Bug Art - Scaling issue on artwork


Jan 28, 2013
OS Version: Windows 7
Graphics Card: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 580
Ram: 16GB
Version: 0.010
Display Mode: Windowed and Fullscreen
Display Resolution: 1920 x 1080, also at other resolutions

Frequency of Occurrence: 100%

Expected Result: Logo artwork (in-game and on table selection menu), text and menu interface artwork should be crisp and clear.
Actual Result: Rough edges around a lot of artwork, possibly due to poor scaling of assets.

This is a similar issue to the one I had on the xbox 360 (on a different display). Artwork is ragged and poorly scaled in a lot of areas (and as others have stated, possibly on the playfield itself). On the xbox 360 changing the resolution from 720p to 1366 x 768 px fixed the issue for me, but changing resolution on the PC did not (not that I would want to).



Jan 28, 2013
Bumping this as I think it's a priority on the artwork side.

The scaling also seems to be affecting table playfield artwork, resulting in a shimmered look. It's quite apparent on the lower playfield of Gorgar, where the inserts aren't round and smooth but instead have a ragged outline.


New member
Jul 5, 2013
Bumping this as I think it's a priority on the artwork side.

The scaling also seems to be affecting table playfield artwork, resulting in a shimmered look. It's quite apparent on the lower playfield of Gorgar, where the inserts aren't round and smooth but instead have a ragged outline.

I'm seeing this, too. Pretty much the exact same thing on AFM lower playfield. The lines aren't crisp, but kind of look like they were drawn in crayon. I had a post about it here: http://digitalpinballfans.com/showthread.php/5445-Low-Quality-Playfield-Art-(<acronym title=

But I will mention just because they haven't responded about a particular issue doesn't mean it's not being looked at. We don't really have much way to know one way or the other. I know Mike mentioned some art fixes that have been worked but haven't made it into a build yet.


New member
Jul 24, 2013
happens here as well.
win 7 x64, geforce gtx 670 with 320.49 drivers (1920x1200 but also in 1920x1080)


Jan 28, 2013
It looks like it's using smaller resolution images when i look at the assets. I'll look into fixing that.

Thank you, Mike.

As I say, I had a similar issue on the 360 at 720p. Increasing resolution to 1366 x 768 fixed it on 360.

Looks like the higher resolution assets are not being called on the PC.

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