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  1. H

    Is this it for Farsight / Pinball Arcade?

    Never worrydude i think i can safelysayitwas in jest
  2. H

    2 days to go need to know straight.

    Shetland pony?
  3. H

    Is this it for Farsight / Pinball Arcade?

    Why have you never LIKED me!!!???
  4. H

    Is this it for Farsight / Pinball Arcade?

    Hah i didntr see tha shame on me
  5. H

    The Random Thought Thread

    Happy 4 of jul to all my yankie and confedrate gender fluid compatriots
  6. H

    Modifying arcade stick.

    Heh fair enough man.... all the best
  7. H

    New logo needed!

    Id say numba wang!
  8. H

    Modifying arcade stick.

    Btw while i haventrecived it yet i recently got a venom stick for60 quid from argos your intial plan would be an easy mod if you can solder a couple of wires and use a dremel,but i suspect ill replace the buttons reviews say they are pretty decent for the price but no sanwa Edit- aa simple...
  9. H

    Modifying arcade stick.
  10. H

    Modifying arcade stick.

    Also while the xarcade is alittle on the expensive side its built like a tank, but i still prefer a lollypop stick:p
  11. H

    Can I purchase the new Stern tables individually, I already own the old Stern tables

    As far as i inow cross buy SHOULD work cool nsider it abug until you hear more
  12. H

    Any chance of recreating Gottlieb's Diamond Lady some day?

    Id say id like to hope so both great tables
  13. H

    The Random Thought Thread

    Sports in ireland is comlicated mixed with politics and religion so its pretty unhealthy i wish all teams well thosepoir multi millionaires naires
  14. H

    The Random Thought Thread

    Irelands about 450 miles as the crow flys. My parents have barely lefta. 2 mile adius in their lives maybe a short holidayin an empty field 30 miles way once a decade....
  15. H

    The Random Thought Thread

    Please tell me kt wasnt vegimite?
  16. H

    Has the website address changed?

    Not to speak for gord or put words in his mouth but since tpa has changed to a slower release schedule and the forum has always been inclusisve of othermodern digital pinball platforms it a more suitable title. Or its the goverment
  17. H

    Steam Summer Sales

    Trackmsinas pretty fun actually crazy arcade racing and a fair challenge

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