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  1. superballs

    Pinball Arcade Chat Room

    So, uh, uh, uh, hey, what's up guys? Let's get some chat on boyeess
  2. superballs

    Hardwired... To Self Destruct

    But he's your only hope Sent from my SM-N910W8 using Tapatalk
  3. superballs

    Hardwired... To Self Destruct

    Actually if it's a boy I'm going all out nerd and it will be Obi Wan, a girl will be named Padme (luckily my wife likes Natalie Portman) Sent from my SM-N910W8 using Tapatalk
  4. superballs

    Hardwired... To Self Destruct

    I'm more than happy with them but next year (will have to discuss this with my wife as we found out yesterday that a little superballs is in production) we are looking to upgrade the subwoofer to dual svs pb-2000s. For the price (they are icons rebranded as reference for those who are very...
  5. superballs

    License expiration for TZ, STTNG and T2

    Sorry, with family mode enabled by default, we would never hear that line anyway.
  6. superballs

    Hardwired... To Self Destruct

    Hey, I'm going to necro the crap out of this thread just to say, I had gotten the album in and listened to it and it's awesome. I then got a new set of Klipsch speakers (all around), and re-built my home theater and listened to it again. It's really really good.
  7. superballs

    Hardwired... To Self Destruct

    No hairy. That's pee wee Herman meets metal. Sent from my SM-N910W8 using Tapatalk
  8. superballs

    Can We Be Done With The Gottlieb Premiers Now?

    Yup. A lot happening around here. Finally finalized my divorce after 9 years and getting married on the 30th of December. Now to try and find a way to keep in touch a little easier but as per the last conersation. It's nice to have my privacy and I get really annoyed at some of the crap people...
  9. superballs

    Centigrade 37 and Jacks Open Are Live

    What happened to your ios account?
  10. superballs

    Hardwired... To Self Destruct

    Lol the cd. Didn't even know they had dropped an album. Damn the day I got old enough to let an album slip by me Sent from my SM-N910W8 using Tapatalk
  11. superballs

    Centigrade 37 and Jacks Open Are Live

    So, you mean like Stern's Roller Coaster Tycoon?
  12. superballs

    Can We Be Done With The Gottlieb Premiers Now?

    Speaking of coming back and haunting us all. Hi Jeff, how you been?
  13. superballs

    Now that we're up to season 6, what would be your top Ten pins to be added to TPA...

    I used to play it at a bar when I was a kid. That and I think John Elway's Quarterback football (coin-op) where you had to pull back and let go of this spring loaded stick to pass. Fun times.
  14. superballs

    Now that we're up to season 6, what would be your top Ten pins to be added to TPA...

    FINALLY! Someone other than me who wants Triple Strike Man, I love that game, it's so simple and frustrating and fun and rage-inducing
  15. superballs

    Hardwired... To Self Destruct

    Intrigued Ordered
  16. superballs

    4 fookin years!

    OG in the house. Sent from my SM-N910W8 using Tapatalk
  17. superballs

    Some EMs to drool over!

    I so want Triple Strike. I mean, if I ask for it for four years it's sure to be in TPA sometime right?
  18. superballs

    The Nintendo NX Has a Name, and That Name is Robert Paulson

    New Zelda will most definitely be on this. I may even consider getting the Wii U version and keeping it shrink wrapped for 10 years or so. Battery life at 4-6 hours is about what I'm expecting, but if we can use a battery pack (i have a 20,000maH battery for my phone) to extend that I'm good...
  19. superballs

    The Nintendo NX Has a Name, and That Name is Robert Paulson

    I'm pretty stoked about this thing. It's flexible, looks to be somewhat powerful, and basically everything the Wii U SHOULD have been. Pokemon GO did show us that people are willing to go out and game socially. For me, well I can play my games while taking a crap if I want to, my Wii U...
  20. superballs

    The Nintendo NX Has a Name, and That Name is Robert Paulson

    I mean...Nintendo Switch If you haven't seen the reveal trailer yet...well:

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