Every Pinball is Connected


Active member
Mar 14, 2013
F14 to LAH. The thing that shoots the ball right back at you really fast. Someone please help me out in this


Sep 19, 2014
Hope no one minds, but I thought a sum-up would be useful at this point. Thanks to Snorzel for suggesting the game in the first place!
Below are only the entries that form a continuous chain:

Fireball -> Whirlwind -> No Good Gophers(spinning discs)
No Good Gophers -> F14 (Ripoff)
F14 -> Last Action Hero (Kickback aimed at flippers)
Last Action Hero -> Terminator 2 (Moving Skill Shot)
Terminator 2 -> No Fear (Skull Toys)
No Fear -> Attack From Mars (Skull saying "Again!")
Attack From Mars -> Addams Family (Dirty Pool Award)
Addams Family -> Junkyard (Mamushka mode)
Junkyard -> Creature from the Black Lagoon (Move Your Car mode)
Creature from the Black Lagoon -> Monster Bash (Gil)
Monster Bash -> A.G. Soccer -> Addams Family (Machine Controlled Flippers)
Addams Family -> Last Action Hero (Magnets under the playfield)
Last Action Hero -> Earthshaker -> Red & Ted's Roadshow (Shaking table)
Red & Ted's Roadshow -> FunHouse (Talking Head)
FunHouse -> Diner (Hot Dog)
Diner -> Junk Yard (Has a (hot)dog in it)
Junk Yard -> Scared Stiff (Televisions)
Scared Stiff -> Dr. Dude (Terrible Puns)
Dr. Dude -> Party Zone (Dr. Dude)
Party Zone -> Elvira and the Party Monsters (Party Monsters)
Elvira and the Party Monsters -> Party Zone (Weird ribbed flippers)
Party Zone -> Dr. Dude (Playfield Multipliers)
Dr. Dude -> Champion Pub (Boxing Gloves)
Champion Pub -> Class of 1812 (Door Prize)
Class of 1812 -> Rescue 911 -> Bride of PinBot (A Beating Heart)
Bride of PinBot -> Black Knight 2000 (Voice of Stephanie Rogers)
Black Knight 2000 -> Flight 2000 (Because 2000)
Flight 2000 -> PinBot (Saturn on the playfield)
PinBot -> Taxi (PinBot)
Taxi -> Bram Stoker's Dracula (Dracula)
Bram Stoker's Dracula -> Medieval Madness (Castle Lock)
Medieval Madness -> Fish Tales (Catapult)
Fish Tales -> Taxi (Cross over ramps)
Taxi -> High Roller Casino (Whirlpool bowl)
High Roller Casino -> JackBot (Gambling)
JackBot -> WHO Dunnit? (Slot Machine)
WHO Dunnit? -> Lights...Camera...Action! (Chases)
Lights...Camera...Action! -> Cirqus Voltaire (Backglass used for gameplay features)
Cirqus Voltaire -> Hurricane (Jugglers)
Hurricane -> Cyclone (Rollercoasters)
Cyclone -> Bride of PinBot (Same Skillshot)
Bride of Pinbot -> SafeCracker (Female robot voice)
SafeCracker -> Judge Dredd (Two different game modes)
Judge Dredd -> Goin' Nuts (Game starts with Multiball)
Goin' Nuts -> Safecracker (Timed Play)

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