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  1. W

    Idea for kickstarter drives

    Seeing the issues people have with how their kickstarter pledges have turned out, how about for future kickstarters get some unique stuff available at different pledge levels such as pinball-related tshirts or the like to entice them to pledge? I was a latecomer to PBA (glancing at screenshots...
  2. W

    Well I just got this table... [iOS]

    If there's a pinball-eating monster living in the left side outlane, I'm sure keeping it well fed...
  3. W

    What about Big Bang Bar?

    Doesn't have anything to do with rarity.. While I feel lucky to have 2 pinball arcades within driving distance, anything other than those 60 tables are equally rare (games I'll never see)... In fact, it's because I played the actual machine and liked it that I want it.
  4. W

    Tacky IP/Great Machines

    I really like the newest Wheel of Fortune pinball game despite having absolutely zero interest in the game show.. The theme gives it a creative/unique feel (the same reason I like that NBA pinball game.)
  5. W

    What about Big Bang Bar?

    Played BBB at SS Billiards in Hopkins, MN. Definitely one I'd love to see on PBA, but I understand the difficulties for that to ever happen :(
  6. W

    TZ is up.. (1.2.1 Feedback and Discussion)

    I'm disappointed in tournament mode. I'm sure that there's others for who it's what they want, but in my case I was hoping for something to do a 4 player tournament locally, for when me and friends get together to play.. Like the challenge mode in PHoF.
  7. W

    TZ is up.. (1.2.1 Feedback and Discussion)

    Anything special need to be done beyond the obvious to achieve the "Activate Lost in the Zone" goal? Playing on an iPad 2, not the pro-table. Already had the Wizard Goals unlocked before starting the game. Got through all the 14 door bonuses and played through the 'everything's activated' Lost...
  8. W

    Why The Recent Emphasis On Licensed Tables?

    Apparently except Jive Time (they mentioned it being less popular, and I wonder if they also want to keep something unique to PBoF)
  9. W

    Bug 14.000 bonus standard goal

    I got that goal when I lit 14 balls on one of the first 3 balls. I'm guessing they meant "Score all 14 balls at 1000pts/ball"
  10. W

    Trying to remember pinball game

    I think so, that was quick! The voice is more annoying than I remembered... I didn't have many pinball games in my local arcade back then to choose from (I probably just didn't know where to look for a better arcade then)
  11. W

    Trying to remember pinball game

    It was from the 1980s, and I mistakenly thought it was caled Royal Flush, but its not. It had a king and queen and iirc a slight midevil feel to it, and the center part (perhaps raised from the bottom of the playfield, I can't remember) is where it had the place where you got poker-hand style...

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