I'm not a lawyer, but my understanding is that this is more true of trademarks, specifically, than of other types of intellectual property. If your trademark becomes a generic term for something ("zipper" being one of the classic horror stories), you lose grounds to sue for infringement. So you...
It's brutal! If the ball goes through the rollover lane below the pop bumper, it's amazingly hard to nudge it to pick the inlane, because it's in this constricted space until the last possible moment. This is probably the one place in TPA where I do a whole lot of tilting.
Has anyone had...
Yeah, after playing Attack from Mars on TPA, the first thing I did was to look these three tables up on IPDB to see who designed them. Attack from Mars and Medieval Madness were both Brian Eddy designs; Monster Bash was George Gomez, and note it's not quite as similar to the other two as they...
It's very much got that first-generation-solid-state feel to it: like an electromechanical table, only... more. There's a ton of stuff to hit all over the playfield. The mini-playfield is very cool, though the yawning gap at the bottom means the ball never stays there for very long.
The simple...
It's often the really brutal, fast-draining tables that hook me to play over and over and over. I think it's the old psychological phenomenon of increased effectiveness of a random reward, like in a slot machine.
It's a common characteristic of open-source/hobbyist-written software: anything you only have to do once is likely to be irritating and trouble-prone, because it doesn't bother the developers sufficiently for them to tighten up the user experience.
I'm sure there will be some users complaining that the left outlane is way too hungry now. I suspect the emulated TZ is still easier than the real table, but I haven't played it enough yet to be sure; I used to be able to get Lost In The Zone occasionally on the TPA version, and that's an...
I was going to complain that they developed an original game instead of emulating the excellent Stern table... but this game actually predates the Stern table.
(The other case that I remember frustrating me was the 1998 PC "Star Trek Pinball" simulation, which implemented several tables that...
Dr. Dude is one I remember seeing, but not actually playing.
Firepower is one of my all-time favorites, thanks to PHoF (though I recently got the chance to play a real one at long last). This seems to put me in a minority, but it's a historically important table, anyway.
Haven't played AFM or Genie yet, because Google seems to have decided to force me to set up a Google Wallet account to buy them, and I haven't done that yet.
I'm having fun playing the tables I already own, because I got my hands on a device larger than my phone. Some of the touchscreen...
...as TPA/PHoF players probably already know, Gorgar (1979) was the first with speech.
Firepower was not only the first solid-state multiball (and the one that made multiball a common feature), but also the first table with a player-controlled "lane change" feature for its rollover lanes. With...
I think The King's Ransom in Black Knight 2000 is often regarded as one of the first wizard modes, but I'm not sure if it was the first (it probably depends on definitions; for many early multiball tables, multiball was quite hard to get and was the wizard mode).
I think Jersey Jack knows exactly what they're doing with the theme: as the NYT article suggested, they're trying to get beyond the aging-brodude market. It's an ancient theme, of course, but everyone knows it.
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