Scoring Audit,
23 required shots for 5x and collecting EB for a 495K bonus, broken down to 21.5K value per shot
That mystery score doesn't include the 20K from double inlane hits, but I'd go for something quicker and easier to perform repeatidly.
The Lock/Release is optimal, cutting out ~5...
My hunch is purposely locking and releasing, if you shoot for the B inlane and nudge into the pop it sends it into the release. I also shoot the release from the left more reliably than the lock but I haven't worked on it.
I've done the lit orbits and double scoring also, I actually wanted to...
In regards to backglass updates, I think the main driving force behind them is the Arcooda release which will have it up almost all of the time. As for being blown out.. it's their 'lighting' that does that (even at the default 50%), I haven't been able to replicate their results in photoshop...
With how long they took with the DX11 lighting last time, re-doing only a portion of lights on even more tables? We could ask for comment but it's not exactly a 'bug'.
FP2s left ramp has a mirror(?) finish that's visually distracting but I don't know if its intentional or not.
backglass texture is 4096x4096
It isn't just CV, they've changed methods in applying lighting recently for backglasses. I made a comparison post earlier using Indy500
looks like the weekly leaderboard just cleared up Extork so play one of the tables in SPA and then look for your name on the TPA boards.
HD and RBION still in the dark for what boards they're posting to.
This extends to their playfields too, not just logos. Not entierly free of artifacts but much better than it was.
Cheers Farsight, looks like you're taking the arcooda thing seriously with that 4Kx4K backglass
After thinking Funhouses logo looks like a patch you would sew, I was on google images comparing against real tables and fliers wondering why the big discrepancy when I came across the one in TPA, which lead me to a PS4 press release of TPA and I noticed their AFM logo, among others, didn't mess...
Genie and Goin' Nuts have issues with their extra balls. Genie can go negative in ball count from earning more than 1 EB per ball and Goin' Nuts stops providing EBs after 2 or 3 for reasons unknown.. since no one else will mention it.
what do you mean by 'all', I know there's a reset highscores button now and the game likes to confirm where the mouse cursor is and not where the selection you made was.. especially when I'm trying to exit table but it cancels cause the hidden cursor was over the cancel button versus confirming...
All the scripted tables, EM or not, are given two tilt warnings when the table has been loaded so Exit Game/Start button won't give them back, you have to back out of the table completely. If you only use 1 warning then exit game/start button you'll continue to have 1 tilt warning left.
If you...
You forget someone else already mentioned this for F14 in 2015? plus keyboard users have been asking for adjustable nudge strength for years, I joined this forum to share a 3rd party solution for them (in my signature) which hasn't had much traffic according to the stats.
Paragons broke...
Was yours planned on paragon? switch was able to do the ~6 minutes of nudging on F14 on his first game.. he thought everyone was doing it already.
A-jey was able to keep his black out going until ramp 47 on JDredd, closing in on you too.
If you saw the video posted in the master bug thread, you could attempt what I tried to trigger a false rollover.
One of which was a ball save, didn't hit any switches besides the drain. Another was just hitting the Advance Bonus insert when I was close to the rollover.
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