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  1. Palmer Eldritch

    PS3 European Version 1.09 available

    waaaaat the leaderboards are now broke? I hope you guys don't have to wait until more DLC for an update
  2. Palmer Eldritch

    Table Pack #16 Speculation

    Gief newsletter hint? Zangief. gottlieb street fighter 2 table confirmed?!
  3. Palmer Eldritch

    Terminator 2 Kickstarter BEGINNING NOW!!!

    I hope people that are on one side of a fence see that the other side are still neighbors. We all come here because we like TPA and have a passion for pinball. Many are hard on farsight because they are squandering their potential at times. Are fans too demanding, probably.. but otherwise we...
  4. Palmer Eldritch

    Mandatory PSN Plus subscription

    plus is already awesome.. way better value than Live when it comes to the amount of free games you get, also a lot of very nice discounts... sony randomly hands out $10-$20 to people while microsoft gives you 80mp on your birthday... LOL
  5. Palmer Eldritch

    Playstation Blog podcast says new pack for Tuesday??

    I disagree. I think that leaderboards are integral to gameplay in that they are a driving force for improvement.. but I get what you mean.
  6. Palmer Eldritch

    Bug Friend Sorting on Leaderboards is BROKEN (video demo included)

    very soon lines up with pin wiz saying early july releases does it not?
  7. Palmer Eldritch

    Playstation Blog podcast says new pack for Tuesday??

    or farsight just doesn't care? (see: ps3 leaderboards, lack of ps3 changelog, tables on ps3 looking awful [genie, black knight,] etc.)
  8. Palmer Eldritch

    Terminator 2 Kickstarter BEGINNING NOW!!!

    Farsight still hasn't fixed ps3 leaderboards or even acknowledged the problem and they want me to give them more money? lol
  9. Palmer Eldritch

    Terminator 2 Kickstarter BEGINNING NOW!!!

    this kickstarter is doomed after farsight soured its reputation IMO
  10. Palmer Eldritch

    Table Pack #16 Speculation

    Probably Railroad Tycoon and High Speed.... they both have been hinted at and work together as a theme
  11. Palmer Eldritch

    Table Pack #16 Speculation

    table pack will be Abra Ca Dabra and High Roller Casino
  12. Palmer Eldritch

    The Pinball Arcade 2

    why not do a re-launch when it launches on ps4? TPA2 for ps3/ps4/vita with DLC compatible with all three. :cool:
  13. Palmer Eldritch

    Changelog for Updates?

    everyone but farsight thinks ps3 changelogs are a good idea... you are preaching to the choir!
  14. Palmer Eldritch

    Bug Friend Sorting on Leaderboards is BROKEN (video demo included)

    still broken... still frustrated.
  15. Palmer Eldritch

    Williams and Bally: the "next 30" unofficial poll.

    What about Firepower II
  16. Palmer Eldritch

    Table Pack 15 Screens

    I do not get why almost every promo vid uses that awful camera setting.... It's probably representative of 5% of players
  17. Palmer Eldritch

    The Official Latest NEWS And INFORMATION Discussion Thread

    more polls yisssssssss! I hope the mods create a subforum just for polls as the general thread is getting packed w/ tons of stickies....

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