Zaccaria Pinball - update v3.1


New member
May 2, 2014
I spent several months and maybe a couple hundred dollars finding the best games to fill my iPad. Lots of cool stuff. After purchasing this app, I completely stopped buying anything else, ever, from iTunes. A few months ago I realized I still needed TPA's "Firepower" so I bought that. Now I never have time to play anything else, let alone browse and purchase more apps. It just ain't happening. Hahahaha! I'm sure I'm not the only one... and Apple probably hates this app.


A.S.K. Homework
Apr 2, 2013
I have a good and a bad news for you. The good news is yesterday we have sent update 3.1 to Apple for review. The bad news is iTunesConnect will be closed for a week (from 22nd to 29th). So this update will be available after that time, if Apple doesn't make some kind of Christmas wonder and makes that review within 3 days.

Also I have updated change list at the first post because last Friday we have managed to make 2 additional changes to this updates. The one of them is that a new score reels has been implemented for Aerobatics and upcoming EM tables. The second one is, as many of you requested it, that the launcher mechanism has been renewed, so now you are able to launch a ball with more accurately.

We would like to thank you for all year long support. In the next year we would like to continue this work and make Zaccaria Pinball to one of the best pinball games. We think this app has been evolved so much this year, owing to your continuous support. Numerous awesome features have been implemented by your ideas, suggestions and remarks.

On behalf of the entire team I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


New member
May 18, 2012
Many thanks for the all the awesome work this year, and looking forward to Zaccaria updates en developments in 2015! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!


New member
Jan 30, 2014
Zsolt- Thanks for your hard work on perfecting these tables. Looking over the list of corrections, a couple of problems still need to be addressed:
1. The ball falling to the floor while plunging on Star God and Magic Castle.
2. The ball failing to kick out of and then getting stuck in the cup at the top center of Space Shuttle and the upper left of Clown.

Reagan Dow

New member
Jul 23, 2014
I was always perplexed as to why tables that I was pretty sure were EM had digital display. Thanks Zsolt. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you as well
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New member
May 2, 2014
Holy smokes what a huge list of fixes, adjustments & implementations; that's a lot of work! You guys should take at least a month off for the holidays. Will be looking forward to refurbished Zaccaria Pinball in the New Year, very exciting. Thanks so much!


New member
Sep 28, 2012
Thank you Zsolt and A.S.K team! Zaccaria pinball has become a truly good game this year and I hope this year's trend will continue to the next year as well for further improvements. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
I managed to play the free table for a couple of hours on a nephews IPad 2 mini and all I can say is this app is smokin'.

The metal and glass reflections are fantastic. I really wanted to buy dark mode and a table or two but he wouldn't take the money from me so I didn't end up buying them. They really have a good engine here and it would be good to see them implement tables from other manufacturers, and tables like Rob-o-war which Farsight will never do.

I did try the app a long time ago on an IPad Air and the physics weren't bad, but I have to say in the Sim mode now they were excellent. Plus I know there are many tuning options available.

The table really has a realistic feel to it much more than TPA on mobile. I think this is the combo of reflections, grubby fingermarks, dirty table marks, great mechanical sounds, etc. I can really see that Ask have listened to feedback from here and have implemented a ton of stuff. Hats off to them. If I buy an iOs device I will but the Gold pack, plus I will definitely buy Gold for Android when released.

This really needs a PC release to. As I said before I would pay a good price for this on PC especially with Cab support.


New member
Jul 12, 2014
This really needs a PC release to. As I said before I would pay a good price for this on PC especially with Cab support.

I would love to see ASK make a deal with some video pinball company like VP cabs to make a dedicated Zacc Machine. I'd buy that in a second.


New member
Jan 4, 2015
I've had this app on my iPad for ages but only played the free table
Cos thay don't tell you the prices of the bronze silver and gold memberships
Is there anyone in here that can tell me plz ?


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Gold is currently $18.99 or $19.99 depending in which of the Zacc apps you have. Well worth it IMO for 30+ pins that you will get.

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