2.04.6 Bygs


Jul 3, 2015
This never happened
The next release (Dr Who) will make this post redundant. Navigation on all screens.
Big dead zone around the launch button

The complete difference between the iOS and Android UI is baffling.

Bad physics around flippers

All the numerous issues I have raised that have yet to be addressed, but there is no interest in "legacy" problems is there?


Staff member
May 8, 2012
Controller support works for me on Shield Tablet with Shield Tablet controller.

Don't know why the iOS in game interface differs. Didn't even know it was different until I saw the screen.

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
The op's bug is confirmed in the latest Android build.
Set the Launch button around 35% in settings with touch control profile A (this puts the launch button in between the flipper zone and the nudge zone).
There is a huge Deadzone directly above the launch button about an inch long on a 5" device which renders any zone above it useless. This is just touch control, not tried controller yet.
The flipper physics are awful in this build. No shot accuracy at all.

It's really inexcusable that bugs so obvious make it through testing.
If you guys aren't going to do a thorough test, your hurting the product more than helping.
If you can't check everything yourself due to time constraints, lead and delegate and split tasks. 5 tables each etc per tester. Otherwise leave it alone. It'd at least force Farsight to pay someone to test properly.
Also blindly denying issues don't exist doesn't help either. I spent 18 months reporting issues with LP+ devices having Lag and performance issues only to be told. No, doesn't happen on my device.
Then 18 months later Farsight miraculously acknowledge and fix the issue. It now plays wonderfully again.


New member
Feb 8, 2014
Similar dead zones also exist on HS2, Frankenstein, and Last Action Hero.

Button size in Dr Who is representative of other tables. Some tables it is really tiny, even smaller than Dr Who. So in that respect, since you're the first to complain, I'll call it a non-issue.

Finally, if you don't like the job we are doing as unpaid, unorganized, volunteer beta testers in our spare time, feel free to join us. Believe me the more voices, the better. Otherwise, please restrict your criticism to Farsight's QA team.

Sent from my SM-T710 using Tapatalk


New member
Jul 8, 2016

report a small bug in doctor who
right flipper some touch zones not work,touch scheme is type A


Staff member
May 8, 2012
It's really inexcusable that bugs so obvious make it through testing.
If you guys aren't going to do a thorough test, your hurting the product more than helping.
If you can't check everything yourself due to time constraints, lead and delegate and split tasks. 5 tables each etc per tester. Otherwise leave it alone. It'd at least force Farsight to pay someone to test properly.

So we're clear about what is expected of us in our volunteer testing capacity.


Our mandate is to check over the CURRENT RELEASE, or specific issues as directed by the lead tester. We identify the issues and they are then recorded and triaged.

That is all.

As volunteers, we expect FarSight to maintain a base level of testing across the Android platform. That is out of our scope.


Are we clear?


Active member
Feb 9, 2014
Similar dead zones also exist on HS2, Frankenstein, and Last Action Hero.

Button size in Dr Who is representative of other tables. Some tables it is really tiny, even smaller than Dr Who. So in that respect, since you're the first to complain, I'll call it a non-issue.

Sent from my SM-T710 using Tapatalk
Sorry, but non of the above tables have similar dead zones. In fact, I never had any problems on them so I didn't even know about them. But when I launched the 1st ball on Dr Who it was like WTF, right flipper doesn't work.

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
Ok done some controller testing.

Good news = Shield & Shield Controller users seem to be in good shape. I have full control of menus (other than switching between 'my tables' 'default a-z' etc). The other omission seems to be the ability to change view settings from the controller (cycle 1,2,3,4). You can toggle view lock but not change view.

If any one is having issues with Shield and Shield Controller, try removing previous 'game mapping' profiles.

The bad news = also tested normal hid Bluetooth controls with a non shield device (my old Samsung Note 4).
Normal hid Bluetooth controller support is now completely broken. Some functions work like shoulder buttons in game select menus, others don't like, there is no flipper control at all in game either on the shoulder buttons or triggers. Also the game select menu cannot be panned about, moving sticks does not change selected game. Wierdly stick analogue plunging does work. But normal native hid controllers are completely broken now.
Tested using Samsung Note 4 SM-N910F running LP5.0.1. Used Moga Pro controller via mode B. And Sixaxis Dualshock via Sixaxis app as native controller, and also as a plug in wired controller via USB cable.

Also another bug = loop champion initial entry quite often results in the initial entry gui getting stuck on screen even when new games start. The same bug happens in Black Rose also with that 2nd initial entry.
Pic of screen with 2nd initial entry gui stuck, and unplayable new game started.


Elder of suburbia - I don't think you are understanding the Deadzone we are experiencing and reporting. I can post a video if needed.

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
So we're clear about what is expected of us in our volunteer testing capacity.


Our mandate is to check over the CURRENT RELEASE, or specific issues as directed by the lead tester. We identify the issues and they are then recorded and triaged.

That is all.

As volunteers, we expect FarSight to maintain a base level of testing across the Android platform. That is out of our scope.


Are we clear?

The only thing really clear is that sufficient testing isn't being done.
I know Farsight only allow testing of current release, this was the reason I left the test group myself, so I'm aware of that.

Current release however does include checking that previous released tables haven't been broken in the current release, as was the case with last month's release. You need to be checking each table carefully for function and operation between the remainder of the group.

Also - other user situation testing needs improvement. You can't just check how you play, eg if you use a Shield controller, you also need to check normal touch control and function, and also standard hid controller function too. This area really needs bringing up to speed.


Staff member
May 8, 2012
The only thing really clear is that sufficient testing isn't being done.
I know Farsight only allow testing of current release, this was the reason I left the test group myself, so I'm aware of that.

Current release however does include checking that previous released tables haven't been broken in the current release, as was the case with last month's release. You need to be checking each table carefully for function and operation between the remainder of the group.

Also - other user situation testing needs improvement. You can't just check how you play, eg if you use a Shield controller, you also need to check normal touch control and function, and also standard hid controller function too. This area really needs bringing up to speed.

We'll do what we can in the time we're given.


Jul 3, 2015
Ok done some controller testing.

Good news = Shield & Shield Controller users seem to be in good shape. I have full control of menus (other than switching between 'my tables' 'default a-z' etc). The other omission seems to be the ability to change view settings from the controller (cycle 1,2,3,4). You can toggle view lock but not change view.

If any one is having issues with Shield and Shield Controller, try removing previous 'game mapping' profiles.

The bad news = also tested normal hid Bluetooth controls with a non shield device (my old Samsung Note 4).
Normal hid Bluetooth controller support is now completely broken. Some functions work like shoulder buttons in game select menus, others don't like, there is no flipper control at all in game either on the shoulder buttons or triggers. Also the game select menu cannot be panned about, moving sticks does not change selected game. Wierdly stick analogue plunging does work. But normal native hid controllers are completely broken now.
Tested using Samsung Note 4 SM-N910F running LP5.0.1. Used Moga Pro controller via mode B. And Sixaxis Dualshock via Sixaxis app as native controller, and also as a plug in wired controller via USB cable.

That's the thing. I am using a Shield Tablet and a Shield Controller, but I am just getting HID Bluetooth controller functionality; no 'game-mapping' profile on system. Opened the mapper and it gave me the intro walk-through.

ETA: I even disabled the mapper functions and still no difference. This is a TPA issue, not a Nvidia Controller one. I have yet to have any problems with the controller in any other use from Gamestream to android apps. It seems to only be TPA.

I reported this earlier only to be told, "It doesn't happen on my device so it shouldn't be happening" as if that will absolve the issue, FFS

Prior to the 2.03.10 build at least I could use the f*cking flippers. Take that to the Devs
Last edited:


New member
Feb 8, 2014
Sorry, but non of the above tables have similar dead zones. In fact, I never had any problems on them so I didn't even know about them. But when I launched the 1st ball on Dr Who it was like WTF, right flipper doesn't work.

It depends on where you position the button. On my device I positioned the button at something like 60%, right in the middle of the right nudge zone. So for me, the dead zone affects right nudge, not the flipper.

And yes, I do know what the problem is, I tested it very quickly (because it's quick to test) on all the tables with a launch button. It's a very easy test, cradle the ball on the left flipper and tap all around the launch button as close as I can to see if the nudge happens. If there's a dead zone, which there is on the tables I listed because it's not like I just tried once when I noticed a dead zone, I tried multiple times to get confirmation, then there's no nudge. Which, in certain situations, can be just as annoying as not flipping.

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
That's the thing. I am using a Shield Tablet and a Shield Controller, but I am just getting HID Bluetooth controller functionality; no 'game-mapping' profile on system. Opened the mapper and it gave me the intro walk-through.

I reported this earlier only to be told, "It doesn't happen on my device so it shouldn't be happening" as if that will absolve the issue, FFS

Prior to the 2.03.10 build at least I could use the f*cking flippers. Take that to the Devs
I believe you Spork. Hopefully the devs do read here and will realise there are some issues in this build.
In the meantime I'll see if I can break my Shield so it thinks and behaves like the non working native hid controllers.

Catapult Ace

New member
May 27, 2015
Since the last update every table runs much slower than before on my sony z3 compact. I dont have this problem on my shield tablet.

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