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  1. Kevlar

    Pro Pinball

    I've been pretty impressed by the physics, done a few ( accidental :) ) live catches. Am I correct in thinking these physics are actually the old original physics and that there is an update coming that will improve them a lot?
  2. Kevlar

    And then there were 3! (...4...5...6...7!)

    Nah...the Elektra owner decided he didn't want to sell....but I did manage to buy his Centaur :>). One other incoming too :>)
  3. Kevlar

    And then there were 3! (...4...5...6...7!)

    There won't be a gap in my lineup for long ;)
  4. Kevlar

    And then there were 3! (...4...5...6...7!)

    Black Rose has left the building :-(
  5. Kevlar

    Atomic Pinball Collection (APC)

    Wait....Robo o bot is another purchase even if you already have it? Is it the same table?
  6. Kevlar

    Pinball podcasts

    In contrast I've almost given up on this podcast, so much ****ing about talking about almost anything except arcade and pinball.
  7. Kevlar

    Zaccaria Pinball - update v3.1

    Finally got around to checking my settings, they are the same as yours so I probably copied them from you before. Still think the physics are weird though, a long way from TPA.
  8. Kevlar

    Zaccaria Pinball - update v3.1

    This is a problem I have, the ball just doesn't seem to go where it should go compared to where it is on the flipper when flipped.
  9. Kevlar

    Zaccaria Pinball - update v3.1

    I'm in work atm, what do you recommend? I did set mine up the same as someone on here recommended a while back but haven't played with them for a while.
  10. Kevlar

    Zaccaria Pinball - update v3.1

    I don't play a huge amount of Zac but normally have a few games after every update to try the new table, every time I notice how strange the ball physics still are. Is this something all you Zac players have just got used to/accept?
  11. Kevlar

    And then there were 3! (...4...5...6...7!)

    Thanks guys, my machines survived! :D
  12. Kevlar

    And then there were 3! (...4...5...6...7!)

    Thanks Karl. Currently trying to buy an Elektra too. Ready for party tonight... I moved the RFM into the dining room to ease congestion in the doorway. Hope the machines all behave tonight.
  13. Kevlar

    Pinball machine owners list

    Wow, 13! I bow down to your superior addiction :-)
  14. Kevlar

    Zaccaria Pinball - update v3.0

    Excellent, for some reason I thought there wouldn't be any more tables. How many more are to come then? And thanks for the new glass type, I love the reflections but don't want all those scratches and smudges.
  15. Kevlar

    Pro Pinball

    Lots of info about Timeshock at the Dutch Pinball Open here including audio from the seminar Also their seminar at the Chicago pinball expo a few weeks earlier. Audio from many if not all the seminars at that show, I'm still wading through it all.
  16. Kevlar

    And then there were 3! (...4...5...6...7!)

    Here's a gameplay video as promised. I'm really enjoying this machine and playing it a lot more that all my others atm ( well it is new so I'm bound to say that! ). More often than not games are very short leaving you with that just one more go feeling. It has some unusual features which set it...
  17. Kevlar

    Gonna get a PS4... should I Get TPA?

    As long as you aren't fussy about sound quality and don't mind waiting forever for a fix.
  18. Kevlar

    Now for something a little newer - The Getaway!

    Looks to be in great shape, awesome photos!
  19. Kevlar

    Party Zone Screenshots

    I would be surprised if it's out this week.

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