Museum of Pinball


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Check this out...

Museum of Pinball

Dude wants to open up a 40,000 square foot facility, housing over 500 pinball machines, making it the world's largest pinball arcade! He owns the facility, just needs money to renovate it. As is par for the course, a Kickstarter campaign seeking $300,000 starts on July 8th. Seeing as how I live in SoCal and it would be an hour drive for me, I REALLY hope he succeeds!

Check out the video and get a peek at the actual building and the space machines would go in. I think my head would explode to see it filled.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Hmmm, still no Kickstarter to link to, despite it being plastered on their website as starting July 8th! Looks like FarSight aren't the only ones that don't know how to start things right...


New member
Feb 28, 2013
Different pin museum, SS. SYT's link is to a planned Pacific Pinball Museum lookalike located in SoCal.

If the Museum of Pinball makes it, I'm gonna stay in one of their Airstreams for a week.


from the thread on pinside about this

After taking a few extra days to have the non-profit verified by Amazon Payments (which is the only payment system available on Kickstarter), we submitted the Kickstarter campaign to the Kickstarter staff for review (mandatory), and we're just waiting for their final approval. We're hoping that we get word from them today, but it may be tomorrow! (bummer)

In terms of the machines, yes, techs will be hired. John has quite a bit of experience in this area having run arcades in the past, and he is committed to a high-quality experience.

Yes, the ultimate vision is to have workshops and lectures to teach pinball tech. That's the plan! Obviously, one step at a time to get everything dialed in by early 2014 to open the doors.

We're excited to be heading up to California Extreme this weekend to promote the Museum of Pinball and spread the word about the Kickstarter campaign. Stop by and say "hello" if you're around.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Nice find there netizen. Silly me, didn't think to look on Pinside for an update from them!


New member
Nov 1, 2012
I think the difference between this project and the one PPM was running was the sheer amount of money they were trying to raise. PPM's was a very high number... over a million I think.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
They're gunnin' for corporate sponsors too. Maybe FarSight should support someone else's kickstarter! $50,000 will get a VIP room named after them for 2 years...what a bargain! For 100 large they could get an entire wing of the place named after them. Sean, pitch it to Bobby!


Museum of Pinball
Jul 9, 2013
Hey guys! Thanks for taking interest in the Museum of Pinball. Whether you personally would like to participate in the Kickstarter campaign or not, we would be honored if you could help us spread the word. The vision of the museum and the opportunity to spread the passion of pinball to thousands in SoCal is quite a great possibility.

As you have pointed out, we have had a bit of a delay with the start of the campaign only because we're waiting for Kickstarter to give us final approval. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. We are happy to assist you in any way. And, if you happen to be attending California Extreme this coming weekend, be sure to stop by our booth to say "hello."



They're gunnin' for corporate sponsors too. Maybe FarSight should support someone else's kickstarter! $50,000 will get a VIP room named after them for 2 years...what a bargain! For 100 large they could get an entire wing of the place named after them. Sean, pitch it to Bobby!

The Bar-Cade Will Live!!!


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Hey guys! Thanks for taking interest in the Museum of Pinball. Whether you personally would like to participate in the Kickstarter campaign or not, we would be honored if you could help us spread the word. The vision of the museum and the opportunity to spread the passion of pinball to thousands in SoCal is quite a great possibility.

As you have pointed out, we have had a bit of a delay with the start of the campaign only because we're waiting for Kickstarter to give us final approval. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. We are happy to assist you in any way. And, if you happen to be attending California Extreme this coming weekend, be sure to stop by our booth to say "hello."


I'm preaching since I live in SoCal and would LOVE to visit a place like this! Was at the OC Pinball League meeting on Sunday and they had adverts for the museum all over the place, which is how I found out about it. The word is getting out there!


Museum of Pinball
Jul 9, 2013
Holy crap! You guys see that list of games? Daaammmmnnnn. And by the way David, nice display of info on your kickstarter page.

Glad the info is helpful. We've been working on the presentation for about a month - dialing it in as best as possible. We want to be as straight-forward, clear, and engaging as possible. We would be honored by any help to spread the word!

David Pannozzo

New member
Mar 6, 2012
David, I wish you could have built it in my little city called Punta Gorda, in Southwest Florida. We really need something like this badly, I still say if I ever win the powerball (Which is highly unlikely) I would build something like this. I would also have a room full of the best older and newer video games as well, along with a couple pool tables, air hockey tables, and a few vending machines for their food. But in the meantime I will be happy with my Playstation 4 when it comes out, we'll talk to you all later.


I'll probably contribute because I want to see something like this succeed, even if i'll never get to see it in person.

I just wish that something even 1/40th the size of phase one, filled with a variety of well maintained pinball machines, was anywhere near where I lived. Alas, such is life.

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