Zen Pinball FX3 Williams Pinball Volume One


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2012
I also just noticed missing quotes from Francois Du Grimm and Howard Hurtz with Family Mode.

Pinball Arcade, a big help once again.

So....can confirm. ROM set to Family Mode on FX3 on a game where it's not needed. Nice.


New member
Jan 2, 2015
**** family modes in pinballgames! Kids these days rather play cod or resident evil cutting legs off with chain saws. And the parents can’t have tits and swearing on their pins... insane!
And Assasins Creed covered up ancient classic statures in there Origins game because, you know, statues where naked!!! Yes, lets rewrite history - no nudity allowed, it makes you blind apparently…. :(


New member
Apr 27, 2017
JY is currently the only table not set up as it’s currently at a mates house “biddick woods” and it’s probs gonna end up sold by Xmas to pay for my vpin upgrades needed (4K and new video card) hopefully all this will be done in the coming weeks
I’ve always coffee on the go and kinda semi retired so give me a pm if ya wanna pop down with the missus some time if only to experience how Virtual Pinball should really be played.

Cheers Colin, i will.


New member
Apr 27, 2017
Agree with all the censoring comments on here. What kids watch and have access too these days is far worse than anything their going to see or hear on a pinball table designed 20 years ago. I get the company wants to be seen to be responsible, but this is small fry in the grand scheme of things. I doubt most wouldnt even bat an eyelid now.

Could Zen not stick a little waiver prompt in the game before purchase, if their really that worried....


New member
Feb 8, 2014
My youngest is 6 (going on 7) and he already gets far worse ideas and language from YouTube videos. The idea we need to censor tables like MM is frankly laughable. Use the "would it offend my elderly relatives?" test*.

* It's sad that I'm getting to the age where "elderly relatives" are my parents, not my grandparents... and no, MM's language and innuendo would definitely not make either of my parents bat an eyelid.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
Mom: "Timmy! Where did you learn that? That's horrible!"

Timmy: "From a pinball machine...:("

said absolutely no one.


New member
Feb 8, 2014
Mom: "Timmy! Where did you learn that? That's horrible!"

Timmy: "From a pinball machine...:("

said absolutely no one.
How do you know Timmy wasn't an oversized insect who'd just thrust a claw straight through the brains of some poor unsuspecting infantryman?

Sent from my SM-T710 using Tapatalk


New member
May 24, 2013
just give you all a heads up , Spacies Arcade has a new youtube with his mate on it .DK doesn`t play vp ,he`s going to give us his opinion , I just started watching it , so I`m going straight back to it . sorry I don`t know how to upload , I`m a big boof !!!:cool:


New member
May 24, 2013
Jeff , just finished watching , great viewing and our Forum got a shout out , it was nice getting the viewpoint of DK , he normally gives Greg heaps about vp , what got me the most was , that both own Firepower . just listening to them saying how different both there tables play . :cool:


New member
Jan 26, 2014
wow. guess I am late but .. hello again!!!
me too more ore less abandoned this forum because I felt everything went kinda downhill. got my pinball fix with some of the VPX diamonds out there.

But hey, how things change! really exited about this.

back in the days, it was FX2 that got me hooked to the digital pinball hobby and building a cab... still love a round of secrets of the deep.
Then I wanted realistic tables and fell for all the farsight promises - BUT, we did have som great fun time together, I have to admit. (after the lighting got upgraded to DX11)!!!
Parallel I started with VP and totally abandoned FX2 (except for some SouthPark now and then).
In between some ProPinball Timeshock - you will always have a place in my heart! (barnstorm can go f++k themselves).

Now ZEN again. I guess they will do a great job, always thought the had a great overall package at hand and also they listened to the community to some extend (cab).
Really excited to see digital pinball with classic tables alive and thriving again.
Now bring me those tables!!

(checking out the beta right after this post)

P.S. finally looking forward to those fine season one tables without blurry textures :p


New member
Jan 26, 2014
thanks Jeff!
well ... impressed I am. I had to turn of that menu girl first though.
Really nice job from ZEN. physics are totally different from what they did before, and I like it. Feels natural enough for me.

Visuals are great, models, graphics and all, but I still think the ZEN lighting is a bit weak and could pop a lot more.
the gamma slider (thank you loaf!) helps (although it has little effect on fish tales), but it gets to dark overall. more customization options are needed here to achieve a natural "night" look. TPA was a bit better here. but I have been complaining a long time about this. ZEN seems to like their tables flat looking without contrast.

overall very impressive, seems they've been working on this for quite some time.

a) how they get their sources? guess they don't buy all the machines. scans? directly from williams? redraws?
b) how is the emulation part done?


New member
May 24, 2013
thanks Jeff!
well ... impressed I am. I had to turn of that menu girl first though.
Really nice job from ZEN. physics are totally different from what they did before, and I like it. Feels natural enough for me.

Visuals are great, models, graphics and all, but I still think the ZEN lighting is a bit weak and could pop a lot more.
the gamma slider (thank you loaf!) helps (although it has little effect on fish tales), but it gets to dark overall. more customization options are needed here to achieve a natural "night" look. TPA was a bit better here. but I have been complaining a long time about this. ZEN seems to like their tables flat looking without contrast.

overall very impressive, seems they've been working on this for quite some time.

a) how they get their sources? guess they don't buy all the machines. scans? directly from williams? redraws?
b) how is the emulation part done?
mpad welcome back , they have about 20 tables and they also use tables from the pinball museum which has 400 tables .


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Timeshock - you will always have a place in my heart! (barnstorm can go f++k themselves).

That's a great line - lol

I had to turn of that menu girl first though.

First thing I did too.

....but I still think the ZEN lighting is a bit weak and could pop a lot more.

the gamma slider (thank you loaf!) helps (although it has little effect on fish tales), but it gets to dark overall. more customization options are needed here to achieve a natural "night" look.
Agree totally. The gamma slider certainly makes the table look better, but separate adjusters are needed for bulbs and room lighting, with a BROADER range (eg: can't make MM dark enough using current slider) . We need a natural night look too.


New member
Oct 5, 2017
I hate to say it, but the few times videos of theirs have been posted here and I've watched, I feel dumber for it. Most of the people on this forum know more about the ins and outs of digital pinball then those two. To me they are the equivalent of Facebook commenters.

I feel the same.

The silver lining is that he does have a lot of followers, so more exposure for Zen, TPA and Zaccaria. In fairness, his videos would mainly be for people who don't follow any pinball forums, blogs/vlogs, news sites, etc. Which, admittedly, is most people.


New member
Jul 12, 2013
I hate to say it, but the few times videos of theirs have been posted here and I've watched, I feel dumber for it. Most of the people on this forum know more about the ins and outs of digital pinball then those two. To me they are the equivalent of Facebook commenters.

I do agree, just that they are big in YouTube and like Citizen posted, they have a lot of followers and bring attention to Zen was the only reason I posted it. They are mostly into console collecting stuff more than anything.
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