And what did you expect? They have an auction house system involving real currency. Did you honestly believe they would let you play offline with whatever third-party mods to increase your rare/valuable item drop rate, and then let you deactivate/uninstall the mod and sell your ill-gotten items online for actual dollars? (Yes, I've played D2 and realize that single-player and games were traditionally separated by character. I also know that there were ways around the separation.)I heard this game did indeed ship with DRM. Anyone wishing to play this would be better off getting the pirated version.
Is it working?
Seriously, I've never played an RPG and am considering getting this. Is it playable for an absolute RPG noob?
Seriously, I've never played an RPG and am considering getting this. Is it playable for an absolute RPG noob?
I heard this game did indeed ship with DRM. Anyone wishing to play this would be better off getting the pirated version.