Thanks Joe! Glad you enjoyed it and found it of use. I'm still new at this video making thing so please let me know if there is anything I can improve on or that you would like to see differently that will make it more useful for the viewer.
Patience... easy for you to say with full knowledge of what is coming next and when :p
I'm patient but also don't mind a bit of wild speculation based on a possible connection a friend made ;) On 25 October it will be 20 years since Williams closed its doors. What if the tables that will...
The World Cup in South Africa was amazing! I attended a few games live and at the fan stadiums. It was so good for the unity in the country (irrespective of all the corruption behind the organisation of the event).
Trolling the King of Payne! Williams Medieval Madness
In this tips and strategy guide video for Williams Medieval Madness on Classic Arcade in Pinball FX3, I show and explain how you can go about to reach and hopefully complete the Battle for Kingdom wizard mode. I also show a few differences...
Oh... sorry, forgot to add that on the previous Blahcade podcast, Shutyertrap said that the vol 4 flipper physics will not be ready yet for Vol 1-3 with the next release.
Good point. Even on Discord there are only a vocal minority (including myself ;-) ) that brings up these kind a thoughts and issues so more people agree / disagreeing with things said will inform Zen better. At least Deep on Facebook once responded to a question about the vol 4 physics in vol...
Multiball fishiness and unnatural bumps on Fish Tales
Pardon all the fishy puns jumping upstream from my twitter feed :p In about an hours play last night I had all these kinds of strangeness and weirdness happening. Is this normal behaviour or is there something broken? If it is broken, then I...
Medieval Madness: The King of all Kingdoms... sort of
I must admit, this table has been kicking my butt for the last couple of days. Anyway, there is hope especially as I could get the achievement.
Yet again, Zen Studios was way too kind with the achievement in that you don’t have to...
Wait for a sale and give that last pack a shot. All three the tables pleasantly surprised me and I really enjoyed the varied challenge that each presented and don't forget the amazing upgraded flipper physics. Hurricane doesn't have much variation but what it has going for it is that feeling...
Yeah... IOS is not the best medium for Pinball FX3 Williams tables. For that you need a PC or a console where you just outright buy the tables. Then all the gimmicky stuff is very easy to avoid i.e. I haven't once upgraded any of the powerups or special features or whatever. I just play...
Zen pretty much sold their soul to the devil with the Star Wars release on Switch. Sorry, me just being facetious due to my frustration of that being a non-event in my life as a not Switch owner and keen for some more Williams tables ;-). I'll also be happy for new originals, but unfortunately...
Strategy video with commentary for Theatre of Magic on Classic Arcade(+Single Player)
In this game where I got the 500 million bonus for the Grand Finale and made 6.3 Billion for a Top 5 score on Classic Arcade, I give commentary on the clear and successful strategy I followed.
I based my...
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