Elvira and the Party Monsters Preview Video

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
Get ready for a million complaints about SDTM drains. I've only played one real life EATPM machine and it was heavy on SDTM drains as well. Looks pretty spot on to me. Can't wait to play it and find out for certain.
From what I've been told, Party Monsters is a center drain monster, but this is balanced by the fact that unless you're doing something completely wrong, the ball is usually never near the outlanes.


Staff member
May 8, 2012
I love how every detail has been thought of, particularly how the ball exits from the Party Ramp.

A little wibbly-wobbly, then the ball drops onto the playfield.

Just like real tables with these type of ramp ends.


New member
Jun 20, 2012
FarSight posted on Facebook with a pic of Elvira's behind playing it (the videogame version XBox 360 ) at some Southern CA. Convention.


New member
Jun 12, 2012
so i whent on to the fb to check out elviras pics (don't have an account, don't worry :D), and saw some of the posts there... man... it's like... well, either a kindergarten or a mental institution :p


New member
Jun 20, 2012
so i whent on to the fb to check out elviras pics (don't have an account, don't worry :D), and saw some of the posts there... man... it's like... well, either a kindergarten or a mental institution :p

So you haven't been watching FaceBook for FarSight page? Dude you're missing out, it's the best way to appreciate these forums is to go over there and read those posts , they will make you regard what we have here , which are fans for the most part , like the forum title implies .


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Example of a typical facebook post:

Jimmy Gambril: I can't believe you don't have 900 tables out yet, but since that missing pixel in the upper left of the table makes it COMPLETELY UNPLAYABLE, well I guess I won't be buying anymore tables until the full moon reaches the zenith of ursa major's arc in the southern sky. Maybe you should only develop for one platform...the boost in sales by cutting off 4/5 of your market but being able cater to my console and put out more polished DLC will ensure that you keep everyone happy for millenia to come. As a nobel prize winning physics major who is working on a trans-solar trajec-o-jen-o-rator, I know all about how gravity should work and playing pinball arcade is like playing pinball on the ceiling....that said, it's the best simulator out there, but the lighting is all wrong, like it's photoshopped, and that makes half your tables completely UNPLAYABLE....STOP RELEASING FOR SO MANY PLATFORMS. Why isn't this DLC pack out yet? I don't care if it's only half finished and you're still working out an issue with a missing flipper, just release it and I will happily play it. If only you would fix that upper left pixel though, then the doctors could cure my grandmother's tumor and I wouldn't have to boycott your product for being so lame. Geez you're obviously just a company out to make money...how could you, because of the 5$ I wasted on your COMPLETELY UNPLAYABLE pixel-missing table, I have to use up all my food stamps this month and it's all your fault....thanks for ruining my life Farsite (sic).

Wow...that felt good.


New member
Jun 6, 2012
Not quite...

Source assets are the same, but the output isn't. The textures are compressed for the consoles. On PC they won't be. So they will look cleaner. Also the consoles can only do 2xAA, on PC you should be able to do up to 16x depending on your GPU.

I'm also hoping to do more dynamic lighting on PC in the future.

Oh OK, cool... had me panicking there, Mike...

From what I've been told, Party Monsters is a center drain monster, but this is balanced by the fact that unless you're doing something completely wrong, the ball is usually never near the outlanes.

Fine, that's the way I like it. SDTM, I can mostly deal with, outlanes, not so much...
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Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Glad my rant got a chuckle or two.

I'm excited for both Elvira tables and would be happy to beta test the PC version of TPA, hopefully.

I'm just hoping my humble little laptop can run it.

In all fairness, I can play GRID at decent settings (reduced shadow detail).

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