Bobby King on the Perceptive Podcast (7/26/2013)

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
I would much rather have Black Rose than Pirates of the Carribean.

I don't know which podcast I'm listening to but he says Metallica is possible!!! Wow.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
My question is:

If the goal of the company is to preserve these tables, why not release a physical copy of these games, when (As talked about in the podcast) in whatever amount of years has past on the lease agreements, you can no longer sell such and suck table?

I'm just curious. I mean, once the agreement is up, you can't sell that table anymore. So how can that table be preserved?

It's digital. It'll live forever... or until every last device with the games downloaded on them and every last server and every last PC that ever had the code is destroyed.

On a long enough time line the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.

In 20 years it'll be passed around as freeware...

or, In the year 2033, Farsight Studios releases the PS10 version in super braino vision mega definition 924953 x 10395475 "Neuro" resolution.
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New member
Feb 21, 2012
It's not possible to do that in the iOS world. I believe that this is the future of gaming, like it or not.

I love many of Nintendo's games but as a company, they are the last to jump on board anything. They finally released an optical drive system a whole generation and a half late. However even they are now doing digital downloads, not just in the virtual console but with many first party releases as well. If they are utilizing it, you know it must be here to stay.


Jul 16, 2013
When a "premium" table is no longer available for purchase, you still should be able to download it, if you bought it prior.
But, yeah, if Farsight really wants to "preserve these tables for generations to come", then we should get a physical copy somehow.


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