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  1. neglectoid

    Monster Bash's original title?

    thanks fungi. i didn't wanna say it out loud. hehe.
  2. neglectoid

    My pinballs

    i always thought of pinball machines as a "she". awesome collection by the way.
  3. neglectoid

    Who's lost a ball watching the DMD?

    this happens to me sometimes during moshpit multiball. when you are trying to see how many balls you have sent up the frankenstein ramp. by the time the animation ends and shows you the # of shots you have already made the ball is already at your flipper. as i recall this use to happen IRL also.
  4. neglectoid

    Monster Bash's original title?

    i'm sorta glad they didn't use the monster mash song. *dodges tomatoes* i really like the song that they created that plays during monster bash multiball.
  5. neglectoid

    Bug Two balls stuck in the BBQ/Boogie hole

    this puzzles me. why would it have trouble? it acts as if it was an old, poorly maintained machine.
  6. neglectoid

    If You Could Make One Rule Change Per Table, What Would They Be?

    on EATPM i wish the end of ball bonus didn't max out at 99k.
  7. neglectoid

    Inside the Jersey Jack Pinball Factory

    the cabinet art is beatiful. best of luck jersey jack.
  8. neglectoid

    We broke the barrier

    i found this forum thru wikipedia a few months ago... haven't left since.
  9. neglectoid

    More Recommended TPA Tables for Beginners and Beyond (DLC Packs 5 - 7)

    i just noticed that you can't reply with a quote from your article... or can you? anyways quote from bigshot paragraph "Some people love these old tables; I find I can tolerate them for a while before yearning for some dots." hahaha your halarious.
  10. neglectoid

    More Recommended TPA Tables for Beginners and Beyond (DLC Packs 5 - 7)

    i find eatpm fairly easy. and fun. such a simple table with easy rules. but i see how a novice could have trouble with it. i particularly like how the bumpers often bounce the ball back up to the rollovers so you can get the 2x 3x 4x and 5x multiplier fairly easy. if only the end of ball bonus...
  11. neglectoid

    The Music Video Thread

    i have been stuck on this band for a few years now. i present to you... of Montreal.
  12. neglectoid

    wow, how brutal is this table? (brutally brutal)

    i wanna play... why did i get rid of my gottlieb collection cd?
  13. neglectoid

    tpa fams (aka us) roundtable podcast

    i'd listen to you man. shuturtrap as well. you guys are some of my favorite posters. but why only 59 other people? hehehe
  14. neglectoid

    Anyone still going to support this version?

    as an avid xbox hater... guyz bare with it. us pinheads gotta stick together. TPA crosses all boundaries. peace.
  15. neglectoid


  16. neglectoid

    need some help getting the Double Slide goal/bonus

    thanks kevlar. i did read the instuctions but i just didn't understand them. anyways i did manage to acquire this goal. its a tough shot that's for sure.
  17. neglectoid

    Latest NEWS And INFORMATION On FarSight Studios' The Pinball Arcade

    whoa. i may get TPA for my kindle. i was never interested before. but i do love free goodies.
  18. neglectoid

    extra ball question?

    you hae to consider, many of those views were from non forum members and couldn't respond. and also consider it took time for people to test out your question.
  19. neglectoid

    How do I access my previuos Login?

    Heretic... please never put me on ignore. i love your posts. i think your the only guy on here that is drunker than me. CHEERS.
  20. neglectoid

    need some help getting the Double Slide goal/bonus

    i am really enjoying this table. its a nice change of pace. i am having trouble getting the double slide wizard goal. i'm fairly sure that i shot two balls in sucession up the slide ramp numerous times. am i doing it wrong? too fast, too slow? do i need to score a jackpot first and then try...

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