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  1. Tann

    Do you prefer the new GUI (beta version), or the current GUI?

    This. To be honest, I don't really care if the new GUI is ugly (it can't be uglier and so far of pinball spirit though), if it's functionnal. BUT... 1) From the Beta testers, it seems there's a lot of flaws and inconsistencies. 2) FS showed the first mockups of the new GUI, what... almost...
  2. Tann

    New season 5 tables are out on the PS3

    You answer to yourself. ^^ I didn't check since Monday night, but I bet the game update has not been released yet as there's a problem with the Vita. Basically, you can't play your fancy new tables, until the game is updated. But when? :evillaugh:
  3. Tann

    Do you prefer the new GUI (beta version), or the current GUI?

    Does GUI mean "Grey Ugly Interface"? Well, on PS3, we'll have it in 2018, so it's not a problem.
  4. Tann

    Tourney 2016-1-14 ???

    In fact, the TAF kickstarter tourney was supposed to be open only to the backers of the previous kickstarter tables (TZ, STTNG, T2). But something went wrong (as usual with FS), and the tourney was opened for everybody at the launch. Only the 1st rank in each tier was awarded with a poor and...
  5. Tann

    Williams Pinball Hall of Fame PS3

    And the sound quality is much better in WPHOF, especially on ToTAN. In TPA, the sound seems poorly compressed in 96kbps mp3 quality.
  6. Tann

    Do you prefer the new GUI (beta version), or the current GUI?

    Despite the global design is uglier than a 90's DVD menu, it seems there's a lot of improvements (sorting, all infos at a glance - HOF, goals, highscore- etc). But OMG, it is so ugly. Wasn't it possible to keep the previous menu design & colours (habitrails, orange arrow buttons) and add all...
  7. Tann

    New season 5 tables are out on the PS3

    Any news about the european game update / S5 release? (PS3) FS stated January 12th, but nothing (not really a surprise though)...
  8. Tann

    Criticism on Zen Pinball

    You spot it. Zen major flaw is its game design, totally against the "flow of a pinball game". On a pinball table (IRL or in TPA), you launch the ball, try to keep it alive and not drain, and something good finally never happens (multiball, special mode, or whatever). You know, when you play...
  9. Tann

    New! An editable TPA scorecard to share online

    TPA Scorecard 5.5 is out: Link to the .ods file in the first post. - Add Judge Dredd & Judge Dredd Super Game - Leaderboard data updated to January 3rd, 2016 - Differential data updated to December 6th, 2015 - Invitro's Top 100 updated to December 27th, 2015 Note: I forgot to change the year...
  10. Tann

    Aux programmeurs du jeu : Le jeu est injouable sur macinstosh et pc

    Hum... It's an english forum, so it would be better to post in english. :) For the game difficulty, some tables are harder than others (especially some EM tables like FP). The easiest tables are the DMD ones from Season 1 (MB, AFM) on which games can last for hours. But yes, some ball paths &...
  11. Tann

    Is Season 4 worth getting?

    And on PS3, there's the new physics 3.0 (which are great), starting from Cyclone. I should come to the other tables with the next game updates.
  12. Tann

    Master List of Table Goals and HOF points (Starting Season 4)

    Anyone has Judge Dredd HOF score value?
  13. Tann

    Purchasing TAF Gold

    This. Tips: for PS3 users, just go in TAF table options... and surprise!
  14. Tann

    New season 5 tables are out on the PS3

    In the latest PS4 update, physics 3.0 has been implemented on Big Shot. Is it the same case on PS3?
  15. Tann

    PS4 tourney... bronze?

    I played this pas night (PS3 - Gold) and you're definitely ranked in the Gold tier (2nd so far in the actual tourney).
  16. Tann


    PSN Tournament runs on three devices: PS4, PS3 and Vita. That can explain why there is more participants. (Voof who trusts now the Gold 1st rank, is a PS4 player) And on consoles, TPA has been available only on PS3/Vita during many months, maybe years (due to X360 publishing problem). So, I...
  17. Tann

    Request TPA Website Issues / Requests

    Yes, you're right. The revamp is not the cause of the FH & BH leaderboard bug, I'm just sure that the FH & BH PS3 highscores were correctly posted on the old website, remembering well I cycled through all the highscores until I find mine. Can't say exactly when the PS3 and website leaderboards...
  18. Tann

    Request TPA Website Issues / Requests

    It's simple: On PS3 (in-game), FunHouse and Black Hole have their own leaderboards, i.e. they are totally different from the website ones. Example: - Black Hole has still the thousands of glitched scores (more than 1 billion) on PS3 , that have been cleared a long time ago on the website (and...
  19. Tann

    PS3 - Bug Ball doesn't jump over Jump Rope at 720p

    Champion Pub is a table of the current monthly tournament. And guess what? The Jump Rope is still broken in 720p, as the ball doesn't jump at all, even if you smash madly all the buttons of the gamepad. :rolleyes: (yeah, I came back to 720p, because the flippers are definitely more responsive...
  20. Tann

    Request TPA Website Issues / Requests

    Really? :D Posted June 12th, 2015: ------------------------------------------------------ Hello Law, Yay! I noticed that the Black Hole leaderboard has been cleaned on the website...

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