If only matey! I always end up miles away from anywhere much less a bar!
That said, the most recent in Northwich is slap bang opposite a new huge pub with cracking grub. My luck is changing at last...
Know what you mean Chris. Budget hotels we have in the UK I have to stay in for work, have widescreen TV's but a 4:3 picture stretched to fit!!!! Aaaaarrrrggggghhhhh
No matter what you say to reception, they just don't get it!!! Is it that hard????
I reckon that trumps your cable guy mate
This does look good but as Jeff has said, it's daft. We knew you were agreeing Andy.
Would it be that tough to produce an iPad controller? Sure it needs enough buttons to support the additional function as Jeff S has stated, but I reckon it needs a good bit of weight to it too.
With the iPad...
Hate to ask Doc cos you probably have, but have you emailed FS support? They get good comments here plus some of the employees look in from time to time.
May well be FS log in related. There are threads in the IOS area that will point the way.
I use the same email PW for all TPA related...
Just happened to me. Hit start, previous TA ball lost, then carried on. Gutted.
Easy fix FS? Quick? Please? Cos this has to be many people's fave table so far.....
I got the mame IOS app for the 20 seconds it was available Nik.
Gonna have a try this weekend on my PC though. Have a feeling that's on the way of the Dodo as it runs slower than an asthmatic ant with very heavy shopping...... Reckon I need the Janet and John guide to setting it up though cos...
Wasn't the Jaguar two 32 bit machines effectively bolted together?
Anyway the nvidia kit looks pretty cool to me...
Always wanted to get into mame and pinmame but never got them working. Having a PC that precedes Jesus doesn't help I guess....
You and I separated at birth Chris. I'd get AVPR on bluray if you haven't already simply cos its an excellent transfer making things much easier to see.
I have exactly the same feelings toward Alien Resurrection as you. I always find though when you put Brad Dourif in something when he hasn't...
Wasnt Waterworld the movie equivalent to standing in a shower ripping up £50 notes?
Anyhow, so far in 2013 watched all 4 alien movies on bluray, both AVP's and T2.
You can tell there's a sale on
Love the award nominations Chris...
My award for What's the Point? Goes to the entire Twilight...
I'm with you Fungi, CV isn't worth the trouble but ST:TNG; absolutely brilliant.
Brutal punishment for poor shots, but real reward when accuracy improves with practice. Just as I remember the real mccoy if you'll excuse the pun.
I'm finding view 1 miles easier than any of the others, anyone agree?
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