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  1. neglectoid

    smiley face ball lovers

    is the smiley face ball free of charge? I bought 1 ball back a long time ago and I don't remember what all came with it. I use the smiley ball on every table cuz I seem to be able to see it better.
  2. neglectoid

    smiley face ball lovers

    i know some of you are out there.
  3. neglectoid

    My console resets randomly to PS3-menue

    no error.. I just wanted to buy a friend the starter pack. I dont play online (crappy wifi) so I havent experienced any of the online issues. hes a newbie so he shouldnt be to worried about leaderboard stuff. I already purchased him a 10 dollar psn card and if he has any problems ill let u know...
  4. neglectoid

    Hi everyone

  5. neglectoid

    My console resets randomly to PS3-menue

    thanks flippy
  6. neglectoid

    My console resets randomly to PS3-menue

    are people able to purchase tables? i wanted to buy the start up pack for a buddy?
  7. neglectoid

    Table Pack #49 Speculation Thread

    hehe. I had a dirty joke for that post "butt" ill take the high road.
  8. neglectoid

    The Music Video Thread

    deftones use to be one of my fav bands. I really loved their first 3 albums.
  9. neglectoid

    Table of the Week Club...Week 55: ROAD SHOW

    switty make a video. I own this table and have only played it 3 or 4 times. I didnt really feel much love for it. you (and others) are making it sound fun. plus I love watching u play bro, you're the post-pass master, especially during multuball.
  10. neglectoid

    New season 5 tables are out on the PS3

    hopefully soon.
  11. neglectoid

    The Random Thought Thread

    i bet they are real itchy too
  12. neglectoid

    Table of the Week Club...Week 51: SPACE SHUTTLE

    I really love this table. but I rarely play it, see above. @SYT speaking of wizard goals. I often wondered why shooting the middle drop target last (to spell shuttle) wasn't a goal. you do get a bonus is you accomplish it and its very tough to do. I kinda like that this table has no progress...
  13. neglectoid

    Table of the Week Club...Week 51: SPACE SHUTTLE

    hehe just kidding. this would be a nice table for farsight to retune.
  14. neglectoid

    Table of the Week Club...Week 51: SPACE SHUTTLE

    if I ever saw this table in the wild and the ball kept draining into the right outlane, id secetly keep kicking the left front leg of the table into submission until the table was level.
  15. neglectoid

    Doctor Who Kickstarter

    im still wondering what GE stands for.
  16. neglectoid

    Doctor Who Kickstarter

    there goes our clique....
  17. neglectoid

    Doctor Who Kickstarter

    this cracked me up, and im sober atm. meh acronyms and abvs are ok. people around here are mostly chill. if someone asks what something means, or any other question for that matter, there is usually a (promt) answer.
  18. neglectoid

    Doctor Who Kickstarter

    these last minute tiers seem like desperation to me. good luck guys.

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