Diablo 3

Jan Duin

New member
Feb 20, 2012
Is it working? :)


Seriously, I've never played an RPG and am considering getting this. Is it playable for an absolute RPG noob?


New member
Apr 16, 2012
Was fine after the Launch Day Coming Home from Work/School login rush, which subsided at around 9 pm. I expect things to be a lot smoother today. I reached level 10 last night.

Theres not much RPG about it. RPG's get complex once you need to think about stats like Strength and Dexterity or Intelligence, and which is best for you or your build. They got rid of that in D3, which is for the best imo, I never like statdistribution in RPG's, I always feel I made the wrong choice, or you need to look up the "right way" online. Diablo 3 is about as complex in gameplay as an FPS: you see something move, it probably needs to die, but the choice of how you kill it depends on you.

Character customization comes in the form of active skills and passive traits that you can only use 6 at a time of, you see monsters, you click em till their dead (with one or more of those 6 skills) or till they kill you (which you try to prevent with one or more of those 6 skills). You get about 20 skills per class, and each one has around 7 modifiers by which you can tweak them significantly (but only 1 tweak is possible at a time). An example of such a tweak is: I have a smokebomb that makes me invisible on my Demon Hunter, causing mobs to not see or hit me. One tweak improves the duration from 2 to 4 seconds, another tweak leaves a poisoncloud after use that damages monsters for x% weapondamage, a third one makes me move 60% faster after use. So with skill/tweaking comes a lot of depth and strategy.

So with around 140 skills (7 times 20) of which you can only use around 6 at the same, you can build your own playstyle (which can also vary if you play solo or in a group. Solo I use skills that make me kill stuff fast, in group I use skills/tweaks that stuns/slows monsters). Skils generally come in 2 flavours: one that builds a resource (generally a light-hitting skill) like mana, energy or rage, and one that spends the resource (normally a bigger hitting skill).

You also customise partly due to the loot that you equip on your character. Do you want your character to hit hard (equip gear with the right stats), to level up quick (equip gear with +XP), get a lot of loot (equip + magic find or +gold) or to survive (get +resistance or + health/vitality).

e: the fun is also in the multiplayer. Combining all the classes (and even the same classes but with different skillchoices) makes for a ton of fun, and the challenge is also greater once you group up (monsters beccome more difficult with each new partymember).
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Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
I heard this game did indeed ship with DRM. Anyone wishing to play this would be better off getting the pirated version.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
I heard this game did indeed ship with DRM. Anyone wishing to play this would be better off getting the pirated version.
And what did you expect? They have an auction house system involving real currency. Did you honestly believe they would let you play offline with whatever third-party mods to increase your rare/valuable item drop rate, and then let you deactivate/uninstall the mod and sell your ill-gotten items online for actual dollars? (Yes, I've played D2 and realize that single-player and Battle.net games were traditionally separated by character. I also know that there were ways around the separation.)

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Is it working? :)


Seriously, I've never played an RPG and am considering getting this. Is it playable for an absolute RPG noob?

Hahaha.....that video is great :D


New member
May 10, 2012
Seriously, I've never played an RPG and am considering getting this. Is it playable for an absolute RPG noob?

diablo is very easy to play, and beginner friendly. Your abilities are mapped to numbers 1-4 and left and right mouse buttons. Other than that you may want to hold down shift to attack without moving toward your target (ranged attacks)

diablo 3 allocates your skill points for you, so there is no room for error in character building. All people playing the same classes get the same skills but its up to you to pick what ones you want to assign to 1,2,3,4,lmb,rmb

the first day was rough but it all seemed to be working fine by the evening


New member
Apr 16, 2012
I heard this game did indeed ship with DRM. Anyone wishing to play this would be better off getting the pirated version.

You HEARD something and therefor you tell people they should steal it instead? Ludicrous...

Anyways, yes this needs a connection ALL the time. Except if you want to play on your laptop on the commute or other trips, who isn't these days? The outcry over this is mindblowingly dumb.

To Jan, for a decent look at the game:


New member
May 4, 2012
I've been playing it a ton since launch day. It's a Blizzard game, which means many things (almost all good). In particular, it's ideal for super-new players, as it has a really really shallow learning curve. If you want a game to spoon-feed you while still being lots of fun, any Blizzard game will do.

I just started Act 2, and the game hasn't gotten hard yet. I died once on the Act 1 boss (trying to avoid spoilers :)), and two other times. I play it for relaxation. It has issues relating to the required constant Internet connection even in single-player. They are annoying, but I haven't decided if they're as super-serious as many claim. My main disappointment is that it's essentially a remake of Diablo 2 with a few minor-to-somewhat-substantial gameplay improvements so far.

It's what I expected, other than a surprising lack of creativity. Certainly worth the $60 to me.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
Im halfway Act 2 on nightmare (think new game+) with plenty of deaths since getting past Act 1. It ramps up!

No issues with the online requirement. Splendid game.

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