Speaking of Alpha 2 Gold, Jeff, are you sure that isn't the version you've been playing? In A2G you activate CCs with HP+HK and it costs 1.5 instead of 1.
The annoying part is I was going to trade it in the next day. Had to wait for the body shop to finish it. So then I was gonna trade it in today. Yesterday the exhaust fell off.
This car won't leave me alone.
You forgot Ozzie and Harriet.
George and Jane Jetson sometimes too but their bed(s) varied constantly.
Probably, but I was never concerned with the actual point of the post to begin with. :p
Yeah, not sure what's going on there. That is the correct activation method. You should be seeing it work at least sometimes. And it certainly shouldn't be activating randomly.
The latter is better. Once you get comfortable with it your success rate will increase. You can utilize negative edge in SF games as well. Negative edge is essentially entering a command with a button release. Try doing a hadouken with it. Press and hold punch, do the QCF input, and release...
The difficulty changes were most likely requested by the European distributors. WMS usually complied with changes that foreign distributors asked for. Germans and Italians liked extra challenging pins.
Same experience I had yesterday when I went to fire up some TPA. I couldn't believe how slow it felt. I originally thought TPA would be good for tiding me over while waiting for my favorites in FX3, but man, now I dunno.
You mean now that you have this and have gotten into VPX. :p
At least they fixed it 20 years later.
Great pics, guys. I especially enjoy seeing the Thunderbirds, proper art Lost in Space, Mafia and as always Farfalla.
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