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  1. kinggo

    "First" impressions

    and not just that. What's more annoying is that 90% of those drains are bounces from the left slingshot. And that happens so fast that there's nothing one can do.
  2. kinggo

    Pinball that has been featured on TV and in movies

    it is obviously The Getaway
  3. kinggo

    Table of the Week Club...week 6: NO GOOD GOFERS!

    what bulletin crap? I don't see anything special. About the NGG, finally it is playable. One of my favourites. Cleared all goals long time ago. But I'm nowhere near those crazy scores.
  4. kinggo

    [ANDROID] Zaccaria Pinball update v1.04

    well, after 4 or 5 reboots now it is working. But it still isn't full screen once the game starts.
  5. kinggo

    [ANDROID] Zaccaria Pinball update v1.04

    hmmm........ can't start v1-04. Actually, I can, but then my tablet reboots after that ASK screen. Samsung Galaxy Tab GT-p1 with CM11 (4.4.4). v1-03 was OK except that I didn't have the game in full screen, bottom of the screen had a black stripe of ~30pix high.
  6. kinggo

    BREAKING NEWS: New Difficulty Mode w/ Separate Leaderboards Coming!

    I don't know, since TPA works just fine without it I'll also stay away from it. I know that this is very unlikely scenario but google likes to pull the plug on their services.
  7. kinggo

    BREAKING NEWS: New Difficulty Mode w/ Separate Leaderboards Coming!

    well, every other platform has a dedicated leaderborad for this or that reason, even those obscured and (un)suported ones but 2 totally different of the 3 most popular platforms are crammed together. And it's not that they actally maintain them, there's plenty of bogus scores there.
  8. kinggo

    BREAKING NEWS: New Difficulty Mode w/ Separate Leaderboards Coming!

    I agree. But that happen maybe 5x in 2 years and countless numbers of games. I know, but still......... I did play a few games of TPA on PC and it is to easy. While I'm 100% on this idea, it still won't solve the issue that PC and android players are on the same leader borad and that HOF...
  9. kinggo

    BREAKING NEWS: New Difficulty Mode w/ Separate Leaderboards Coming!

    how about separating PC from android? Because I don't have issues with marathon games on android. Sure, sometimes I do have longer games but I still didn't find the one that I can go on forever no matter what the PC guys are telling. I think that I never had a game longer than 45 minutes. Which...
  10. kinggo

    Four flipper buttons? Outlane and centre drain plugs?

    man, sometimes I'm so glad that I grew up in a state with with very liberal/ pro-western comunism where nobody cared about such a trivial BS.
  11. kinggo

    "First" impressions

    OK, some 50 games later I learned to control myself and leave that thing flipper alone. About the game itself... I still don't find it to be THAT great.
  12. kinggo

    WIsh I had gotten in on the tuning...

    +1 those damn magnets make multiball useless and annoying
  13. kinggo

    "First" impressions

    well, the movie wasn't popular here so they probably didn't want to go with pinballs
  14. kinggo

    "First" impressions

    I'll play it a bit more before any impressions. I never played one IRL, I hated the movie and I was very reserved about this one as "the greatest/best table ever".
  15. kinggo

    WIsh I had gotten in on the tuning...

    so stop complaining and switch to platform that actually makes TPA challenging :D. Because chair is not easily shot from both flippers, you cannot trap the ball from kickouts every time just by holding up the flipper, especially not from the right one.
  16. kinggo

    Is this broken for anyone else?

    I completed ransom by getting M from wheel and had the same thing. I had to launch the balls to start ransom but the camera was locked on the plunger.
  17. kinggo

    TPA Hardcore Porn Videos Thread

    meh........ don't like much the new ones. I don't know is it because I am old and boring or is it because movies are plain stupid and not just silly stupid like before. The only one from last 10 years or so that I really liked is Vampires Suck. OK, and Epic Movie because of Stifler's mom :D
  18. kinggo

    TPA Hardcore Porn Videos Thread

    And Top secret belongs here The problem with most of those movies from early teen days is that they didn't age well. Partly because they were crap even then, partly becase we are much older now. But still, there are ones that are decent and funny even now. Those two, then Hot Shots, Airplane...
  19. kinggo

    TPA Hardcore Porn Videos Thread

    I've seen this one like a 100 times and I could always watch it again. The same goes for Top Secret.

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