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  1. kinggo

    Table Pack #56 Speculation

    no..... Radical! Radical! Radical! :D
  2. kinggo

    Now that we're up to season 6, what would be your top Ten pins to be added to TPA...

    Special Force Radical! Blackwater 100 The Shadow Fire Stargate Spectrum Congo BMX Big Guns
  3. kinggo

    Bally Midway manufacturing company 1983 -1988 have 0 tables in TPA

    Special Force, Blackwater 100 and Party Animal.
  4. kinggo

    Request Party Animals Bally

    I'll take it without songs......Not my style of music anyway.
  5. kinggo

    Request Party Animals Bally

    considering how many people dislike Dr. Dude and The Party Zone I doubt that we will ever see this one :(
  6. kinggo

    Goin' Nuts in Tournaments

    I'll take goin' nuts over safecracker any time.
  7. kinggo

    SYSTEM 11 games

    Radical! And Fire. And Road Kings.
  8. kinggo

    2.04.6 Bygs

    Sorry, but non of the above tables have similar dead zones. In fact, I never had any problems on them so I didn't even know about them. But when I launched the 1st ball on Dr Who it was like WTF, right flipper doesn't work.
  9. kinggo

    Android Dr dude

    ....but ramp shot is still way to difficult. And what's even worse, once you do get into the mix master it is as useful as limp dick. IRL on the machine that was available to me with the ball in mix master and with subtle nudges jackpots were almost 100% certain. In TPA I often need more then...
  10. kinggo

    Bug Already finding issues

    the same issue in other words.
  11. kinggo

    Bug Already finding issues

    yes, button is small and positioned way higher than all others. I keep the button in lowest position but on this one it is to high so I can't use the right flipper.
  12. kinggo

    Thank You, Farsight. Thank you thank you thank you thank you

    This really sounds like a paid ad. :D
  13. kinggo

    Eight Ball Deluxe

    No. The goal is to collect 10 specials. So one player has to collect 10 specials. DELUXE letters carry on to another game so eventually one does get all 6 (game crashed on me when I had 5 *?!*#*%). But there's no point to play this one in 4 player mode since that does not give any advantage to...
  14. kinggo

    EBD vs Centaur

    Centaur IRL looks waaaaaay better than android version in TPA.
  15. kinggo

    EBD vs Centaur

    sure. If you only grind for score. But since I need DELUXE as wizard goal and since DELUXE gives 3 specials for another wizard goal I'll stick with my previous claim.
  16. kinggo

    Eight Ball Deluxe

    For one wizard goal, blockbuster special I think.
  17. kinggo

    Eight Ball Deluxe

    4 player trick is useful in LCA. Here, not at all since everything resets between players.
  18. kinggo

    Is there anyway to merge the goals etc from different devices?

    well, FS decided to "close" beta testing on android and move that to some google whatever. And since than, end of s4, tables started to get worse. V2 just broke everything. And while access to beta for everyone may was not the best approach, for sure, end result was way better. The community is...
  19. kinggo

    EBD vs Centaur

    interesting..... What annoys me the most in EBD is that most important shots are mostly pure luck. I need ~60 shots to switch of 6 targets. Drop target can be hit pretty reliably with bottom flipper but letters.........And upper flipper shots mostly end up in the left outline.

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