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  1. neglectoid

    Question on November Table Pack/Premium

    that would be the best combo for a table pack yet.
  2. neglectoid

    The Music Video Thread

    thanks for the links animator pin fan.
  3. neglectoid

    The Music Video Thread

    i dont know how.. i'm new this using forums. plus im not the most tech savy guy around. i tried to figure it out by using FAQ section, but i only saw something about adding images, not videos. is it the same? perhaps someone could send my the proper link or send me instrutions how to do it...
  4. neglectoid

    The Random Thought Thread

    oh i have a watch..well a phone. but i just like doing this. i think only one person has ever answered me without taking a 2nd look at thier watch.
  5. neglectoid

    The Music Video Thread

    this is a band called Rasputina. they consist of two women with electric cellos and a drummer, thats it.
  6. neglectoid

    How much are you willing to pay for TZ?

    5 bucks. if its more than that i'm gonna have to think it over.
  7. neglectoid

    The Music Video Thread

    @bonzo that australian beatbox guy was amazing. i dig your taste of music.
  8. neglectoid

    The Random Thought Thread

    next time you see a stranger in public looking at his watch, walk up to them and ask them what time it is. dollars to doughnuts they will take a 2nd peek at thier watch before answering. i do this as often as possible, cuz i get some kinda wierd kick outta it. this thread may potentialy reveal...
  9. neglectoid

    TZ and STTNG

    i wasn't a fan of sttng when it first came out. but i admit i didn't give it much of a chance. i use to be one of those people who if they didn't like something right away, i hated it. i have sorta grown out of that. i am actually sorta pumped up to play sttng when it comes out.
  10. neglectoid

    Hello from Mxy

    hehe more oids
  11. neglectoid

    The Random Thought Thread

    sometimes a set a plate of frozen meat behind my (fat) ps3 to defrost it faster. those things kick out some serious heat. hrrmmm wonder if i could use it as a modern day hot water bag, as winter is coming.
  12. neglectoid

    Cactus Canyon Continued

    drunk multiball is a great idea. i wonder if crossing your arms while playing (IRL) would help. if this hits TPA flipping over the controller to its backside would have a similar effect as crossing your arms. but i guess using either of these options would defeat the whole experience.
  13. neglectoid

    The Music Video Thread

    bonzo, that video rocked. music wasn't that bad. in the 80's all i listened to was metal, then in the 90's nothing but death metal. now i lean more towards alt/indy. bummer you can't watch the other videos that we posted. i, for one wouldn't be annoyed at all, to see a bunch of posts here. i...
  14. neglectoid

    [RANT] This is the worst table in TPA

    Mr ??? looks around... oh me... i have only been called Mr. in a court scenario. oh yeah i don't have a PC. i remember reading that on a different thread. well bro. anytime you have a vid i'm willing to watch. just let me know.
  15. neglectoid

    Hello from Mxy

    hehe. only when i was young, only when i was young.
  16. neglectoid

    Hello from Mxy

    i'm a fan with anything that has to do with "OIDS" hehe
  17. neglectoid

    Hello from Mxy

    whaddup mxy... looking forward to readin' some more of your posts.
  18. neglectoid

    Monster Bash's original title?

    i didnt even think of that.
  19. neglectoid

    [RANT] This is the worst table in TPA

    squid, do you have anyway to record your games? i'd love to watch you play. i wouldn't even care if you had to point a camera at your tv.
  20. neglectoid

    So I just got done watching Tilt: The Battle to Save Pinball.

    i will never put a single nickle into a williams slot machine. what they did, hurt me so much. for years i was depressed. i don't think i could ever forgive them.

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