Pinball Hall of Fame: The Williams Collection Table Rebuys?

Which Pinball Hall of Fame: The Williams Collection tables will you rebuy?

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Brian Clark

New member
Feb 28, 2012
I would like to see a few of the tables in the Microsoft Pinball Arcade end up in Farsight's Pinball Arcade. Especially Haunted House, Slick Chick, and Spirit of '76.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
Haunted house has to be on there. Probably the highest rated table that company put out for em tables.

Matthew Weflen

New member
Feb 28, 2012
I'm sure many of us own the Pinball Hall of Fame: The Williams Collection that FarSight released on systems a few years ago. Since we may see all (or nearly all) of the tables released through Pinball Arcade, I'm curious which ones you'd buy again. Here's a list of tables from the PS3/360 version (which had more tables than the other systems). I've noted the tables that have already been announced as coming. Tales of the Arabian Nights was left off, since it's already out and is included in the purchase price of Pinball Arcade.


How does one post a poll? I'd like to start a similar thread re: The Gottlieb Collection. I don't see any options to do so ob the "post new thread" dialogue.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
Oops, I meant SS. I tend to flip those. Gottlieb was a great EM company but their solid states left a lot to be desired for me.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
I can't believe how many people I hear (not necessarily on this forum, but elsewhere) saying they might not rebuy any of the tables that have been previously released on the PBHOF collections cause they already own them. Some are even a little upset that TOTAN and Black Hole were two of the launch tables for the same reason. There are many reasons to rebuy all these tables, but here are the main reasons to rebuy these tables on The Pinball Arcade:

1) The new tables fully emulate the exact ROM found on the real pinball machine (PBHOF did not)

2) The new tables were assembled to scale by using 3d models created from the actual components of the real table (PBHOF did not)

3) The physics are drastically improved over those found in the PBHOF and while not perfect, play closer to the real table.

4) The lighting and overall graphics are far superior to those found in the PBHOF.

While these are not the only reasons, they should be more than enough for anyone to not think twice about rebuying ALL tables from the PBHOF collections if you're truely looking for the ultimate pinball experience without having to play the actual real world tables. The PBHOF was great for its time, but real pinball has arrived!
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New member
Feb 21, 2012
I agree that the improvements are fantastic and that with the release format, upgrades and improvements are not only possible but imminent. That makes it worth a rebuy alone. Plus having it on a different format is great and as far as the mix of tables, I think it was perfect to have 2 old and 2 new. It has been announced that the first DLC will be one old and one new. Obviously there is not enough released material that they can do that for the entire duration of their release schedule but I like having that 50/50 split each month.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
After playing the new physics, I can't even go back to PHOF.

I know what you mean...I've tried to go back and play MM and TOTAN on the PHOF, but it just doesn't feel like I'm playing an actual pinball table. Also, the PHOF had too many sounds and graphics from the DMD missing since it didn't fully emulate the actual ROM. It's going to be a long three weeks waiting for TPA to hit Xbox Live.

Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
I was going to boycott this series when I heard they were forcing PHOF re-buys, but now that I see how much improved they are over the PHOF releases, I've changed my mind. I just hope they don't start doing trash-treasure pairings, like if we want Medieval Madness, we can only get it if we also buy Firepower or some other such dreck.
I agree - it's impossible to go back to PHOF with it's bowling ball - sized pinball and missing sound effects. One pet peeve I had, which they thankfully addressed in this release, is PHOF cutting off the machine-produced music for the menu music.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
I was going to boycott this series when I heard they were forcing PHOF re-buys, but now that I see how much improved they are over the PHOF releases, I've changed my mind. I just hope they don't start doing trash-treasure pairings, like if we want Medieval Madness, we can only get it if we also buy Firepower or some other such dreck.
I agree - it's impossible to go back to PHOF with it's bowling ball - sized pinball and missing sound effects. One pet peeve I had, which they thankfully addressed in this release, is PHOF cutting off the machine-produced music for the menu music.

It sounds like new tables will always be available for individual purchase, so you shouldn't have to worry about the "trash-treasure pairings".

Brandon Debes

New member
Mar 29, 2012
It sounds like new tables will always be available for individual purchase, so you shouldn't have to worry about the "trash-treasure pairings".

Has this been confirmed for the home console versions though? Or just the smartphone builds? The only pricing info I have seen for Xbox 360 / PS3 seemed to indicate DLC bundles only (rather than the Rock Band model of side-by-side individual and bundled offerings). So trash and treasure pairings are possible. But frankly, I would buy every single table released regardless. So I'm not complaining on this one.

Although I will say, Richard B, you have made 4 posts here since joining, two of which were really negative and the other two of which were new threads that were highly redundant to discussions already ongoing. Why not cruise around a while and get the lay of the land first, mate?

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Has this been confirmed for the home console versions though? Or just the smartphone builds? The only pricing info I have seen for Xbox 360 / PS3 seemed to indicate DLC bundles only (rather than the Rock Band model of side-by-side individual and bundled offerings). So trash and treasure pairings are possible. But frankly, I would buy every single table released regardless. So I'm not complaining on this one.

My're right. I was only thinking of the mobile versions when I posted that.

And yep, I'll be buying every table too :)


New member
Feb 21, 2012
I can't imagine there would be much "garbage" released. Maybe firepower isn't everyone's favorite but it is generally rated well and extremely popular in its time and with many. It also has historical significance. Not my personal favorite but I enjoy it well enough. Point is that not every release will be a winner for everyone but the tables selected for the collection are the top 50 rated tables in the first couple of years. So the masses would not consider these to be trash.


New member
Mar 29, 2012
Aww, I love Firepower. It may not be the most complex table out there but I find it really fun and I do like the simplicity of it. It's neat... and a litle relaxing, especially right after you spent some time on a more feature heavy table with much more rules to watch out for. But well, on the other hand I never enjoyed "Funhouse" or "Whirlwind" very much or understood the fuzz about them, so what do I know?

Anyway, no matter which table Farsight is going to put out - it's very unlikely that I won't buy it, even if it's one that I'm not so keen about. And that also counts for the tables they already did for PHOF. (Although... seeing it on the list again, I'll probably be thinking at least twice about buying "Black Knight" as I find that table dull and frustrating beyond belief.)


New member
Apr 7, 2012
I will support farsight as best I can with this great project. Only table I wouldnt enjoy a lot is jive time. All others get ample playtime. Still own the 360 phof disc and will purchase all tables on new platform for my mobile devices. Pinball is such a niche that u have to support the ambition of farsight so they can continue to churn out product. I will add my most played table in the phof is gorgar. Love it's simplicity and theme.
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Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
Medieval Madness - definite buy.
Taxi, Funhouse, Gofers, and Whirlwind - probable buys, as long as they're paired with something good (or with each other).
The rest - I got my fill of in PHOF.

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