressive issues) that have been causing the issues. Then I had a brainwave...and tried it last night.

The result was quite pleasing. I still prefer not to record the full 3 monitors as the more of the cab you film, the smaller the playfield becomes, so the video shows just the dmd portion and the playfield. This new way of making the clips seems to be the best idea I can come up with, and I can't seem to better this idea.

If anyone is interested in taking a look, I'll put the link below... All Im after really is some feedback (good or bad) so that I can either carry on and make some more like this, or go back to the drawing board and see what improvements can be made. Ive browsed youtube to see if the are other similar videos and they all seem to have difficulty showing the 'real image'. Viewing the video in HD obviously shows the most detail, but I guess it depends on what device its being played back on. But having just had a look via youtube myself, it does seem to look better.

Anyhow, if anyone does get chance to take a look, it'd be great to know what you think. Of all the things Ive ever had to film, I find filming pinball one of the toughest challenges, but it seems I'm not alone. But then again, Im only filming on a little camcorder... :)


New member
Aug 20, 2014
Resolution and image quality are very good!

Maybe I would go for a higher angle (eyesight), so the table doesn't look that flat.
And less lockdown bar = more Playfield real estate ;)

Probably the best way to do it is using two or more camcorders like in the papa vids :D
But they also have a lot at this hybrid view, camcorder hangin at the ceiling

Cheers for the feedback...

I may try a little higher angle if i can get it...

I definitely agree about the lockdown bar taking up some of the playfield real estate...though what Im trying to do is make the videos a little different from the norm, and show that its actual cab play and not just a tv screen, if that makes sense...trying to keep some of the real pinball realism. I tried it with no lockdown bar and all playfield, but it kind of lost the 'cab feel' a little. Then I went completely the other way and filmed the whole cab...but then you couldn't see any gameplay :) so this was kind of a compromise between the two.

Had a look at those links from Papapinball...was great to see the real table...Id not seen it before. If I ever win the lottery (which will be hard as I don't enter it), everytime Farsight brought a new table out...Id go and buy the real one aswell just to compare. :) One can dream!

Appreciate the feedback...its good to get other peoples perspective etc

Robert Misner

New member
Oct 4, 2014
I think if you elevated the camera about 16inches higher and tilted it down abit, the perspective for the camera would be better more of a view of someone who's 5 foot something..right now it feels like the perspective of someone thats 4foot something.


New member
Aug 20, 2014
I think if you elevated the camera about 16inches higher and tilted it down abit, the perspective for the camera would be better more of a view of someone who's 5 foot something..right now it feels like the perspective of someone thats 4foot something.

Yeah, I agree. After mpad suggested eye level, Ive tried setting the cameras higher and it does look different. It's going to take a bit of work for me to do the new angles, but hopefully, as you both suggested, it would probably look more realistic at that height.

One thing that Im thinking about changing is the background by green screening...just can't seem to think of a suitable backdrop. Probably more hassle than its worth, but fun nonetheless. Pinball on the moon perhaps :) Bet thats not been done before!

Well, first things first, I'll sort this angle issue out and see if that works. Cheers guys.


New member
Apr 18, 2015
After I have learned that cabinet play is possible by using the amazing mods created by genius forum members, and motivated by this great cabinet build here, I decided to start my own cabinet build too.

I am really afraid of the woodwork, because I don't have the tools, the space and I think also not the skills to build it right from the start.
Does anyone know, if it is possible to buy premade pinball cabinet parts in germany or europe?

A soon as the decision was made, tons of questions come to my head :)
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New member
Aug 20, 2014
After I have learned that cabinet play is possible by using the amazing mods created by genius forum members, and motivated by this great cabinet build here, I decided to start my own cabinet build too.

I am really afraid of the woodwork, because I don't have the tools, the space and I think also not the skills to build it right from the start.
Does anyone know, if it is possible to buy premade pinball cabinet parts in germany or europe?

A soon as the decision was made, tons of questions come to my head :)

I feel your pain :) When I started this build/thread I had no idea where to start. This thread may be of help cause I asked quite a lot of questions and got lots of good advice back. I looked for a pre made cab but couldn't find anyone other than Virtuapin from the U.S. They have some great stuff there...really helpful, but unfortunately for me it was the shipping costs that forced me to build my own. If money is no issue, perhaps this would be an option. Others have found machines sold as spares and repair, and used those cabinets as a starting point. Lack of tools can be a sticking point when it comes to making your own...but then what better excuse to buy yourself some new tools :) Skills are something that can be learnt along the way...I certainly lacked some of the skills and knowledge before I started but soon picked up ways to do things. I filmed the whole build when I built mine...not sure if you've seen the videos but it does give some idea of the work involved.

Good luck in whatever you decide... :)


New member
Apr 18, 2015
Thanks for your reply. I saw all your videos about the build, amazing work and the videos are definitely helpful. Your build was also additional motivation for me to finally start my own cabinet build.
By the way, do you ship to germany :)

I guess to order the whole cabinet in the U.S. would be very expensive due to taxes and customs dues. I have to find some information about this.

I agree, the build is a good opportunity to buy some new tools. But maybe just some hand tools in this case :)
What do you think about the playfield size, are you happy with the "40" tv or would you recommend a "42" tv instead?

I wish the wood part has already been done :)

best regards


New member
Jan 26, 2014
Hallo Markus, immer gut wenn jemand neu infiziert ist ;)

Back to English.
At the beginning it's a lot to research and a bit overwhelming, but there are great build threads out there. Definetly check out Hyperspin, VPforums, and VPUniverse they got the best build threads.
This build from 2011 (!!!) is so freakin amazing and is what got me to build my own cab:
Planning is fun ;)

Here are some German shops I stumbled upon two years ago, mostly for original parts and some for virtual stuff.äuseteile_Zubehör_111.html (relatively new and almost same stuff as Virtuapin)

In the end I ended up buying the most stuff from VirtuaPin, because they had the only workin (sort of) plunger solution back then and were the only ones who had the PinDMD2 ready (I have a real DMD for VP and so on...).
Now a lot of things changed and there are also some great DIY solutions for plungers and DMD (now full RGB colored) out there. Just read a bit through the Forums and you will find it. There were also some german guys on youtube who documented every step, but I can't find it right now :p
Edit: there you go

Have fun with research and building!
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New member
Aug 20, 2014
Thanks for your reply. I saw all your videos about the build, amazing work and the videos are definitely helpful. Your build was also additional motivation for me to finally start my own cabinet build.
By the way, do you ship to germany :)

I guess to order the whole cabinet in the U.S. would be very expensive due to taxes and customs dues. I have to find some information about this.

I agree, the build is a good opportunity to buy some new tools. But maybe just some hand tools in this case :)
What do you think about the playfield size, are you happy with the "40" tv or would you recommend a "42" tv instead?

I wish the wood part has already been done :)

best regards

With regards to expense...a Virtual Cab can definitely work out expensive, wether its self build or bought, but of course it depends on how 'good' you want it to be. Mine for instance, doesn't have all the 'bells and whistles' like shaker motors (i think thats what they're called) and a real DMD...although I do have one just in case :)

Regards shipping to Germany...if I had £30000 spare (which i don't) Id love to own a full size cnc...and I'd definitely make these cause there is a small demand for these in Europe I reckon. Unfortunately, because of my small cnc, its not something I could really do. VP cabs just released a video and they explain how initially they hand made the they use a cnc machine, and you can see how much easier and faster it is. But, if ur only making one, a circular saw and straight edge does the job too, at a fraction of the cost.

With regards to the tv, Im definitely happy with the size. Some like bigger, some like smaller, but I built mine the same size as the Funhouse Table and was restricted by the size of the lockdown bar too...which meant this size was the best size for my cab. :)


New member
Apr 18, 2015
Hallo Markus, immer gut wenn jemand neu infiziert ist ;)

Back to English.
At the beginning it's a lot to research and a bit overwhelming, but there are great build threads out there. Definetly check out Hyperspin, VPforums, and VPUniverse they got the best build threads.
This build from 2011 (!!!) is so freakin amazing and is what got me to build my own cab:
Planning is fun ;)

Here are some German shops I stumbled upon two years ago, mostly for original parts and some for virtual stuff.äuseteile_Zubehör_111.html (relatively new and almost same stuff as Virtuapin)

In the end I ended up buying the most stuff from VirtuaPin, because they had the only workin (sort of) plunger solution back then and were the only ones who had the PinDMD2 ready (I have a real DMD for VP and so on...).
Now a lot of things changed and there are also some great DIY solutions for plungers and DMD (now full RGB colored) out there. Just read a bit through the Forums and you will find it. There were also some german guys on youtube who documented every step, but I can't find it right now :p
Edit: there you go

Have fun with research and building!

Hallo mpad, vielen Dank für die ganzen Infos. :)
Thanks for all the informations, this is very helpful.
Yes there is so much to research, and sometimes it is really overwhelming.
Today I read the recommended build thread from 2011, WOW what an amazing pinball machine.
I checked also the other links, and already collected some new (for me) informations.

I am excited and I would like to order the first parts soon, so I have to decide if I go with a standard or widebody cabinet. If I understand right, the Standard will fits a 40 tv playfield and the widebody a 42 tv playfield. Maybe I am wrong :)

If I use TPA with a 15 Monitor as DMD, would this work for VP also? (Thinking of a Backbox with 32 Backglass and 15 DMD) Or do I need a real DMD for VP?


New member
Jan 26, 2014
Yeah wide body should fit a 42" but it really depends on the TV model and to get exact measures for the panel after decasing. I would look for a current or max two year old model that others use and where you can be sure it turns back on after power out etc.
Got mine from eBay ...

And yes you can use a normal display for VP. Pinmame does display a movable and resizeable DMD window as standard.


New member
Apr 18, 2015
With regards to expense...a Virtual Cab can definitely work out expensive, wether its self build or bought, but of course it depends on how 'good' you want it to be. Mine for instance, doesn't have all the 'bells and whistles' like shaker motors (i think thats what they're called) and a real DMD...although I do have one just in case :)

Regards shipping to Germany...if I had £30000 spare (which i don't) Id love to own a full size cnc...and I'd definitely make these cause there is a small demand for these in Europe I reckon. Unfortunately, because of my small cnc, its not something I could really do. VP cabs just released a video and they explain how initially they hand made the they use a cnc machine, and you can see how much easier and faster it is. But, if ur only making one, a circular saw and straight edge does the job too, at a fraction of the cost.

With regards to the tv, Im definitely happy with the size. Some like bigger, some like smaller, but I built mine the same size as the Funhouse Table and was restricted by the size of the lockdown bar too...which meant this size was the best size for my cab. :)

Yes, I just figured out that cabinet built can be very expensive easily.
The good thing is that it is possible to add more things later, like shaker motors for example.
Yes I can imagine that it would need more tools like full size cnc to produce a higher number of cabinets.
Today I watched the mentioned video from VP Cabs, interesting to see how they improved the production. I am still not sure what would be my best solution regarding the woodwork.

I see your playfield tv fits perfectly to the original size of the Funhouse Table. So that means a 40 tv comes very close to the original playfield size. sounds good.

I just realized again, this is actually your pinball cabinet build threat. Sorry for that :)

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