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  1. W

    Pinball FX 3 Steam - System Requirements for Maximum Settings

    I ordered a laptop on black Friday (should be arriving in a few days) partially as a secondary gaming system (wanted it to be able to run most games at high settings) and went with a 1060 max-Q. There are 3 versions of the 1060; 1060 3Gb, 1060 6Gb, and 1060 max-Q with the latter being same as a...
  2. W

    Company of heroes 2 free today on humble!

    Its free again until 10th December. I bought it for not a lot (about £10 with all the main DLC) in the March 2016 Humble Bundle with a pile of other strategy game (did try one of the others!). Keep going back to the original version...
  3. W

    Pinballwiz45b -- Tournament Thread

    Think the high score in your Fish Tales tournament can't be beaten now (challenging enough for me to only get 6th!). Todays update seems to have changed it from Zen physics, to tournament physics (start game, raise left flipper - what, where did the ball go!).
  4. W

    Fish Tales

    Had half a dozen more goes at video mode and got the extra ball once. Are you sure its 3 of each boat, I'm sure I got that sometimes without the EB appearing? Also on one of those games where I let the balls drain after trying the video mode I got the match at the end - before that I thought...
  5. W

    Fish Tales

    Been playing a bit more Fish Tales this week, and discovered I've been playing the video mode wrong. I was aiming for the waterskiers and avoiding the other one; what I didn't realise is that there is the possibility of getting an extra ball in that mode, trying to hit everything I've seen it...
  6. W

    Official Williams Volume 2 news

    Also very good that while Zen must have internal targets for when they expect tables to be released, they don't say something like pack 3 will be released in mid-March (or whenever their target actually is), but wait until its nearly ready before announcing a release date so if it needs an extra...
  7. W

    Pinball FX3 & other Pinball sales

    Steam sale started, most FX3 tables are 50% or 60% off (2 are 70% off, 2 are 30% off); extra 20% off the season bundles which is there all the time (the Han Solo tables have completed Star Wars season 2). I've just bought everything I didn't already have for £34.64 (think its about £75 for...
  8. W

    BlahCade #156: Williams Pinball Volume 2: Release Retrospective

    New tables look fun. Interesting wild speculation there - wonder how long Farsight's license with Stern lasts for, forward planning for 2021 or 2022? Maybe that is the only way Simpsons pinball party will be done, seems even less likely that Farsight will make it now than a couple of years...
  9. W

    Maybe I have an addiction as I’ve clocked 100 steam hrs since Williams Vol 1. OMG

    LotRO (Lord of the Rings Online) I've logged 3091 hours in 6.5 years (does include some idling, and its a truly massive game), Team Fortress 2 1023 hours in 7.5 years (that was the game I "discovered" Steam from), nothing else remotely close. Skyrim 15 hours, just didn't get going with it...
  10. W

    Cabinet Users Requests. Just in case Zen decide to give us even more love & attention

    See sounds like its exactly what you were asking for.
  11. W

    Williams' Collection Volume 3 guesses

    Ah, in that case much less likely to be in the next pack. I thought it was just generic monsters (Dracula, Frankenstein's monster, etc.) but I was wrong.
  12. W

    Williams' Collection Volume 3 guesses

    Just being sensible so far releasing tables they know people want. They can afford to take risks later on, but these first 3 packs (at the very least) need to establish a decent player base for them. If they get to pack 10 and pick a dud that 50%+ pass on buying they can afford to chance it then.
  13. W

    Don’t forget our little goodie box is opened tomorrow Thurs 15th Nov

    See posts #4 & 19 in the Official Williams Volume 2 news thread. Short answer is no.
  14. W

    Williams' Collection Volume 3 guesses

    Is the short answer of most guesses to look at the guesses for volume 2 and remove the tables actually getting release in volume 2? That said, you could well be right with Monster Bash - would make it one of each of the tables Chicago Gaming remade in each of the first 3 packs, and we know...
  15. W

    By Zens tease announcement I’m guessing the next volume has AFM in! Ohhh Yeah!

    Well as you are asking there is (around the 11 minute mark), a maniacal rabbit versus giant Abraham Lincoln (played it a few years ago which is why I remember).
  16. W

    By Zens tease announcement I’m guessing the next volume has AFM in! Ohhh Yeah!

    Maybe that will be something for pack 12 - not likely to be anytime soon, but if they can find say 2 views where it works from, could just have those; its either that or change how the effects at the back work entirely, possibly closer to inspired by than a direct copy? One thing that is for...
  17. W

    Pack 2 - Williams' collection guesses

    Well, the US does have a perverted logic where guns are concerned.
  18. W

    Pinball FX3 & other Pinball sales 27 retro Zaccaria tables for US$1.00 or £0.79. Not technically a sale, but its close to free, and is indeed free for those who have bought the ordinary versions of the tables.
  19. W

    BlahCade Weekly Zen Tournament

    Are there some weeks without a tournament?
  20. W

    TNT Amusements Inc. videos

    He sure makes a lot of videos (only seen about 5 of them). I found #1192 from 2 years ago that I found interesting. Most of it showing how a pinball table is made at the factory, after an interesting way to turn right at the start!

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