Zaccaria Pinball - update v3.1


New member
Sep 28, 2012
you sure about Robot? I'm using dark room as well and it looks like theres about four or five squares of light on the table that don't seem to relate to the table itself...
I see what you mean, and you're right. I expanded my imagination so they're like the shade of table lights or something, I mean I just felt the overall atmosphere was impressive even for wrong light sources :p

I'm so impressed by the looks of the bridge now. That's not truly realistic but that's not a problem; the reflections on it is so gorgeous (cam2) and it's a year ahead of TPA I think. Now please make getting on the bridge a bit easier!
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New member
Jul 12, 2014
Great update and thanks for letting us help fix things. i feel like with all the amazing strides ASK has made with the tables we're now just getting into nitty gritty and pinpointing issues. i've been busy with work and family so have not been able to bang around on the tables as much since the new update. Also full disclosure, I took a little break from Zaccs over the holidays and I have been playing a lot of Earthshaker and Zen Pinball so this may color some of my thoughts, especially when it comes to the physics.

love the new EM score counter. really nice touch.

love the new logo. very eye catching.

I want to be sensitive here because I know there are a lot of people who want this game to be as realistic as possible and i feel like the closer we are getting to that, it might be time to start thinking about segregating and diversifying the control scheme options a little. I think there are two camps, those that want the most realistic table possible and those that want the idealized digital version. to use a dated video game analogy, some people like NFL Madden Football and some people like NFL Blitz. to me personally, the best the Zacc physics ever were two updates ago. the more realistic you're getting, the more it's becoming about being able to sharp shoot shots and i'm not sure if your engine can do that. i personally just play pinball for fun so i'm more about banging the ball around and less about precision. I think now that you're close to the idealized realistic version, its time to think about making more of a TPA/Zen idealized digital physics scheme of the game to go along with the arcade, custom and simulation options. most people that will buy this app will never play a real Zacc and may not have played real pinball so giving them a bonus option that feels akin to TPA or Zen might be a good idea. You have different physics settings, I'm just asking one be utilized to make a more whiz bang fun version of the game as it was a couple of updates ago. Again i don't know if it's just that i've been away from the tables for a month, but Strike feels a lot less zippy now. on Aerobatics you can really see this with the spinners which are hard to zip through and really make twirl. i loved being able to see the idealized physics of the tables play out when you'd bang the ball around. the tables may be more realistic now, and i support that, but it's also fun to have a more idealized version of the table like it was brand new out of the box ala TPA and Zen. and i'd imagine having that setting as an option would help your cause, especially getting younger players who are finding digital pinball through the Zen Marvel and Star Wars licenses.

I am also finding the game to be drainier than usual, but this might just be me out of practice with the tables.

I'm assuming it's a work in progress, but the plunger is a step backwards. now as it is, it's the first interactive element of the game and it doesn't have enough power to really even shoot the ball out onto the playfield. I know nothing about programing, but would it be possible to cheat and make a plunger sweet spot for tables that need a specific skill shot? i know when playing TPA that i have to pull back the plunger to an exact area and let go to make the skill shot, it never changes. the easiest example of this is on the Ghostbusters table. as long as you hit 69% you'll always go to the upper playfield.

I don't know if this is just the reality of digitizing obscure 40 year old tables or if it's fixable, but the last three tables have been darker than normal. the in and outlanes on Stars Phoenix are black. originally they had some shade and were made darker in a subsequent update. Strike and Aerobatics seem like they're set in a dim room so the colors don't pop, which is a real shame considering how amazing the art is.

Table blur is still a major issue. this happened after the update where you shrunk the memory. i believe it was two updates ago. some parts of the table are super in focus and some are blurry. you can see it on the triangle plunger notches on most of the tables. if this is the kind of thing where you have to readjust it element by element on each table and can't do a universal fix, let me know and i will make a list as i play through the tables. off the top of my head and without pics, i can tell you the numbers on the dan wheel in Black Belt are still blurry. the sling shot plastics of the female and male indians above the flippers in Shooting the Rapids and the two dirt bikers on Devil Riders on the sling shots above the flippers are all blurry. the triangle notches on the plunger, the 100,000 writing under the special instructions on the playfield, the british flags on the sling shots, the mountain and red airplane on the left side plastic and the pilot head in the middle of the playfield are all slightly blurry on Aerobatics.

other cosmetic issues to be addressed.

DEVIL Riders - The x buttons on either side of the back of the lower playfield are not aligned and i believe looking at pics of the table they should actually be clear star buttons.

Star God - the top pop bumper cap looks hand drawn. you should use one of the photorealistic pop bumpers from fire mountain.

EARTH WIND FIRE - the numbers on the 3 and 4 buttons on the middle of the playfield are distorted.

AEROBATICS - The table seems squished a tiny bit in camera 1. not sure if that's because it's a wider table than normal.

Again a really great job. I as always, look forward to the next update and table and appreciate all the hard work that goes into this game and is evident every time I play.
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Reagan Dow

New member
Jul 23, 2014
Thanks for the update, finally!

New table is nice and lots of goodies. And I've also noticed several glitches left out.

- on a couple of tables the ball stacks at the end of plunger lane.
- I can't plunge the ball on Scccer Kings.
- drop target reset it there? I'm not sure if I'm hearing that..

I'm on "dark room" setting and Robot looks gorgeous with it, tho. So lighting looks better on my setting (dark room). Reflection's got stronger I think.
With every update, Zac's getting better and better, please don't stop yet and keep the great work to polish even more!

I have the same problem a with soccer kings. When you pluge the ball it gets stuck under that little sil piece. It eventually rolls down to plunger but thame thing happens. Bums me out because I love that table.


New member
May 18, 2012
Since the new update I have been playing around with various Zac tables, but somehow the physics feel different, I can't put my finger on it. The ball speed seems too high as well, I set flipper force all the way to 0 but still.. Feels all a bit like the old physics.
It just does not react and feel as good as it was before the update. Is this just my imagination? Really, it could be me, have not played it for 2 weeks.
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New member
Jul 12, 2014
Since the new update I have been playing around with various Zac tables, but somehow the physics feel different, I can't put my finger on it. The ball speed seems too high as well, I set flipper force all the way to 0 but still.. Feels all a bit like the old physics.
It just does not react and feel as good as it was before the update. Is this just my imagination? Really, it could be me, have not played it for 2 weeks.

i'm with you 100%. the ball feels very light, almost like it's floating at times.


New member
May 2, 2014
Love the scoring on the new table but not of the old tables (that I saw)'and believe are EM's have the same "reels" like that new EM. Unless I'm mistaken and the 78 tables were SS but I doubt that? !

Aerobatics is the first EM in this collection. Strike and House Of Diamonds (as Queen's Castle) were both made as EMs but these are the SS versions.


A.S.K. Homework
Apr 2, 2013
Thank you very much all of you for your feedback. Of course all of your suggestions will be take into consideration as always. :)

Anyway we haven't changed anything on physics engine, so it should be the same as in the previous update.

Flipper bump

New member
Jan 20, 2014
I didnt have much time to play Zacc sinds the last update and just like some of you guys i didnt play Zacc much during the holidays, which is good because now i play with a fresh look. and except of some things which could use some attention, this update is again a nice improvement to this collection.

I fully agree that the launcher mechanism is a step back and doesnt contribute to a more accurate launch, but im sure ASK will put some effort in to fix this,

Things i came across which could use some attention from my point of view are :

The camera preset is not memorised, so everytime after starting the app the favourite camera preset needs to be selected.

The ball is too much floating when moving while it should be more weighted / solid, also its speed is a bit to fast on certain tables while on others its okay, also slingshot, flipper & bumper force could use some finetuning on certain tables to create a bit more dynamic gameplay,

Tuning of the flippers for a more accurate aimed shot,

In general on all tables it would be good to see some more interaction between the ball and different elements on the table to create some more spectacular gameplay, cause sometimes the ball just travels from the upper to the lower playfield without actually hitting a bumper at all,

Maybe its a good thing to take the time to check the tables one by one for tuning physics and graphical issues, Lets bring Zacc to the next and final level in 2015
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Reagan Dow

New member
Jul 23, 2014
Thank you very much all of you for your feedback. Of course all of your suggestions will be take into consideration as always. :)

Anyway we haven't changed anything on physics engine, so it should be the same as in the previous update.

Happy New Year Zsolt. Thanks so much for the excellent tables and continuous updates. I have to say that you guys go WAY above and beyond, and for that we all thank you. Please add the issue on Soccer Kings. As always....,play on!!


New member
Jan 30, 2014
I've run into a problem that I mentioned in the Farfarella thread, but as it affects all tables, I will mention it here.
I had my first crash of Zaccaria. When starting a table, I got booted out to my desktop. Now, when I load a table, it is zoomed in to where the plunger view fills the screen. When I release, the view remains zoomed and follows the ball up the alley, then the screen goes brown (wood grain), then black. The score continues to increase until it drains, then I go back to the zoomed plunger view. The info graphics at the top remain the correct size. The page where all of the games are listed is fine. Just the table itself is enlarged. It is also enlarged in the preview screen before pressing play.
I have exited the app and done a hard shutdown on my iPad. The problem persists.


New member
Jan 30, 2014
Sorry! I panicked! It occurred to me to cycle through the views, and now all is well. The squirrelly thing is that when I went to try this, my view number was 314.

Correction: 341. It happened again, but at least I know how to fix it. Something is up here.
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New member
Jul 12, 2014
Seems like the app is crashing for me constantly now. Didn't have an issue with the update yesterday. played several different times but starting today any time i go to load a table the game crashes and boots me back to my iPad home screen. i'm on an iPad air with all the latest updates. rebooting doesn't help

anyone else having this issue?


New member
Sep 14, 2013
I also have crashes with any table when loading. I reinstalled Zaccaria Pinball it from the appstore but even that didn't help.

EDIT Switching off WLAN helps. i got a text about pinball news on top of the main screen with "no permission"
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Reagan Dow

New member
Jul 23, 2014
Do a hard reset. Hold both the top button and the lower middle button for a full power cycle, only letting go once the Apple, logo comes back on the screen you should then be able to play the working tables. Not Soccer kings nor Farafella or any others you know of


New member
Aug 27, 2014
Hard reset works. I think the newsfeed update is the culprit.

Having a Game Center issue on strike - I reclaimed my #1 spot yesterday (nice try Dagwood :p) and it displayed for awhile then went to unranked - so I re-beat it last night and now this morning it's back to Unranked. This happening to anyone else?


New member
Sep 14, 2013
If the top line tries to read the news feed it will crash when launching any table.

Flipper bump

New member
Jan 20, 2014
Yes the same problem here, its a bit strange because yesterday and this afternoon the app was working fine,

But just now after restarting, the app crashes everytime and the internet link to that pinball news site seems to be the problem, because indeed, after switching off my internet connection everything works just fine.

Bit of a bummer indeed cause this means Zacc can be played only with wlan off till the next update,

Please Zsolt fix this asap with a quick update.
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