WIsh I had gotten in on the tuning...


Active member
Feb 14, 2013
Here's a challenge.

Start TOur the mansion... in trial mode.

Yes, it's possible. y9ou must colelct the 3 million and 9 million rooms, and time out tunnel hunt and seance, and not waste too much time hitting naything not the bear kick ramp, the chair, and the bumpers ( to skip the 6 million award.


Nov 23, 2013
To easy? Have you tried the PC version?

I don´t know why I was so into many of the pinball arcade tables when released. Guess I played to much FX/2. Every pinball table released this season have really bad graphics, super bad audio. Weird physics and is incredibly drainhappy.

This table don´t even have a ball saver so you get these 1 second multiballs where the ball drop so you don´t even have a chance. And every time you hit the ball with the left upper flipper you risk a drain. And it´s to easy we live in different galaxies :p
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New member
Dec 23, 2012
Is "The Power" that strong on a real table? (I haven't ever found a real one to play)
On the android version: From a cradle on the left flipper you can hit a full power shot up to the bear kicks ramp, but when active "The Power" will sometimes stop the ball completely and throw it back to you.

I agree that the swamp and chair kickouts are very easy to handle (catch or bounce pass), Farsight should add a little randomness to those.


New member
Mar 12, 2013
Is "The Power" that strong on a real table? (I haven't ever found a real one to play)
On the android version: From a cradle on the left flipper you can hit a full power shot up to the bear kicks ramp, but when active "The Power" will sometimes stop the ball completely and throw it back to you.

I agree that the swamp and chair kickouts are very easy to handle (catch or bounce pass), Farsight should add a little randomness to those.

Yes, the Power is that strong in RL.


Active member
Feb 9, 2014
I agree its' probably more difficult on mobile, but I play on PC.
so stop complaining and switch to platform that actually makes TPA challenging :D. Because chair is not easily shot from both flippers, you cannot trap the ball from kickouts every time just by holding up the flipper, especially not from the right one.


New member
Feb 8, 2014
Hmm. Trying to remember as many of the different TAFs I've played IRL. But IIRC on a well-maintained table, the Swamp kickout is rarely "random" and is always an easy catch or bounce off the right flipper. The Chair is a bit trickier but that's more a product of the angle the ball takes. Condition of the flippers is also important. In TPA they're always "perfect". There's very little wrong with the tuning here in my opinion - it's easier because it's video pinball. As usual I expect my tablet experience to be harder than on my PC.


New member
Jul 21, 2013
I have no complaints it's challenging as hell for me on my iPad 3. I agree with you (kinggo) you can't trap the ball at all you have to keep on your toes with nudge. I love the challenge TPA did a fantastic job with TAF.
Folks will never be happy period. I'am soo happy to own this table. Looking forward to the PS4 release of this table next month sometime. Back to flipping!


Mar 5, 2014
It's a sweet table for sure, and I think Farsight did a great job getting out the kickstarter rewards so quickly. All in all it looks like a nice release! Kudos!!

The perfect predictable kickouts from the Swamp and Chair makes the game way easy IMO, but that's an issue with most digital tables and was expected. I have never played a TAF table where you can both catch and deadpass 100% from both kickouts, and I've played loads of TAF tables. Many players will probably be able to play forever with the easily repeatable extra balls. The Power is stronger than anything I've seen, but that's not a bad thing. The Vault shot is easier than on tables I've played, but the Thing ramp(?? the one to the left of the center "bearkick" ramp) is much harder. I have seen some issues where the ball phase through solid objects, mostly around the bookcase/vault but also the chair and on occasion a shot to the side ramp ends up in the bumper area or makes a full loop around to the upper flipper. Similar to how a hard shot to the cellar on Whirlwind can send the ball to the bumpers or even into the lock lane.

Should the Thing multiball countdown start this fast? It's impossible to set it to 15M, and I think that can be done on the real table. Very minor issue though so it doesn't matter :)


Active member
Jul 21, 2012
It's a sweet table for sure, and I think Farsight did a great job getting out the kickstarter rewards so quickly. All in all it looks like a nice release! Kudos!!

The perfect predictable kickouts from the Swamp and Chair makes the game way easy IMO, but that's an issue with most digital tables and was expected. I have never played a TAF table where you can both catch and deadpass 100% from both kickouts, and I've played loads of TAF tables. Many players will probably be able to play forever with the easily repeatable extra balls. The Power is stronger than anything I've seen, but that's not a bad thing. The Vault shot is easier than on tables I've played, but the Thing ramp(?? the one to the left of the center "bearkick" ramp) is much harder. I have seen some issues where the ball phase through solid objects, mostly around the bookcase/vault but also the chair and on occasion a shot to the side ramp ends up in the bumper area or makes a full loop around to the upper flipper. Similar to how a hard shot to the cellar on Whirlwind can send the ball to the bumpers or even into the lock lane.

Should the Thing multiball countdown start this fast? It's impossible to set it to 15M, and I think that can be done on the real table. Very minor issue though so it doesn't matter :)

After some 15-20 games I must say that Gus summed it up just perfectly. No sense in repeating his words... :)


New member
Feb 8, 2014
It's a sweet table for sure, and I think Farsight did a great job getting out the kickstarter rewards so quickly. All in all it looks like a nice release! Kudos!!

The perfect predictable kickouts from the Swamp and Chair makes the game way easy IMO, but that's an issue with most digital tables and was expected. I have never played a TAF table where you can both catch and deadpass 100% from both kickouts, and I've played loads of TAF tables. Many players will probably be able to play forever with the easily repeatable extra balls. The Power is stronger than anything I've seen, but that's not a bad thing. The Vault shot is easier than on tables I've played, but the Thing ramp(?? the one to the left of the center "bearkick" ramp) is much harder. I have seen some issues where the ball phase through solid objects, mostly around the bookcase/vault but also the chair and on occasion a shot to the side ramp ends up in the bumper area or makes a full loop around to the upper flipper. Similar to how a hard shot to the cellar on Whirlwind can send the ball to the bumpers or even into the lock lane.

Should the Thing multiball countdown start this fast? It's impossible to set it to 15M, and I think that can be done on the real table. Very minor issue though so it doesn't matter :)

I've got the 15M a couple of times, both when starting the countdown from a Bear Kick. From the Chair or Swamp it's impossible.


New member
Jun 4, 2012
well just getting a feel for the ****s and rules but i can see it turning into a grind for a highscore, tho with the luckmof thenirish i dropoed five ball in a row ...ahem

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
Yeah, impossible on TPA but is it on the real deal?
14.1M is about the fastest I've seen anyone do it from the Swamp on a real table when Thing Multiball was not spotted from a Bear Kick. 13.7M from the Chair.

Also, both the Swamp and Chair kickouts are (usually) easily controllable on real tables with some very light nudging.


Active member
Feb 14, 2013
I still think it's easy. :)

but here's some more observations.

It's in theory possible to dead bounce the chair and get the 15 million from thing multiball. but just try it. you will always miss it in TPA. that's the only way to do it form the chair in real life. To do it reliably at all, you gotta spot it from the bear kick or do it from the tour. Same is true in real life. The thign ramp is shot most easily after a bear kick. this is true in real life as well.

chair, ramp, thing will NOT get you the 15 million in real life.

That power is not quite THAT strong in real life. it will not bring a flip to a dead stop like that.

From a trap, flip halfway down the flipper from the right. it goes right into the chair. Keep practicing. :)

From a trap on the left flip early. if it hits the left post you flipped too early. do it right and it cleanly drops in. Just keep trying. you will know when you've dialed in the shot. Trying to shoot the chair under any other circumstance is asking for a drain. :)

You can hold pass balls going down the thing flips lane to transfer to the right flipper, then shoot the bear kick ramp to cash in thing flips. this doesn't work so well in real life.

The side ramp is, oddly, harder than real life. This makes super bear kick and 10 million plus the toughest goals. I got 4 way combo after a couple games.

holy hell that power. it makes multiball insanely difficult to exploit. While in real life it can and will carry a slow moving ball clear across the playfield, and can make your well aimed shot from a lower flipper miss, it will not actually CATCH it for you.

PS. just tried the table in IOS, and i WAS able to catch the kickouts. try changing your camera angle if you can't catch them.
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Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I can catch a kickout from the swamp every single time on the PC. Unless you are using the golf ball, then no dice. I cannot hit the Thing ramp from a caught ball on the right flipper for the life of me. It's happened, but rare. Conversely, shooting the Bear ramp and then shooting Thing from that? I'm like 85% of the time. And yeah, that side ramp for million plus is killing me. I just can't get the timing of it for shooting with any consistency. Makes for that particular wizard goal to be the one I'm absolutely struggling with.

I'm gonna be very curious to see how this all translates to the next time I play this at league. I never knew what the hell I was doing before!


Active member
Feb 9, 2014
holy hell that power. it makes multiball insanely difficult to exploit. While in real life it can and will carry a slow moving ball clear across the playfield, and can make your well aimed shot from a lower flipper miss, it will not actually CATCH it for you.
those damn magnets make multiball useless and annoying


New member
Jul 21, 2013
When are the IOS custom balls releasing? Are there pics of all the custom balls available? Just curious.
Does anyone have Gold Edition pics to share with us? PC or IOS.

Another question: If I play Brunswick Bowling app. are those the TAF custom balls or are they different from TAF pack that is coming soon? Thanks!

I just downloaded Bowling app. so are all those custom balls transferable to TPA app. ?
Obviously these are just for looks because they are not the TAF custom balls with physics.

I'am correct?????


New member
Nov 6, 2013
Yes, the Power is that strong in RL.

IMHO, nope. I've never played a TAF with a Power *that* noticeable. It's fine, though, it makes up for some of the other factors that will be easier due to video pinball.

Although the kickouts are predictable, this is video pinball. Also, they could be decently predictable in real life. In real life, getting a good bear ramp -> electric chair rhythm going was quite possible.

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