Finally getting around to playing this. So far I like. Glad it doesn't have the rolly polly ball physics.
Agreed on the right orbit...DANG it's tough to hit. I enjoy a challenge though so no biggie. Gonna have to read the rules on this one, I have no idea what I'm doing. :P
Well how could you not agree? The ball rolls and bounces much more on these. FS has had 3 or 4 different physics "tunings" as the game progresses. I guess it just depends on which programmer tunes the particular table as to what we will get. I'd rather not have anything floaty, bouncy, or roll...
Good riddance. We are discussing a digital pinball game here, never should it come to personal attacks and abuse.
I have never had anything but full trust in the mods here and their ban hammer usage. I'm confident all the bans were warranted.
I like both, but TPA is better. TPA is much more consistent for making the shots. On most VP tables, the shots wont go where they logically should go off the flipper. Some shots are impossible to make. Anything not off the tip of the flipper seems to angle in an odd direction. Maybe the new...
I didn't say you did. You said it was unplayable. Which it isn't, it's just difficult, like real pinball. It's supposed to be a challenge. I like it.
This table is up there with Fish Tales, Dr Dude, Gorgar, and Firepower as one of my favorites in TPA. Bring on the difficulty!
Ok I take issue with most of this. I think this table is a step in the right direction for FS. I can understand if you don't like the theme, but this table really does play well as a recreation.
It's funny to me because the first post in this thread is about how easy it is, now you say it's...
Just got around to getting this table. Wow I'm impressed! Plays very well. I like the speed of it, and it's challenging. Doesn't seem too easy for me on android.
:confused: does look like that on mobile. Maybe not as bright, there's a flash or light shining on the playfield in the pic I posted making it brighter. On my android version it looks very similar, I'll see if I can post a screen later.
The brownish look is not realistic. Here is a pic of the real thing:
I sort of see what they are going for. It seems they are trying to color the playfield as it would look in a darkened room with the glow of the table lighting. But the without the actual lighting effects, it looks strange to...
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